Can Fear Be Your Best Friend

can fear be your best friend

i chose not to be a victim to my


i was homeless loveless and penniless i

was rock bottom in life

concrete driveways were my bed all i had

was my dreams i would dream all day and

all night my dreams were polar opposite

to my reality

imagine a life where you couldn’t dream

no escaping

no hope

awful right

but you would agree this isn’t normal

but it was for me

i chose not to be a victim i chose to

love unconditionally i chose to be happy

happy as i could be i chose to forgive

i chose to fight for a better life

today 150 million people are homeless

with about 1.6 billion of the population

lacking adequate housing to which

equates to 20 percent of the world’s



i felt sad reading this

i ask what are we doing as a humanity to

change this statistic

suggest we could do more

i know what that 20 feels i was part of

that 20

hence feeling qualified to mention all

of this

no roof over their head

no ability to hope dream love or fight

for a better life like i did

every day i believed hoping for a new


a clean slate

thinking more intelligently than ever


can i share a secret code with you but

first bear with me for a minute

i have a funny story to share with you a

few years ago my eldest step-daughter

wanted the top of the range audi that

came out

it was so out of her price range when i

saw her i asked her what she was doing

to get this dream car she replied

thinking about it

i suggested let’s make your new dream

out of your screenshot

so you can look at it each day you can

feel it you can dream it and guess what

she now drives her audi it’s that simple

manifest what you want in your life

visualize it take the necessary actions

and never stop dreaming

how the hell can fear be your best

friend ridiculous right

hopefully by the end of this talk you’ve

learned something really special so what

does fear even mean

what does fear mean to you

official definition is an unpleasant

emotion caused by the threat of danger

pain or harm

however i experienced all these when i

was homeless


and loveless

when concrete driveways were my bed

for many years i was all of the above

but i never stop dreaming big

so in 2021 fear means





f is for faith

is for education

a is for action and r is for resilience

let’s start with faith

faith in the universe it will deliver

seek and you will find believe with your

heart and your soul that nothing else


dream it think it

and become it

can a coffee drinker bring out a tea to

saturate the world

yes she can

trust the process a beautiful journey

not so ridiculous right

why i love my life with nothing but love

and faith

fear became love for me

e is for education knowledge breeds


in this crazy world of new digital media

putting new skill sets into practice

forced at 53 years old to embrace this

digital age

you know once i feared technology it was

my biggest weakness not anymore

as of july 2021 zoom reported a total of


900 customers it’s

base grew by 470.33

i was one of them

turning on zoom is now like turning on

my tv

zoom is my new best friend


the last six letters

in the law of attraction

action my life for me

one tiny step

one at a time

giving away the drugs and the booze

gave me the confidence to shine

nothing happens with no action

never give up

just turn up

the secret code was actioning life for

me lastly r is for resilience

the definition

the ability to bounce back in today’s


we all bounce back through adversity

decisions equals your destiny don’t fear

fear and this is how

this happened when i was around 8 years

old some 45 years ago and while you were

all sleeping in your warm safe beds i

was lying outside in the dead of the

night looking for concrete

driveways to use as my bed

it was such a big responsibility keeping

myself safe i used to tremble and shake

i couldn’t stop the uncontrollable

tremors in my little body i was so

scared of the dark and what was out

there under me and around me

i was so cold i felt like i was living

and breathing your worst nightmare

thinking and asking myself was this ever

gonna end it was freezing

i used to press myself up against this

wall sometimes hiding into the tiniest

ball hoping no one could see or find me

in my pink little nighty and bare skinny

legs i was so alone so lost

you know

that just felt like it was just


i was always panicking my heart used to

bang against my chest it was so loud

it felt so loud i used to hold my breath

for ages because i thought my breathing

would make me be found

this negative abuse

the emotional physical torture i had in

day in day out made me into the

strongest version of myself

i know i’m not a loser

i know i’m not a failure i had no

friends but that didn’t matter

i was broken and shattered in many


but i was resilient

i was strong

i had fight

get out of my way

my way or the highway

this lifestyle drove me to be the best

version of myself

i am a homeless person who became a

millionaire i challenged life i walked

through that door

you say no well in my survival language

that means yes not today but maybe

tomorrow i will and never give up

i may have been damaged and sentenced to

a life of unhappiness

but that experience

created a strong fearless and resilient

whole human being

one to leave her mark and footprint on

earth i have withstood adversity

in its evil form

if you want it bad enough

you turn up

you show up don’t take the easy lane in


don’t be a victim to your life

walk your truth be remarkable be


use fear to fuel your life like i did

because when you look at life this way

you can now see how fear became

my best friend

so i’d like to ask you a question

are you living the life you love

if not why not you can make fear your

best friend