Are We Developing Artificial Intelligence To Support Humanity


and namaste my name is samdeep day

i’m a research scientist on the topic of

embedded artificial intelligence in

mobile platforms

thank you for allowing me to be with you


and share my experience and knowledge on

artificial intelligence

and bust some myths and misconceptions

related to the topic last year

i used to go for bachata dancing lessons

and it was one of the ways i socialized

so when i used to meet someone new

i would introduce myself and mention


i am an on-device embedded artificial

intelligence scientist

which basically means that i design and

implement artificial intelligence or ai

in short in embedded or mobile platforms

one evening one of the new acquaintances

during the pachata session made a


so you design ai like skynet from the

movie terminator

isn’t that bad for humanity aren’t ai

taking our

jobs now and possibly lead to a

an extension level well

i was flabbergasted i wasn’t sure

how to respond to that immediately so i


for a minute and shared a story

a story of a middle class family in


the family consisted of a couple

who were both artists and barely making

enough to live by the day the couple

was blessed with a son and both the


and wife started to work

to provide the best to their son

to their family now the husband and wife

were not fortunate enough to pursue

higher education

in the university and their dream

was to get their son the best of


so that he doesn’t have to face the

financial troubles

that the couple went through

both the husband and wife worked day and


and provided the best of education that

the sun could get

in india the sun went to pursue

a bachelor’s degree in computer science

in one of the top colleges

in india the first in the family

to ever achieve so after graduating

with the first class honours degree the

son went on to pursue

a master’s degree this time in a foreign


till the age of 22 the son never saw his


rest a day and when the father is

asked by the son why are you working so


the father replied i am just waiting for

you to complete studies

get a job then get married and then

i can finally retire and go out to

travel the world with your mother

without carrying my work with me

unfortunately when the son was studying

his master’s degree his parents

went through a horrific car accident

which caused severe injuries to his


and paralyzed his father

the son somehow completed his

postgraduate study

and went to work in the industry to

financially provide

for his family yes

this story is about my family

till this date the sacrifices made

by my parents weigh heavy on my shoulder

after my father was paralyzed doctors in


gave him only a few months to live

but my father wouldn’t give up mentally

nor my mother would give her side

up by my father to fight

through this back in 2014

when the accident happened medicine and

technology in india

went that advanced and doctors

couldn’t help my father anyway

to enable him to walk again because of

his spinal cord injury

in my mind all i could think of

is that my father was not able to

achieve his dream

of retiring and traveling the world with

my mother

as he wanted to four years later

one day i woke up and couldn’t bear the

thought that

i could do something about it instead of

just waiting for someone else to invent

the technology

to help my father and thousands of other

paralyzed patients

with spinal cord injury around the world

so i gave up my job as a software


and went to pursue a phd in designing

and implementing ai in embedded systems

at the university of essex

this could help me in developing

intelligent robotic

exoskeleton to help people like my


to walk again to help my father

walk again today at the university of

essex a group of scientists are


ai-based robotic hand

exoskeleton to rehabilitate stroke


every time when someone says

that ai is taking our jobs or

it is there to destroy humanity i

always share this story and tell it to


that ai is in fact helping us to achieve

our better selves there are so many more


where ai is a helping hand rather than

a destructive one for example

to detect skin cancer based on images

a doctor can accurately detect such a


with the naked eyes almost 60 percent of

the time

using a dermoscopy such cases can be

detected with

almost 80 percent accuracy whereas

an ai based agent can detect such cases

with 92.5 percent accuracy

however when you combine the efforts

of human doctor and an ai

agent together skin cancer can be

detected with

99.5 accuracy

hence making skin cancer detection

and treatment much more effective

therefore ai is enabling us to achieve

super human capabilities which are

ultimately saving lives

another case of ai helping us

through the kovid 19 pandemic where ai

based agents

help radiologists to detect covid19


from ct scan images of patient’s lungs

this helped improve the time to detect

positive covid19 cases and save more

lives in the process

now most probably when you seek


or customer support for your favorite


and services you might be talking to a


chatbot without even knowing it

this helps us to get faster support

and also give you a better customer


the times when the chatbot can’t

understand your accent

well it happens with me a lot of time


it’s still a work in progress

that being said ai is still in its

infancy stage

when it comes to applications

many people are afraid of the fact that

what if

ai is able to create

as we do will ai create machines to


us to be honest to destroy ai

to develop ai which is able to achieve

such level

of learning and reasoning

it would actually require cross-domain

learning and reasoning

like we do

for example when we meet another person

we try to understand the other person’s


character not just by looking at them

but by interacting with them through


and observing their body language as


so we are using multiple types of

learning and reasoning systems

to understand this person when we meet


and we are still at least 20 to 40 years

away from developing an ai which is


of such high level of learning and


on its own people might be

worried about terminators but the

reality is

at the moment we are developing ai based

social robots

which are helping humans to reduce


and improve happiness without even


how ai agents are helping us they’re

improving our lives

every second ai agents

are now also able to help you prolong

the battery life of your smartphone

even more by learning your mobile usage


so that you can enjoy your netflix or


creams for longer period of time

ai agents are also helping you

to reduce food waste by learning

your food buying and wasting habits

such that it can help you to make

much more informed decision on what food


to buy the next time

these are only some of the examples

by which ai has played a positive role

in our society so far

but with any technology it depends on

the user

how we are using it whether for good

or for bad just like when the technology

revolving nuclear reaction

was developed some used it to power


whereas some used it to destroy cities

the same way ai has recently been used

to hack into systems and also been used

to generate

porn images of any given person

but it is not ai’s fault it is

upon us and how we are using this

powerful technology

in our society

for every poor use of ai we have much

more cases

where ai is helping patients like my


to get back on their feet so

give it a chance be more acceptable

of this powerful technology because

if we don’t then we might be doing


to the people whose lives could be


using ai now that

being said i will leave you with

one last question to ask yourself

are we developing ai to support humanity

in the future thank you for listening