How to Collaborate for Environmental Justice

picture the world in five years

what do you see for yourself and your

loved ones

what about 10 or 20 years where do you

call home

what are you hopeful for i’m hopeful

for a world where social and

environmental justice is an attained


and not some ambitious goal and i

believe that is possible

with the power of love

the covet 19 pandemic has been a vivid

reminder that we are intimately


with nature and all of its living beings

whether we recognize it or not

we are a part of this ecosystem and our

actions have

tangible consequences however

the burden of these consequences are not


distributed these disparities were not


in 2020 despite how chaotic

this year has been long-standing

environmental racism

whereby black indigenous and latinx


are disproportionately exposed to toxins

and hazardous waste facilities as

companies deem their communities

more profitable places to do their dirty


these same people suffer food apartheid

as they’re deemed not profitable enough

for grocery stores connecticut is not


from this as one-fifth of the entire


pollution is located in

bridgeport hartford

new haven stamford

and waterbury the five

out of 169 municipalities

where 71 of all the state’s people of


live bridgeport and hartford

two of my hometowns have the largest and

second largest incinerators

yet i remember struggling to find a good

grocery store

and healthy food and the result of this

occurring nationally

higher rates of cancer high blood


low birth weight diabetes severe

asthma and upper respiratory disease and

increased risk of heart attacks hook


heat strokes and lead poisoning

environmental racism made communities of

color especially vulnerable

to the worst outcomes of the covet 19


and to the same effect environmental

racism leaves communities of color

especially vulnerable to climate change

consider hurricane katrina or hurricane


with cancer alley in louisiana and the

ever-present colonialism of puerto rico

these communities were deemed disposable


before the hurricanes hit and afterwards

they became climate refugees in search

of a new home

only to be met with hostility and


their humanity disregarded yet again

this is the case all around the world as

the so-called global south

currently faces climate disasters famine

and drought with little to no

acknowledgement or aid

but this is the case in your backyard


consider which areas of connecticut lose

power for the longest

and get plowed last after extreme

tropical and winter storms

these are not issues we can simply

ignore as it will only

get worse the science indicates that we

have less than 30

years to radically change the world

frankly i don’t even believe we have 30


and while that may sound terrifying as

it should

i think i know the solution

intersectional activism and

collaborative organizing

with love so what does that mean

let’s start with intersectionality


is the term coined by legal scholar

kimberly crenshaw

originally created to help legal systems

better account

for the unique discrimination black

women face

it has since been expanded to account

for all identities and their


like race and sexual orientation

gender and ability religion and


and so on there are three

main pillars of intersectionality one

structural intersectionality which

refers to how

inequities affect people’s everyday life

like unequal access to opportunity and


two representational intersectionality

which refers to how certain narratives

and images are produced about

individuals of marginalized identity

consider how the news reports on

certain people or how tv and movie roles

stereotype others

and three political intersectionality

which indicates how those occupying

multiple identities can be caught


conflicting political agendas

where do black women fall in feminist

agendas that

completely ignore racism how are

trans women of color represented or


if at all now due to its complexity

intersectionality is often overlooked


i’m here to tell you that embracing this


embracing these intersections is the


minimum for creating inclusive and

sustainable solutions

to the very complicated problems we face

intersectional activism recognizes this

necessity and incorporates it into


now collaborative organizing is just a

step above traditional

community organizing as it allows you to

organize people of multiple identities

and thus

address multiple facets of an issue

rather than just one piece of the puzzle

collaborative organizing means bringing

everyone to

their seat at the table it’s not enough

to just leave the seat open

we must empower people to take up space

and use their voice

that brings diversity of thought to

perspective and ideas

it strengthens collective action and

collective action

requires love and solidarity

to fight for each other as much as we

fight for ourselves

complex issues of environmental racism

and climate change require

collaborative organizing and

intersectional activism

to build a better brighter equitable

and inhabitable future

trying to solve climate change without

addressing environmental racism would be


trying to solve a gigantic puzzle with

half the pieces missing

it won’t work and nobody gets to see

the pretty picture now

i want to clarify and say that i’m not

just here talking the ted talk

i walked the walk as a scholar activist

at uconn i got heavily involved in

grassroots organizing

and joined steering committees and

working groups

in doing so i noticed a jarring lack of


and a complete disregard for


that was not only disheartening but


the potential for intergenerational

intersectional activism

was wasted but again

i knew the solution so i founded

yukon collaborative organizing also

known as yuko

and provided this necessary


in just our first year we collaborated

with over 20

organizations including but not limited


the naacp yukon chapter uconn students

