Behind the Great Firewall of China Michael Anti

in the past several days I heard people

talking about China and also I talked to

friends about China and Chinese internet

something is very challenging to me I

want to make my friends to understand

China is complicated so I always want to

tell the story like one hand it is there

the other hand is that you can’t just

tell one Side Story I give you example

China is a brick country brick country

means breezier Russia India and China

this emerging economy really is helping

Reviver of the world economy but at the

same time on the other hand China is a

sick country the terminology owned by

Facebook IPO paper fire he said the sick

country means Syria Iran China and North

Korea the four countries have no access

to Facebook

so basically China is a sick brick

country another project was speedo to

watch China and Chinese internet and now

today I want to tell you my personal

expression in the past several years

from that war so if you are a fan of the

game my throne you definitely know how

important a big war for Old Kingdom it

prevent weird things from the north same

was true for China in the north there

was a great war Chunkin it protect China

from invaders for 2,000 years but China

also have a Great Firewall that’s the

biggest digital boundary in the whole


not only to defend Chinese regime from

the oversea from the universal value but

also prevent Chinese on citizen to

access the global free Internet

and even separate themselves into blocks

not United

so basically Internet has two internets

one is the Internet the other is the

channel net but if you think the

china-led is something like a dead land

Westerlund I think it’s wrong but we

also use very simple metaphor the cat

and mouse game to describe in the past

15 years the continuing fight between

Chinese censorship government censorship

the cat and the Chinese Internet users

dumbing us the mouse but sometimes this

kind of a metaphor is too simple so

today I want to upgrade it to 2.0

version in China we have 500 million

instant users that’s biggest population

the net isn’t instant users in the whole


so if even Chinese is a totally censored

internet Bastyr Chinese Internet Society

you’re really booming how make it simple

you have Google we have by do you have

twitter we have Weibull you have

facebook we have Linda you have YouTube

we have Youku and Tudou Chinese

government blocked every singer

international web 2 Ponder’s of this and

we Chinese copycat everyone so that’s

kind of the thing I caught a small

censorship so that’s not only to censor

you sometimes that’s Chinese national

Internet policy is very simple block and

clone only one hand he want to satisfy

people’s need of social network which is

very important if people really love

social networking but on the other hand

they want to keep the server in Beijing

so they can access the data anytime they


that’s also the reason Google was Paula

from China because they can’t accept the

fact Chinese come and want to keep the

server sometimes the Arab dictators

didn’t understand these two hands

for example Mubarak he shut down the

internet he want to prevent the netizens

to criticize him but once not even

canticle online they go on straight and

now the result is very simple we all

know who Barack is technically dead but

also Ben Ali Tunisia present didn’t

follow the second rule lemmings keep the

server in your hand he allow Facebook a

us-based services service to continue

stay on inside Tunisia so he can’t

prevent it his own citizens to post

critical video against his corruption is

the same thing happened he was the first

to tobert during the Arab Spring but

those two very smart international

censorship policy didn’t prevent Chinese

social media become a really public

sphere a path of fear of public opinion

and the nightmare of Chinese officials

because we have 300 million micro

bloggers in China it’s the entire

population of United States so when

these three hundred million people

Michael bloggers even they block the

treat in a censored platform but itself

is the China net but it’s server can

create very powerful in energy which

never happened in the Chinese history

2011 the July 2 breathing trance crashed

in window a southern city right after

the train crash authorities literally

want to cover up the trend perimeter so

it angered Chinese netizens the first

five days of the train crash

there were 10 million queries above the

posting on social media which never

happened in Chinese history and NATO

later this year the real minister was

sacked and sentenced to death for 10

years and also very recently very funny

debate between the Beijing Environment

Ministry and American Embassy in Beijing

because the ministry blame and Merck

embassy for intervening Chinese internal

politics by disclosing the air quality

data of Beijing so the app is the

embassy data the PM 2.5 he show 148 the

show is dangerous for sensitive group so

suggestion is not good to go outside but

the DA is the ministry’s data

he shows 50 he said it’s good it’s good

to go outside but 99 percent of Chinese

mica bloggers stand firmly on the

embassy side

I live in Beijing every day I just watch

the American Embassy’s data to decide

whether I should open my window why

Chinese social networking even reading

the censorship is so balmy part of

reason is Chinese languages you know

Twitter and Twitter clones have a kind

of a nutrition 140 characters but in

English is 20 words or sentence with a

show link maybe in Germany a German

language maybe just aha

but in Chinese language is really about

140 characters means a paragraph a story

you can almost have all the journalistic

elements to there for example this is

the hamlet of a Shakespeare is same

content one you can see exactly one

Chinese treat is equal to three point

five English trees Chinese always teach

eating right so because of this Chinese

really regarded this microblogging as a

media not only headline to media and

also the club signal company is the guy

who cloned that Twitter the even has a

long name would with women Weibo is

Chinese translation for microblog it has

owned the innovation at the commenting

area make the Chinese web war more like

Facebook rather than Orangina Twitter so

these innovations and the clones as the

Weibo and micro blogging when they come

to China in 2009 they immediately become

the media platform itself it become a

media platform 300 million readers they

become the media it was anything not

mentioned in web or it does not appear

