Why GenZ Decodes Entrepreneurship Better

i once asked the ceo

of a large sam’s company as to why they

even had an internship program

high schoolers she told me that the kind

of idea she would get from someone

belonging to our

nation would be more imaginative and

more vibrant than the one she’ll be

getting from her regular team

why is it that younger generation seems

to be more

in sync with the times gen z has stepped


thinking and doing shoes within ease and

elon that would be interesting to unfeel

my name is jair allen i’m 14 years old

and layer by layer i would like to

unfeel the anatomy

of genji’s mind the ideas we will

uncover today

will change the way you think genji can

contribute both today

and in the future simply put

i’m here to explain why gen z is going

to be the future of entrepreneurship

as soon as tomorrow over the last three

years i’ve had the opportunity to gain

experience working with a few


i’ve always noticed that most companies

don’t utilize the jazzy workforce

to its fullest potential our generation

has the potential to change the world it

is this very society which has given us

this power

yet this very society refuses to utilize

this power

let me take a step aside and share with

you a journey i recently embarked upon

which has made me even more proudly

aware of the few traits of my generation

a while back i teamed up with a bunch of

high schoolers

to bring to life a business proposal

what we lacked in experience

we made up in the entrepreneurial spirit

and through describing my journey

i hope to take you on a trip as this

bunch of teenagers including me

dabbled in entrepreneurship together

leading this team i co-founded yq we

decided that shopping deserves a dust


a renovation modernized for the way we

shop today

yq is a whatsapp chatbot providing


to residential colonies as a platform

for social distancing

when knockdown initially began on the

25th of march

the central government released a

directive asking everyone to maintain

social distancing norms

but here’s the thing in majority of

india and other countries in southeast

asia and latin

america this wasn’t as easy to implement

social distancing requires

infrastructure which simply doesn’t

exist in developing countries

what we did with yq is we tried to bring

the infrastructure to the people

big basket and other sources of

organized retail barely controlled two

percent of the market share in india

which means the majority of india is

still shocked from doping canada stones

bringing all these local kerala flows

onto a single platform

is a huge challenge but would be a game

changer if someone does manage to pull

that off

we created a whatsapp chatbot which had

four main functionalities

firstly we assigned individuals time

slots so that they could come to the


and because of this we could control the

footfall at any point of time

secondly we worked with kirana stores to

pre-collate the customer’s order even

before they start foot outside the house

because of this we reduce the average

time spent at a shop

from 11 minutes to 20 seconds

we’re also working in mobile wallet

integrations making the transactions

completely cashless

and finally we’re trying to help provide

piranha stores

with the platform for stock management

all through a whatsapp chatbot

while working with a team comprising 100

of teenagers

i realize that the power we hold in

changing the world

is potential why

why is our generation different

now i would like to structure my points

across a few dimensions

firstly i want to speak about why it’s

easier for our generation to adapt


secondly i want to talk about how

traditional marketing techniques need to

be revamped for the consumers of today

and tomorrow and when genji is best you

can speak the language of janji right

thirdly i want to speak about how and

why gen z is driven by ideas and

unconventional methodologies

while being quick on its feet

the first reason is that out of all the

demographic groups that today

is the easiest for our generation to

work with technology

instead of proverbial silver spoon we

were born with the textbooks in our


one of the organizations i got the

chance to work with

was a large corporate now this firm

mandated that every individual joining

had to undergo a technical training

which meant that i spent my first week


learning the skills which are of second

nature to our generation

however employers need to do this

because their workforce hasn’t grown up

to the tools of the trade

our generation however has we’ve grown

up with mobile devices in our hands 18

hours a day

so what 10 are those 18 hours are spent

commenting on our crush’s posts

in today’s society these are the tools

of the trade

companies won’t have to spend millions

of dollars a year just to teach their

staff on the use of technology

our generation is the mobile first

internet first and social media first


we can do internet better than we can

spell our names

45 percent of teenagers say that the

online almost constantly

why 95 of teenagers have ready access to

mobile devices

because of this exposure to social media

and the constant connection

our generation collaborates better we

find it easier to pull up the remote

work culture

i can guarantee that if any one of the

previous generations had to submit the

homework online

they would be getting straight abs in

contrast today

my eight-year-old brother can

independently set up zoom meanings he

