Fxck it button WALLO267

[ __ ] what they think

the reality is you got to have that

[ __ ] button in order to win in life

a lot of us journey through life and

we’re being pimped by people future

perceptions of us

we don’t move because we want to move we

don’t wear what we want to wear

we don’t think what we want to think a

lot of us don’t even own our minds

we have these ideas we got dreams but

we’re never going to materialize our


because we’re afraid to activate our

[ __ ] button

yeah that [ __ ] button everybody got

him but we a lot of us

are afraid to discover that moment where

you just say [ __ ] it and let it go

[ __ ] what they think in order to make it

in life you got to be brave

and you got to be comfortable with self

you can’t be worrying about what’s going

on in

the stands you talking about you’re a

star how are you a star

how how are you a star how are you a

move making a shaker in life

but you’re so fascinated with what’s

going on in the stands

you’re so fascinated with the onset oh

they’re going to laugh at me about this

they gonna laugh at me about this they

gonna say this they’re gonna say that

they’re going so what [ __ ] what they


you got to activate that button with

your button broke

what you’re afraid of when are you going

to start living huh

when are you going to finally start

living and stop worrying about the


stop counting the likes stop counting

who sent your picture around

who did this who did no they ain’t got

nothing to do with winning

that button got something to do with

winning the way

that you give people power over you by

their ideas

of you that’s none of your business you

need to mind your business

see when you activate your [ __ ]

button that’s when you minding your


because you understand one thing that

you understand

oh that’s their thoughts that belong to

them and i’m minding their business

when you value or you give attention to

how people see you

that what people got to say about you

how people judge you

how they looking at you why they ain’t

looking at you why they ain’t saying

great things about you

you lost the game is over and you

deactivate your [ __ ] button

[ __ ] what they think you got to push it

all the way through in life if you

really want to win

but you know what the reality is winning

ain’t for everybody

i’m sorry to be ever i don’t i don’t

really want to tell you this but i got


nobody else got enough heart to tell you

this i gotta tell

willow 267 got to tell you this they got

to tell you this you know why

because you’re afraid so guess what

you’re going to go through life and

you’re going to lose every day

you know why because you’re a tv and

people opinions are the remote controls

of your life

you can’t even move you can’t even think

you don’t know where to go

i want to go to this restaurant but it

ain’t a crowd there so a lot of people

didn’t give me

you know the approval to say that that’s

a good place to go because i didn’t see

a crowd there

the food the same they make burgers okay

it’s a burger

i mean it’s well it’s a burger bro but

no it wasn’t no line out there

we allow people to do decision making

for us

because we’re so fascinated we’re so

enslaved with people opinions over us

and we’re scared to push that [ __ ]

button me i got extraordinary [ __ ]


and i’m making this my [ __ ] button

every day and i you know and i encourage

everybody out there

to first discover your [ __ ] button

you got to discover it once you discover

it once you acknowledge it

once you see it you got to take it and

you got to nourish that [ __ ] button

like a baby

you got to take care of your [ __ ]

button because you don’t want it to

break because when it break you’re going

to be out here

stuck see one thing about life you die

once but you live every day when you’re

gonna start living huh

where you gonna start living huh when is

you gonna say [ __ ] and start living

think about that when is you gonna start

value and stop giving so much value you

value the way people see you

more than you value you think about that

you’re scared to death you’re out here

running you’re running and you’re hiding

every time somebody say something you

stop you pause

oh i was gonna do oh i can’t go that way

because they’re gonna say this i can’t

go that way because they’re gonna say

this i can’t go this way because they’re

gonna say this

i can’t go that way because you can’t do

nothing you can’t do nothing think about


what type of life is that do you know

how many people that’s

physically free but mentally

in prison there’s more people in prison

than there is people in prison that’s

walking around free

think about that when i sat in prison

for that 20 years i was more free in

prison than people that was out here

people that could get up every day go

out there and materialize their dreams

they scared

they were scared but so when i did that

20 years in prison

because you know what at that time

growing up in the inner cities of


i was afraid and in a black community

you know because i can’t speak about the

white community because i come from the

black community

uh we’re pimped by people opinions we’re

fascinated with people opinions and

views of us

so i wanted to be cool at that time it

was a bunch of remote controls

everybody that was cool or everybody

said i had to be this way or i had to


this way or i had to move this way

because i was black and i lived in the

inner city there was

no controls in my life i didn’t even

know that a [ __ ] button existed then

but then it was them guys in my

community that had the [ __ ] button

they said you know what

i don’t have to be cool i just got to be


there was the guys that identified they

[ __ ] button early in life

because you know why they have people

around them to introduce them to the

[ __ ] button

that’s why i say [ __ ] what they think so

when i did the time you know i realized

i got introduced to my [ __ ] button

and i started growing mentally

and then that’s when i became free even

though i was in a cell

so you got to understand something

that’s very important

and you got to have a conversation with

yourself and you gotta discover your


because if you don’t shackles

shackles you don’t have hair here you

don’t have no no you got shackles right


it’s gonna be a shackle around your

brain it’s going to be a shackle around

your heart

because you can’t connect the two in

order to operate out here this free


everything you need is already here god

put everything in the universe all the

ingredients you need to win

is here but if you ain’t got the [ __ ]

bun you ain’t gonna win sorry winning

ain’t your thing

no you’re gonna be a loser hey loser

hey big loser yeah i’m talking to you

loser i’m talking to you

what what you mad at me for cause i’m

telling you the truth the truth sting


i just cut your arm and i sprinkle salt

in there it’s burning

ah it’s burning baby yeah talk to me

dad i enjoy doing this i enjoy telling

you about yourself

because ain’t nobody else gonna tell you

everybody else gonna have you thinking

they’re going to have you thinking that

oh i’m winning i’m doing it no no no

you’re not you didn’t even meet

potential to order

in order to connect with your full

potential and take things to the next

levels of life

because you know what you scared you

heard about that [ __ ] button you seen


we all seen people in life that got that

[ __ ] button we’ve seen them win

look at the great people that we’ve seen

with all the big brands that we respect

the all these big people steve jobs and

uh you know

all these great people that we look at

and say oh they made it in life

jeff basil all up they had [ __ ]

buttons because you know how many people

told them this [ __ ]

ain’t gonna work it’s just not gonna


they said [ __ ] it i’m gonna keep going

think about that

all the people that you give your money

to all the great things you see all

all the people that you see you just

worship oh they did it how did they do

you know why they didn’t you know why

they you know why these

these big-time rock stars is there you

know why these big-time athletes is


they had a [ __ ] button and they just

kept going

stop giving power

to people that you never met before

stop giving power to opinions

stop giving power to the unknown

y’all all out here afraid of ghosts

y’all afraid of ghosts

opinion is nothing but a ghost y’all

afraid y’all scared to death

so you know what who you gonna call


that’s me baby that’s me

that’s me yeah talk to me don’t threaten

me with a good time

see right now i’m loving this i’m loving

this cause you you’re looking at me

you’re sweating you’re like [ __ ]

he figured me out he figured me out

yeah i got you yeah i got your number

your friends told me about you

that’s why they just sent you this

that’s why you’re watching this right


that’s why you’re watching this [ __ ]

what they think [ __ ] what

they think [ __ ] what they think

[ __ ] what they think

[ __ ] what they think
