The New Secret Superpower for Entrepreneurs

30 days i want you to imagine

that you have 30 days

until you lose everything

your house your

cars your family


that wasn’t supposed to be me

but it was i’m going to tell you how i

got there

so you never have to

in my 20s they called me the golden boy

because everything i touched turned the


at the time i was working in sales for a

50 year old plastic packaging company

i got an idea for a new division i

brought it to senior management

they said yes and we did

i grew that to 45 million in annual


in less than five years

i got really good at bringing new ideas

to life

and making them wildly successful

from there i became the ceo

of the first digital portrait studio

chain in the united states

when we brought it in the franchising

things really started to take off

before long i became known as one of the

young guns of franchising

that’s me no gray hair trying

to look cool

we were growing millions upon millions

in revenue

ranked one of the top 15 hop franchises

by entrepreneur magazine

by year five i had this formula for


all figured out i felt

unstoppable the only thing is

i wasn’t prior to one of my upcoming

board meetings

i reached out to a board member to

review my plans

for the upcoming quarter now this wasn’t

anything new

is that i’d done this over a dozen times


now at the board meeting we get together

i lay out my plans for the upcoming


everyone gets excited i go and implement

and then everyone’s happy

this time was different

this time they told me no

i didn’t understand i was truly confused

maybe they didn’t understand the plans

that i laid out

this is when i was reminded that i was

not an entrepreneur

but a chief executive officer


the direction of the board of directors

i worked for them i wasn’t blazing my

own trail as i had convinced myself that

i was

so a little voice inside my head right

there said

dave it’s time it’s time to start

something on your own

speak up right now and resign and give

them 90 days notice

so i did and the golden boy

became a real entrepreneur i was so


to finally be able to live my life on my


to do what i want when i wanted

i was free i was free of red tape

i was free of obligations

and oh i was also free of revenue

i started with a sizable safety net

i was putting all the time in

the creativity was there the focus was


the revenue wasn’t there

one month became six months

six months became 18 months

and before you know it i went from


everything to being hundreds of

thousands of dollars

in debt cards got canceled

the creditors started calling

and when i stopped answering their calls

my dad called to let me know they were

calling him

looking for me

things got so bad

i had to go to my young daughter and ask

her for money from her babysitting just

so we could pay our mortgage

things got so low as a parent

when your daughter is asking you if you

intend on paying her back

this entrepreneurship thing wasn’t

working for me

i had 30 days to turn things around

or things were going to take a major

turn for the worst i knew something had

to happen

i just didn’t know what it was

so i decided to take a day and go spend

it in the woods

just think so went down to the


and i just sat there watching the river

go by

and all of a sudden i got a vision

i got a vision of a hero of mine growing


a mentor a guide my grandfather

i call them papa jules

now even though he had been gone for so

many years the conversations

that we had were so vivid in my brain

papa jules was a successful salesman

for most of his career until one day

he wanted more so at the ripe

age of 50

he and my grandmother sold their house

and their possessions

and they put it all in a new business

now he had so much success that by year

two he was able to get the financing

that he needed

to accelerate his growth forever

here’s me in front of the building he

was able to buy

in year two

i loved hanging with papa jules

he was an open book and he would answer

any of the questions that i would ask

so i asked him lots of questions

i remember one day asking him

how at 50 were you able to

give up the safety and security of a job

and start all over

and he thought and he paused

and he came back with one word


he was able to leverage his skills

and the relationships and the skills of

others in order to make it all

happen papa jules told me

a lot about collaboration and i used


skills when i was in corporate america

however when i went off on my own

i forgot all of this i looked as it was


on me and that all my previous successes

were a solo effort

far from the case

that day in the woods paid off big time

it reminded me of the one thing i was


as an entrepreneur and the one thing

that i needed to do in order to turn

everything around


we see signs of collaboration everywhere

these days

in sports in business in comic books

heck even successful criminals


in the movie ocean’s 11 collaboration

means that you can’t steal from a casino

unless you have the right team members

in place

how about superheroes when the earth was


impending doom nick fury

knew that no one superhero alone was

going to be able to save the planet

so he created a team that included

iron man captain america

hulk thor black widow