can create docs on the cloud

access shared folders probably easier

than my parents can

isn’t that surprising now let’s make

this a bit more tangible

i interviewed some of the senior

management along with fresh high school

and college graduates

about their work from home experience

what i found was that even though

the uh senior management had been

working for 15 plus years

and were more time conscious they were

not being able to manage their


on the other hand recent hires with

marginal to no professional experience

manage their time better were faster to

adapt and had higher productivity and

efficiency rates

this brings me to my next point which is

that our generation

brings the need for a completely new

approach to marketing an approach

which only our generation can derive to


the idea of a 40 year old trying to sell

a digital product to a teenager

is amusing at the very least selling to

our donation

requires a completely different approach

our generation

needs a new form of marketing we demand

more user generated content

and more influencer marketing till the

point where the line between user

generated content and marketing has


our generation has a buying power of 44

billion dollars

and last year’s prediction states that

in 2020

our nation will command 40 of consumer


our donation is unique and companies

can’t use the old school marketing

techniques on us

so if they don’t buff up fast they’re in

big shock

in order to sell to us you need to order

food through reverse image searches of

your friends instagram stories like us

you need to expect one hour deliveries

like ours

you need to learn without having ever

met a teacher like us you need to

um join college without ever having

stepped foot into one recalls

we need to do homework watch netflix

chat with the friends all simultaneously

like us

one out of every 10 gen z would rather

go three days without refreshing the


then go three hours without refreshing

the instagram feed

basically in order to sell to us you

need to think like us

and essentially to think like us you

need to hire us

my third point is that our generation is

excited by ideas

our donation is good at out of the box

thinking we also

employ unconventional ideologies our


is less biased and more open and with

these unconventional ideologies we

are ready to change the world we are

also desperate to make an impact in the

society we live in

and touch upon the lives of our fellow


this is why we are known as the founders


generation also employs a different

approach towards education

we understand that forward-thinking

companies don’t care about which school

has bestowed their stamp of approval on


what they care about is your ability to

do the job and if you can do it you’re


in today’s society the path of dropping

out of college to start your own venture

is also something which has come to be

accepted and respected

now if you look at the exact dates and

start to connect the dots you would

figure out

the millennial generation entered the

job market during or after the subtime


during this time millennial generation

was new into the job market

and because of such an experience so

early in the career they became risk

averse and stuck to the conventional way

of thinking

our parents belong to the generation of

non-mistaken however

our generation is though absorb these

things differently

the covent crisis was the first

momentous crisis

which our generation has ever

experienced and out of this too

our generation has drawn more digital


than anything else


what has to be proven has been proven

but what do we do now

i want everyone attending this talk

today to understand that

entrepreneurship is many things

it’s a mindset but at the end of the day

it’s also a skill

it’s something which you can hone and

work upon it’s something would develop

with each project you do

my absurd idea is to see it you need to

swarm the entrepreneurial ecosystem i


that within the next few years majority

of the startups will be controlled by

gen z

it’s not ridiculous i agree but it’s

totally possible

mind you this won’t just happen

automatically it’s a reality which our

generation has to collectively and

consciously create

now all of us can’t just drop out of

school and say okay we’re starting on


over time we need to gain experience and

put our finger on an idea which we’re

ready to solve for free

once you’ve identified it and figured

out how to solve it

we deserve the right to monetize it and

bring it to society

i also want to convey a message to


it’s because of the environment that

you’ve given us that we are who we are

let’s embrace this let’s be more open to

allowing us to work alongside you

our generation is keen to learn and came

to work we’re looking up to you to


just to do that

i want everyone to think of problem with

safe sort

for me it was that kirana store shopping

in india were dangerous during the wrong


for you it may be that your younger

brother wouldn’t stop reading a secret


it could be any problem on your side now

when you get back home i know you are

ready at home but before asking alexa to

turn the lights off

take half an hour to think of the

different ways you could have solved it

once you come across a situation where

people say oh wow

i didn’t think of that dude you stick on

to the feeling

because if you do have the passion of

solving a problem

in a unique way inside you you’re


godspeed gently