Environmental Emergency and Fashion

our climate emergency is a threat to us


its consequences range from global

temperature rise

shrinking ice sheets and extreme climate


such as an increase in devastating

wildfires in california

and deadly cyclones in southern africa

global warming is mostly because of

human activity

specifically since human production

during the 1950s

our collective action caused our climate


and we must create space to solve this

global threat

today i’ll share a vision a proposition

to collectively improve our decision

making as consumers

to make a tangible impact for climate

you may have been asked to reduce your

meat consumption or to avoid single

plastic usage

and there might be times where you’ve

asked yourself but does any changes in

my lifestyle lead to anything


and that is a legitimate concern

it is even more challenging to grasp

that impact because of the long-term

nature of climate change

as of today it’s very difficult to


and understand the environmental impact

behind each action that we are taking

it is especially the case in the fashion


which is one of the most polluting and

opaque industries

through collective conscious consumption

we can start to break that cycle

that is harming our planet refraining

from fast fashion

questioning the perceived urgency of


and re-wearing our clothing these are

ways that we can start to alter our


to better align with environmental


but if you really need to make a


my vision for the future is more

transparency for consumers

in allowing them to see all the

environmental costs of a product

throughout its supply chain this will

allow us to be able to make

more informed decisions it makes it


to switch to products with fewer impacts

throughout their supply chain

or to switch to circular economy


you can also contribute by renting out

your unused clothes

or buying secondhand garments you can

also start by doing research

on existing lower impact alternative and

raising awareness around you

if you want to help raising awareness

and spread word i encourage you

to educate from a place of passion for a

better planet

i am optimistic that consuming

differently will signal changes

to the markets and push companies to

become more transparent

on their supply chain and environmental


your actions really matter your purchase

decisions impact

and affect the market it pushes

companies to produce more sustainably

and it’s going to take a collective

effort to change

so we need to collaborate together and

start raising awareness

let’s focus on the positive change thank