were one health

the undergraduate student government the

graduate employee union

ico husky revolution against rape

project fashion

poetic release youth for socialist


fridays for futures and so many others

and we did amazing work together we

still do

we organized seminars clothing swaps

sit-ins climate strikes and open mics we

educated and mobilized

hundreds of students faculty and staff

and our marches have been featured in

newspapers ranging from

the daily campus and hartford current to

the new york times

now as a scholar activist i also did

research on the topic of cross-cultural

engagement intersectional activism

but i’ll save that for another talk so

what are the steps

how do we practice collaborative


the right way well

we do it with love yes love

so let’s get into it l listen to learn

listen to learn ignorance may be bliss

for some but it is counterproductive for

all no single person has all the answers

but when we actively listen to learn

not just to respond we develop this

collective genius that is innovative

and resilient oh

organize with an open mind harness that

creativity while remaining

intentional get clear on a goal without

getting locked into one way of achieving


think outside the box there is no one

form of activism

what matters is the intention behind

the practice the

value a variety of perspectives holding

intersectionality at the foundation

of your activism is powerful but with


of course comes the responsibility

to take the extra step to educate


and your people you must be able

to check yourself and be checked

by others while admitting when you’re


and pushing forward with a new


the possibility for growth is boundless

but only when you value the perspective

of others

enough to lose your ego and think

outside yourself

and e engage everyone

in every possible way now

have some scruples but as an organizer

you want to reach folks in from all

walks of life

so you must be mindful of working

people’s time

and inclusive of all forms of ability

and language barriers

try to think of every possible barrier

making your activism

inaccessible and create a solution ahead

of time

engage your network and encourage people

to come as they are

we cannot be exclusive in our fight

for justice that is collaborative

organizing with love

listen to learn organize with an open


value a variety of perspectives and

engage everyone

in every way possible that’s the power

of love

now one of my inspirations

is the late fred hampton rest in power

and he said we must fight fire with


fight racism not with racism but with


this is why i fight deep-seated hate


radical love systemic racism is rooted

in hate

all acts of subjugation share a

foundation of hate hate is divisive


often times illogical and always


hate keeps people apart blocking off


and opportunities for progress hate is


and immeasurably destructive

but i believe we can rectify this we

are not tethered to this course by

default but by

choice and if we choose love

we can change the destination listen

existing is a group project so when it

comes to the task of preserving our


and creating an equitable society for


procrastination is lethal

and as the global temperature continues

to rise

we must understand that there are zero

degrees of separation between your


and the family whose home is burning in


west coast of america

or the indigenous families in the amazon


or the families in the southern

hemisphere of australia

and unfortunately the list goes on

but we must also remember the actual

billions of animals dying too

we share this ecosystem connecting our

health to that of the land

and all other animals

i opened discussing the covet 19

pandemic to make it abundantly clear

that environmental and social justice

are one in the same when i hear the


i can’t breathe

i think of eric garner george floyd

and all the black women whose last words

we will never know

like lelene polenko and brianna taylor

but when i hear the words i can’t


i also think of all the children born

with asthma because their communities

are polluted and i think

of all the people dying now from those

same communities

from covet 19 pneumonia

each is the same call for justice

collaborative organizing is to me the

best tool

for the intersectional activism

necessary to address

environmental racism and climate change

before it is too

late to my scholar activists wondering

how to begin this work start with the

body paragraph

and don’t hold back decolonize the

academic spaces you exist in

your work can have a lasting impact on

this world so make sure it is a positive


to my grassroots organizers trust in


you know your community better than

anyone else and that knowledge is

power always think big

build your own table then bring your

people to it

and to everyone never forget

that your life is just as sacred as the

next person’s

i know my black life matters period

so know that yours does too do not

adjust to injustice do not become


to brutalization do not normalize

devastation always challenge the status


systems of oppression may be familiar

but they are not fair we can either

continue to let the mistakes and hate of

the past reform

itself into new systems of exploitation

and destruction or

we can move forward acting with radical


and transforming our world together

we are limited only by our imagination

so next time

you picture the world in 5 10 or 20


picture the brightest and best possible


i’m hopeful for a world where social and

environmental justice

is an attained reality through

collaborative organizing and

intersectional activism but i will

not wait 20 years the future is

ours to create i believe wholeheartedly

that we have the power

to create the changes needed to save our

world and make it a better place for all

what we don’t have is the time to wait

and see

who will take the first step

that’s on us so let’s take it together

thank you