Multitasking is inevitable


hello everyone

so before i begin i just want to thank

all the members of tedx fib for


this event online during the pandemic so

right now you would be watching and

you’ll be wondering

who is this person right so i am shana

roda the co-founder of one of the ed

tech organizations of india

and you would be wondering that now what

is he going to talk about

there are people who talk about their

stories there are people who talk about

many other things that changes your mind

they try to inspire you they try to

motivate you they try to share their

inspirational stories with all of you so


maybe the ones who are watching this

will get some idea about

how to achieve the things that i

achieved right

in this in this talk i just

i just want to talk about how do we

change the common misconceptions that we


how do we change the attitude how do we

change the common mindset

i think this is something that i really

want to share with everybody who is

watching this

because this is something that we don’t

talk about this is something that we

all just blindly follow because someone

else told us to

this is something that we all just do

because someone else is doing it

so the whole motive of my talk

would be to just change the common

misconceptions this thing change the


just change the mindset right i would be

thinking that

if he’s saying all this did he do it on

his own so i’ll just share my story

i’m a recent graduate from university of


and i had become honors but my interest

was in corporate finance and investments

in stock market

so at the age of 18 i started with some

nfc certifications later on i did

frm and i had it i i became one of the

youngest people in the world to clear


there was one thing that i noticed when

you have

people around you of the same age 18 to

20 21 22 and so on

these are the people who either know

their interest

or they do not know their interest

because they want to build their career

right now

so i had people around me when i was

interested into finance there were


coming to the centers for finance they

were people who wanted to give finance

exams who wanted to gain finance

knowledge as much

as much as possible so i had people

around me

there was one thing that i found that

these people know

what they want to do but they lack

a helping hand a helping hand that could

teach them from where to start and how

to start

you might be knowing that at this point

i’m here i want to reach this point

how do i bridge down the gap that is

something that the people

of my age couldn’t really understand and

this was something that i picked up


i noticed this thing way back that


they know what they want to do there’s

no person who is going to come to you

and tell you that

i don’t want to be successful i don’t

want to do anything in life

i just want to sit back and do nothing

at all there’s no one who’s going to

tell you this

everybody wants to achieve something

all they lack is again those two very

important questions

how to start and from where exactly


so this is something that i understood


later on i started with a channel on


in which i started teaching people for

free it was all corporate finance and it

was free

i continued to realize that people are

going to enroll for this people are

going to watch your videos

people are going to learn from you it

doesn’t matter who you are

if you are teaching anyone and the

person is interested

they are going to come come to you so i

did that for five six months i taught

around 250 people

and later on once i got a clarity that

this is something that people want this

is something that the people lack

this is something that is solving a

major problem in life

i started with a website and i started

teaching people again

but this time there were more courses

and one thing that i kept on realizing

is that

i have conducted many seminars many

webinars across india

talking to lacks of students even now so

i just

kept on understanding that fact

understanding the point

that people actually misunderstand

what they want to do and if they

understand what they want to do

they lack the same two questions which

i’m continuously repeating

they lack that thing so how do i help

those people

who are around my age only they want to

do something

but are unable to understand from where

to do it

so i continued to do all this

and there were people around around me

who asked me questions like

what are you going to do after

graduation i told them that i’m going to

continue doing this

and then there were many questions from

the society

be it anyone around you they ask

questions like

do you think this will sustain do you

think that you can do this all your life

i don’t think so it will work i think

you are a little over ambitious

and this is something that you should

not be doing

you should probably be going for mba

maybe you can do a job

maybe later on you can go abroad and

study and come back and then again


doing a job these are the questions and

statements and phrases and all these

things around me which i

continue to listen on and on for the

last two years

so what made me continue with all this

what made me

leave my job and do this i got an offer

from after my graduation but i did not

do it

i could have applied externally also but

i did not do it i continued doing this

so how did i change my mindset

how did i change my attitude

from a person who maybe thought that

initially he thought that maybe i’m

going to do these these courses then i’m

going to

maybe do such a course then i’m going to

do a job and i’m going to continue

doing that for the rest of my life how


i change my attitude before i tell you

about myself a little more i’ll tell you

one quick

story we all know who won the 1983

cricket world cup it was india right

but india won the world cup the dominant


from from the last decade till the next

decade as well was best indies

and india had a final with western days

in 1983.