and hawkeye who together are

the avengers using the power of


they were able to save the earth

my mission to create an unbelievably

successful marketing company

my unprecedented threat 29 days

until certain doom

i knew i needed to create my own team

of superheroes so i did

and here we are well i cannot reveal all

the members of my team today

i’m going to share with you a few on my


i’m batman

michael is alfred batman’s right hand

he takes care of all the behind the

scenes operations to make sure

everything is flowing

smoothly maddie is wonder woman

she takes her golden lasso takes charge

and secures

thousands of followers on social media

for us

and our clients alex is

iron man he manages millions of paid

traffic monthly for our clients

focusing in on increasing roads which

means return

on ad spend lauren

is superwoman one person

handling the roles of many with great


anna is the black widow a highly skilled

strategic assassin

that can slay any task we throw her way

jen our project manager is storm not

only can she manipulate the weather

she can manipulate our projects to make

sure that they’re done on time

and with perfection and together we are

well we don’t have a cool name like the

avengers but you get the idea

doomsday was averted

my team made everything to me the only

thing i lost

was the feeling of being alone

i made a decision right then and there

that i was going to share this

entrepreneurial superpower

with entrepreneurs around the world and

i started sharing

the five things that you need to know

in order to tap into it

trust in order for you to have true


you must have trust you must trust your

teams to make decisions

and trust your teams to make mistakes

to make them own them

to share them with the rest of the team


once your team is comfortable with this

they’re ready to accelerate things


acknowledge there is nothing quite as


as being able to look at your team

members and being able to say

i see you they’re more likely to go the

extra mile

because the work they do is simply

being acknowledged

appreciation authentic gratitude

goes farther than you can measure

it’s one of the things that is important

to make sure that you have

a dedicated enthusiastic and


team purpose

your purpose becomes the compass by

which you guide your life

make decisions and attract those

that are aligned with you as a leader

it’s important for you to share your

purpose with your team

and the passion that you have behind it

when you do this effectively it is as if

a beautiful choir

is singing in harmony

passion has the power

to shape the view of the world that

others may not have seen

over the years i’ve had an opportunity

to mentor

thousands of entrepreneurs and i’ve


firsthand the power of collaboration

and the impact of tapping into it has on

their mental well-being

as well as their success

that’s one of the things that motivated

my team and i

to create the competition it’s designed

to help entrepreneurs use collaboration

to accelerate their results

they start with an idea and then using

our process we help them

assemble their team of superheroes

the goal to have a company that is

generating revenue

or ready for funding in 90 days

while the competition is a competition

what i love about it most is that when


harness that power of collaboration

they’re already winning

stories of new entrepreneurs

using this new superpower for ultimate


are popping up everywhere

russell brunson is an entrepreneur

that had zero investors and zero track

record of success

building a software company yet he had a

wonderful software idea

now at this point he sounds like any

entrepreneur that has a great idea

what separates russell out from everyone


is how he tapped into the power of


in order to create wild results

russell found todd a coder he shared

the vision that he had

todd said i’m in so they decided to

partner and collaborate on it

now todd went to work coding

while russell wrote a book and created a

sales and marketing plan

his sales plan was simple people would

buy his book

and then they would upsell into a


his execution was brilliant

he sent personal video

messages to his 100

dream collaborators he invited them

to participate in the launch of a

software company

now if they chose to do so they would


10 for every book sold

and if people bought the software they

would get commissions for life

and the person who referred the most

book sales

would get his red ferrari

he went all in on collaboration

and it paid off big time

he sold lots of books he sold lots of


all from those 100 personalized

messages he built his team of


over a dozen people left what they were


to join russell and todd in founding


funnels one of the fastest non-venture


technology companies to reach a hundred

million in annual sales

in less than five years

i want to encourage you to create your

success story

in the world of business there is tons

of competition it’s fast-paced

it’s relentless and at times

it can be pretty scary

the new entrepreneurial secret


is not a secret anymore it’s


so if you’re thinking off jumping off on

your own

don’t instead find attract and build

your superhero team tap into the power

of collaboration

so you can win the competition

thank you