to exist for Chinese public but also

Chinese social media is really changing

Chinese mindset and Chinese life

for example they give the voiceless

people a channel to make your voice


we had a prediction system is the remedy

outside the judicial system because

Chinese central government want to keep

a Miss the Emperor is good the old local

officials are sucks so that’s why the

petitioner the victims of the peasant

went to take a train to Beijing to

petition to central government once the

Emperor want to settle the problem but

when more and more people will go to

Beijing they also cause the risk of

revolution so they send them back recent

years and even some of them would put

into black ear

but now we have the Weibull so I called

Weibull petition people just to use the

cellphone to treat so your self stories

by some chance your story would be pick

up by reporters professors or

celebrities one of that is yotan she’s

most popular mica blogger in China who

has about 21 million followers they’re

almost like a national TV station if you

store sad story we’ll pick up by her so

this wave of social media even in the

censorship steer gave Chinese a real

chance for 300 million people every day

chatting together talking together she’s

like a big Ted right but also it is like

the first time of public sphere

happening China Chinese people start to

learn how to negotiate and talk to

people but also the cat the censorship

is not sleeping it’s so hard to post

some sensitive words in the Chinese

people for example you can’t post the

name of the present or hooting Tao and

also you can’t post the city of


the name and until recently you can’t

search the surname of top leaders so the

Chinese are very good at this pound and

alternative wording and even memes the

even name serve you know use the name of

this war changing patter between the

grass mud horse and river craft course

my horse is taurima is the phonogram for

is not even call themself

ninety ten columns a river crap is

Russia is the phonogram for

harmonization for censorship so that’s

kind of autonomy versus the who is here

that’s very good but and so that’s when

some very practical exciting moment

happened you can see away boy you see a

lot of very weird stories happened we’re

the phrases in the words even you have a

PhD of the Chinese language you can’t

understand them but you can you expand

more no because Chinese signal way boy

while his was funded is exactly one

month after the official blocking of that means from the very

beginning the Weibull are already has

already convinced the Chinese government

we will not become the stage for any

kind of a threat to the regime for

example anything you want to post like

get together or meet up or walk it who

were automatically were recorded and

data mined and reported it to a poll for

further and political analyzing even you

want to have a some gathering before you

go there the place is already waiting

for you why because they have the data

they have everything in their hand

so the you can’t think I use the 1984

scenario data mining of the dissident so

the crackdown is very serious but I want

you notice very funny thing during the

process of the cat and mouse the cat is

the censorship but Chinese is not only

one cat but also have a local caste

central cat and local cats you know

server is in local cats hand so even

that when the Nadi’s and criticized

local government local government has no

any excess of the data in Beijing

without bribing the central Cass he can

do nothing only apologize so this three

year in the past three years social

movement about micro blogging really

changed local government become more

more and more transparent because we

can’t access the data a server is in

Beijing the story about train crash

maybe the question is not about why 10

million criticism in five days but why

Chinese central government allow the

five days of freedom speech online it

never happened before and so it’s very

simple because even the top leaders was

fed up with this guy this independent

kingdom so they want his cues so public

opinion is very good excuse to punish

him but also the like his

recently very big news he’s princeling

but in from the federal to the April in

this year wave will really become a

marketplace of rumors you can almost

choke everything about these princelings

everything it’s almost you are living in

the United States but if you dare to

retreat or mention any fake koop about

Beijing in Beijing you definitely will

be arrested so this kind of freedom is

targeted and precise window so Chinese

in China censorship is normal something

you find is freedom is weird

something will happen behind because he

was very popular leftist leader so

central government want to purge him

they need very skill to convince the all

the Chinese people why is so bad so the

the way bored 300 million public sphere

become very good convenient or for

political fight but this technology is

very new but technique is very old it

made it famous by Chairman Mao Mao

Zedong because he mobilized millions of

Chinese people in the Cultural

Revolution to destroy every local

government it’s very simple because

Chinese central government don’t need

even leader the public opinion it just

gave them a target window no censor

people no censoring in China become a

political tool so that’s the update

about this game cat-and-mouse social

media change Annie’s mindset

more and more Chinese intend to embrace

freedom speech in the human

as their birthright nor some imported

American privilege but also it gave

Chinese at national public sphere for

people to it’s like a training of the

citizenship preparing for the future

democracy but it didn’t change Chinese

political system and also Chinese

central government routinized a

centralized server structure to

strengthen his power to come to the

local government and the different

factions so what’s the future but after

all we are the mouse whatever the future

is we should fight against the mouse

there is not only in China but also in

the United States there are some very

small cute but bear cats sober PIPA

ACTA TPP and et ITU and also like

Facebook and the Google declare they’re

friends of the mouse but sometimes we

see them dating with the cats so my

conclusion is very simple we Chinese

fight for our freedom you just watch

your bad casts

don’t let them to hook with a Chinese

casts only in this in the future we were

to achieve the dreams of the mouse now

we can treat anytime anywhere with our


thank you
