The link between fishing cats and mangrove forest conservation Ashwin Naidu

(Imitates fishing cat)

That’s my impersonation of a fishing cat,

which actually sounds more like this.

(Prerecorded fishing cat sounds)

It’s a cat that loves water,

loves to fish,

and lives in some of the most unique
and valuable ecosystems on earth:

the wetlands and mangrove forests
of South and Southeast Asia.

Aren’t they fishing awesome?


Fishing cats are one of about 40
species of wildcats.

Like tigers and lions, only much smaller.

They’re probably around twice the size
of our average domestic cat.

In Indonesia,

people call them “kucing bakau,”

which literally translates
to “the cat of the mangroves.”

But I like to call them
the tigers of the mangroves.

Now, we don’t know fishing cats
as well as we do tigers,

but what we’ve learned is that these cats
can be a flagship species

to a globally important ecosystem,

and a visual bait attached
to a strong line for conservation.

Are you hooked yet?


Like many endangered species,

fishing cats are threatened
by habitat loss,

mainly because of our international demand
for farmed fish and shrimp,

and the deforestation
of nearly half the historic mangrove cover

in South and Southeast Asia.

Mangroves, on the other hand,

are much more than just habitat
to the fishing cat.

They are home to a fantastic
array of species,

like jackals,



and otters.


Mangroves also prevent soil erosion,

and they can be the first line of defense
between storm surges, tsunamis

and the millions of people
who live next to these forests

for their day-to-day survival.

The fact that puts
the icing on the cake –

or the earth, I should say –

is that mangroves can store

upwards of five to ten times
more carbon dioxide

than tropical forests.

So protecting one acre of mangroves

may well be like protecting five
or more acres of tropical forests.

Would you like to eliminate
you entire life’s carbon footprint?

Well, mangroves can offer you

one of the best bangs
for your conservation buck.

Deforestation, extinction
and climate change

are all global problems that we can solve

by giving value
to our species and ecosystems

and by working together
with the local people

who live next to them.

This is one of three river deltas
in coastal South India

where communities came together

to change the face and potentially,
the fate of this planet.

In less than a decade,

with international support,

the state forest departments
and the local communities

worked together to restore

over 20,000 acres
of unproductive fish and shrimp farms

back into mangroves.

About five years ago,

guess who we discovered
in these restored mangroves?

When we shared images
of these fishing cats with local people,

we were able to build pride among them

about a globally revered
endangered species and ecosystem

in their backyards.

We were also able to build trust
with some people

to help them lead alternative livelihoods.

Meet Santosh, a 19-year-old boy

who not only became
a conservation professional

after working with us
for just over a year

but also went on to involve
many local fishermen

in helping study and protect fishing cats.

Meet Moshi, a tribal poacher,

who not only stopped hunting

and became our most
prized conservationist,

but also used his traditional knowledge

to educate his entire community
to stop hunting fishing cats, otters

and the many other threatened species

that live in the mangroves
in his backyard.

Fish and shrimp farmers, like Venkat,

are now willing to work
with us conservationists

to test the sustainable harvest
of ecosystem services like crabs,

and possibly even honey, from mangroves.

Incentives that could get them
to protect and plant mangroves

where they have been lost.

A win-win-win

for fishing cats, local people
and the global community.

These stories show us
that we can all be part of a future

where fishing cats
and the lost mangrove forests

are protected and restored
by fishermen themselves,

creating carbon sinks

that can help offset
our ecological footprints.

So while the fishing cat may be small,

I hope that we’ve been able
to help make it a big deal.

One that we can all invest in

to help sustain our lives
on earth a little longer.

Or as our friend here would say …

(Prerecorded fishing cat sounds)

Thank you.
