Jennifer B. Nuzzo 3 ways to prepare society for the next pandemic TED

So I’m an infectious disease

and it used to be the case
that when I would tell people that,

they would ask me if it had
something to do with the skin.


But thanks to COVID-19, most people
have now heard of epidemiologists.

So these days,
when I tell people what I do,

the questions I get asked
most frequently are more like:

When does this end?

When do things go back to how they were?

I get it.

I am very eager
to stop worrying about COVID-19.

But these questions
seem to be imbued with a hope

that when we get
to the other side of all this,

our prepandemic lives
are just going to be waiting for us.

Now this pandemic will end.

But it won’t be possible
just to go back to how it was in 2019.

Now that may sound bleak,
but I assure you, it doesn’t have to be.

Let me tell you a story
that’s been giving me some hope.

Feeling better about this.

Baltimore 1904.

A lit cigarette was left in the basement

of the six-story Hurst building.

Within a half an hour, the fire grew
to an out-of-control conflagration.

Local firefighters
were quickly overwhelmed,

so crews came in from neighboring cities.

But when they arrived,
they couldn’t hook up their hoses

because in 1904

there were over 600 variations
of hose couplings

on hydrants in the United States.

The fire destroyed
more than 1,500 buildings,

2,500 businesses.

And when it was finally extinguished,

the burnt district, as it was called,
spanned more than 80 blocks.

Fortunately, just a few people died,

but that was probably a function of luck

due to the fact that the fire
broke out in a business district

that was uninhabited on the weekends.

The story of the Great Baltimore Fire
of 1904 is important for a few reasons.

To this day, it is one of the largest
urban conflagrations in US history.

And in today’s money,

the toll of this one event
is upwards of three billion dollars.

But the Great Fire is remarkable
not just for its tolls

but for what happened afterwards.

Witnessing the devastation that was caused
by a single unattended cigarette

prompted massive change

in how Baltimore
and the rest of the country

protect itself against urban fires.

We saw changes in three major areas.

First, we began using data
to make buildings safer

and to improve the way
we respond to fires.

Governments passed ordinances

that became the basis
of the first building codes:

standards that inform
the design and construction of buildings

to make them more resistant to fire

and to protect the people
that occupy them.

We installed fire alarms so that we could
detect and pinpoint fires in buildings

as soon as they occur

and alert people of the need to evacuate.

And we created national standards
for firefighting equipment

so that crews coming out of state
could hook up their hoses.

The second area of change is
that we created a culture of fire safety.

We regularly test fire alarms
and fire hydrants,

and we educate people
about the risk of fires,

how to prevent them
and what to do when one occurs.

You remember “stop, drop and roll”
fire drills in schools?

These exercises prime us to act
when the alarms go off.

Even if there’s
no noticeable sign of fire,

we know we’re supposed
to get out of the building

until someone tells us
it’s safe to go back.

The third area of change
was that we built up our fire defenses.

Communities across the country
created and staffed fire departments

so that they’d be ready
to respond in emergencies.

And because we don’t know
when the next fire is going to occur,

we operate our fire defenses
24 hours a day, every day,

and we don’t get rid of our fire defenses

just because we haven’t had a fire
for a couple of years.

Data, drills and defense.

The collective impact of changes
implemented in the US since 1904

has meant that we no longer have
the same number of great urban fires

that were so frequent
in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Now I first came
to Baltimore 17 years ago,

actually when the city was gearing up

to commemorate the 100th anniversary
of the Great Fire.

I came to study
infectious disease outbreaks,

and even then, well before COVID-19,

it was abundantly clear
that the risk of our experiencing

a dangerous pandemic

was high and increasing.

By the year 2000,

the number of emerging infectious disease
outbreaks that was occurring

was four times greater than in the 1940s.

And in the last 17 years,
we have witnessed a string of events

that have each exposed vulnerabilities
in how we respond to infectious diseases

and have challenged us in ways
that should have made us really worried

how we’d fare when the big one hit.

I first heard about COVID December 2019.

I was on vacation with my family,

and in a few weeks we would learn

that the virus was spreading
easily between people.

As an epidemiologist,
that’s when the alarms went off.

At that point, most of my work
had been focused on other countries,

helping places develop
the tools they needed

to stop the spread of new diseases.

But it was becoming clear
the US was not taking the steps it needed

to protect us from the unfolding pandemic.

On February 5, 2020,

I testified before Congress
about the US experience of COVID,

and I said that
just closing travel to China

was not going to be sufficient,

that we urgently needed
to bolster our defenses.

We had a lot of reasons to be worried.

Due to budget cuts,

there were 250,000 fewer
public health workers in the US

than we needed.

Our hospitals weren’t ready
for a surge of patients,

and the outbreak in China
was causing disruptions

in global supplies of personal
protective equipment and medicines.

But our leaders didn’t heed those alarms.

While other countries, like South Korea,
snapped into action

developing COVID tests
and contact tracing programs,

the US remained in denial.

Instead of telling us
how to protect ourselves,

our political leaders tried to assure us
we had nothing to worry about.