hardly anyone believed that india is

going to win

because vessel is a very dominant team

and something unusual happened that day

india won the world cup india beat

western is in the final

and the whole world was shocked

but west indies was hit the most

so once the world cup got over

westernities contacted india

and they told us and they told them that

we want to have a series with you

an odi series plus a test series so they

wanted to gain their respect back they

wanted to show

that it was just a fluke so they came to

india for

the odis and it was a six match series


lost 6-0 india couldn’t even win a

single match

and leave aside winning the game india

was nowhere near winning

in any game now the test matches started

the first test match people thought that

now the fortunes might change

but india lost the first test match very

badly i guess around

an innings and some 100 runs or so india

lost that much

so some counselors were brought to the

indian team after the first test match

and they had a word with mr sunil


and they asked them what is going wrong

how are you not winning you are the

world champions what is stopping you

from beating west indies one more time

so he said that they have great players

malcolm marshall is the best baller in

the world

he told this thing to the counselors

the councillors told him that could be

true it could be true whatever you are


if malcolm marshall is the best baller

in the world trust me

you are the best person in the world

this one line completely changed the


of sunny gaussian this completely


his attitude the second test match


and and in the first over itself so


smashed four fours to malcolm marshall

at that point everyone realized that the

indian cricket will be changed

completely and since then it has always


increasing it has always been performing

immensely well

but what was the difference there was

only one difference that was a change in

the mindset

and the change in the attitude

this thing changed and the same person

who played five

six days ago was not performing well

changed completely

so this is how someone can change their


if you believe that you are not thinking

from within

that how can i change my mindset it’s

not coming from within

find someone who is similar to you find


spark outside find that inspiration

outside which may

help you change your mindset change your


and make you believe make you trust


that you are the best in the world and

you can do it too

if he can do it i can do it too if they

are coming here as speakers

maybe next year or next to next year if

i work really hard i’m going to come

as the speaker it doesn’t matter who is

the person speaking

to you it doesn’t matter what they are

doing in their life

it doesn’t matter what they will be

doing in their life some years down the


what matters is what you want to do some

years down the line

what road you want to choose for


do you want to continue or are you

satisfied with your current life

if not how can you change your attitude

how can you change

your mindset because trust me you have

the abilities

you have everything that you need just

one thing

which needs to be modified is the

attitude or the mindset

if you change that the same person is

going to perform

10 times better than his or her ability

and this is something that i’ve realized

on my own

so as i said that there were people

questioning me that do you think it will

sustain do you think

a startup it doesn’t succeed 90 startups

fail these were the facts you see around

linkedin instagram and all these

platforms continuously

there are people who tell you all these


but there was one thing which stayed

with me throughout was my attitude or my


i knew that if i give my hundred percent

if i completely focus on this there is

no one who can make this stock except me

no one except no one without

your consent can change what you want to


no one without your consent can make you


who you are so when somebody else tell


when somebody else comes to you and says

yeah maybe

you don’t deserve to be here maybe you

won’t succeed

maybe you are not the right person for

this maybe you are not good enough maybe

there are so many questions and so on

and on and on

don’t listen to anyone except your mind

and your mind should always be telling

you that if i give my hundred percent

i believe i’m the best i believe i can

do it

and if your mind has that potential

if it has that mindset that attitude

trust me no one can stop you if i would

have heard about

or i would have maybe just go on with

those thoughts

go on with what the society was telling

me i wouldn’t have been here speaking to

all of you

and trust me it is really true i

wouldn’t have been here

at the age of 20 i was able to teach

more than 4 000 people

across india and that to corporate

finance courses ranging from

financial risk management chartered

financial analyst

some courses on investment analysis

stock market courses

i was able to personally teach all of


just because i had the knowledge but

more importantly

i did not listen to anyone except my


who used to tell me every single day

when i woke up

that i can do it i deserve this and if i


my hundred percent there is no one who

can stop me

and the only barriers that we have

is not from the other people who are

trying to say that you are not

good enough the only barrier that we


is our own mindset the day we overcome


trust me you will be an unstoppable


every day just wake up in the morning

tell yourself

you are the best tell yourself that you

can’t do it

tell yourself that somebody else is

doing it i can do it too

and tell yourself that believe in


you have done enough you will be doing


and this is your day trust me we all

have equal abilities it’s all about

understanding your potential and

sometimes going beyond it failures will

always teach you more than your


because after failure we comprehend we

com we contemplate

but after our success we usually just

have a good time party

so don’t be afraid of the failures just

trust the process

don’t focus too much on the results


if you focus on that results is nothing

but a byproduct of it

so i’ll just culminate by saying trust


have the right attitude have the right

mindset and

trust me no one in this world can stop


if you have personally decided

that it is you who is going to change


it is you who is going to do it

and it is you who is going to

achieve what you have decided and there

is no one

else in this world who can change that

except you

so with this i’ll end my talk if anybody

wants to reach

out to me you can reach out to me on

linkedin my name is vishal naroda

and you will be able to find me and you

can reach out to me anytime

and i hope that my talk proved to be

fruitful to you

if there is anything i can help you with

i will be more than happy to do it

thank you so much