Over the last year, I’ve worked

with the Johns Hopkins
Coronavirus Resource Center,

analyzing key COVID data

and gathering information
from governments around the world.

And for much of the pandemic,
we have had an inconsistent picture

of how much of a crisis
COVID has been here in the US

and who has been most affected

because states collect and report
COVID data in inconsistent ways.

Still today states report testing data,
vaccine data, COVID demographic data


Having nonstandard data,
unstandardized data,

in the midst of a pandemic

is like not being able
to hook up your hoses to the hydrants

when your country is burning down.

Today, our culture of safety
around infectious diseases is in shambles.

We finally have vaccines,
lifesaving tools to end the pandemic.

And too many of us won’t take them.

If we thought about pandemics
the way we thought about fires,

what we would do would be
to try to learn as much as possible

about our vulnerabilities during COVID

and work to ensure we are
never again left so unprotected.

We would commit to action in three areas.

Data, drills and defense.

First, we would develop systems
to ensure we have the data we need

to know when and where there’s danger
and how best to protect ourselves.

The next time there’s
a concerning outbreak in the world,

we wouldn’t just wait
until people get sick enough

to go to the hospital to test them.

We would go out
and start looking for infections

so that we could detect them
as early as possible.

And every case we find,
we would investigate it,

so that we could quickly learn

what specific places and activities
are most likely to get people sick

instead of just saying,
“Stay home, if you can, for two years.”

And we would develop
national data standards,

so that data from New Jersey

could be meaningfully compared
to data from Oklahoma.

The second area of action would be
to start building a culture of safety

that empowers us
as individuals and businesses

and community organizations
to protect ourselves and others.

We would work to ensure
that everyone had access to in-home tests

so that we could know if it’s safe
to go to work or to see family.

We would teach people about the threat,
how to protect themselves

and how not to spread it to others.

But this education
would be mostly a reminder

because we would be
practicing these skills

well in advance of the next pandemic.

We would use every flu season as a drill.

Long before COVID-19, Taiwan began
staging mass vaccination exercises

every flu season.

They did this to boost vaccination rates
in the most vulnerable,

but also to practice
how they would do it in a pandemic,

so that well in advance of a crisis,

people would know where and how
they would get a vaccine.

Now, at a time when the country
is incredibly divided,

I know it may seem impossible

that we could build this culture of safety
around infectious diseases that we need.

But I have spent the last year and a half
talking to all sorts of people

with a range of views on these issues,

from top leaders to QAnon believers.

And I assure you, we all want
to protect ourselves and our families.

But we need to build trust.

And we can’t do that

if we wait until the next crisis
to talk to each other.

The third area where we’d take action

is to build our defenses
against infectious diseases.

Instead of a skeletal
public health infrastructure

that waxes and wanes with every crisis,

we would maintain, for good,

a large cadre of highly skilled
public health professionals

who work day in and day out

to make our communities
healthier and safer

and be ready to respond in an emergency.

We’d reduce our structural vulnerabilities
to infectious diseases,

starting with our buildings,

updating our building codes
and ventilation systems

so that we could be assured

that these spaces
will not result in super spreading.

And we would implement economic defenses:

policies that provide
financial and social support to people

who need to stay home because they’re sick

or a loved one is sick
or they need to quarantine

so they don’t have to choose
between following public health guidance

and earning a paycheck.

Data, drills and defense.

If we acted

in these three ways,

we’d have a much better shot
of keeping the next pandemic threat

to a manageable outbreak

instead of a blazing inferno
that engulfs entire cities and countries.

When people ask me

when the pandemic is going to end,

I don’t think they’re also wondering
when the next one is going to occur.

They are, understandably,
focused on getting past this threat.

They want to know for how much longer
do we have to hold our breath

until the flames of the pandemic die down.

But conflagrations don’t end
just because one was put out.

The frequency and severity of fires
changes when changes are made.

The same is true for pandemics.

So when people ask me when are things
going to go back to how they were,

I have to say: hopefully never.

Thank you.


Helen Walters: Thank you.
Thank you so much. Thank you.

So you talked about trust in that –

and we’ve seen the vaccine rate,
when it’s available,

it’s really shockingly low,

and much of that
is really related to trust,

trust in the systems, trust in society.

What are ways that you think
that we can do a better job as a society

to convince people that vaccines are safe
and people should take them?

Jennifer B. Nuzzo: I think, first of all,
don’t give up on people.

I have seen people change.

And you have to come
at your conversations with people

from a place of empathy.

Try to understand why, right?

We don’t do enough of that,

trying to understand
why people feel that way,

and engage with them, hear them.

I have found that just simply
giving space to people,

to allow them to talk
about their anxieties and their concerns

and having the conversation

takes it from a culture war to just
a conversation between human beings.

And we’ve lost that ability,

and part of the pandemic
has taken that ability from us

because we’ve had few opportunities.

But we really do have to
talk to each other

and have the hard conversations,

and just recognize that we’re
all walking through this world

trying to get the same things,
trying to do the same thing.

HW: Well, thank you for everything
that you’re doing, Jennifer.

JBN: Thank you.
