Theres something about food




only had one job when i was nine years


and that job i took very seriously

my duty was to hold the motta ever so


my siblings and i saddled around the

mother dodging the pistol from hitting

our tender faces

was all in the hopes of eating


pounded yam no other food requires such

selflessness and strength

you see pounded yam is the king

of all foods it serves both the rich

and the poor alike panda jam is made

with two

simple ingredients yam and water

that’s it it’s that simple the constant

pounding turns

a rough tube of yam into a very soft

dough in your tells a story like no


it is as traditional as you can get

it is authentic and unpretentious it is


and vigor the sound of pounding

is music to my ears i can never forget

the sound that rocked me to sleep

and awakened my soul there’s just


about food food

is music the thumping sound of the


heard across several planes in africa

the sound of hot pounded yam usually


with a goosey soup a staple in my


if you listen very closely

it sounds like the beating of the heart

the synchronized sound

from up down left

and right that rhythm awakens those who

are hungry

to the hope of a new meal

like my love for pounded yam

that love knows no bounds

food is love the first date sitting

across the table from a man you love

fisting on the plate of filet mignon

if you’re acting like you don’t eat that


you order a bowl of salad whichever way

you eat you’ll create memories

food is memory

my first meal in america was spaghetti

with meatballs from governor square mall

in tallahassee florida i loved it the

second day i was at kfc with my

uncle fisting on fried chicken mashed

potatoes with gravy

and soft buttery biscuit i

love the chicken and the biscuit

the mashed potatoes and gravy not so


i remember my first pizza my first


my first sushi my first gyro was with an

ex-boyfriend it was so good we had it

almost every

other day how can i ever forget the

taste of pita fries

and tzatziki sauce and then there was

the chinese restaurant my cousin and i

will go to

every time we worked out it was like our

five dollar reward for working out so


we made lots of memories and gained a

lot of weight over those

how special fried rice with fried


and dog sauce sweet soy sauce and for me

hot oil i swear

nothing comes close to the taste of

chinese food from that storefront

in tallahassee i fell in love with

food living in tallahassee florida

i became passionate about cooking and


how to cook living in that small town

i became entroled about southern soul


taking trips to fort valley georgia

how can i ever forget the taste of

collard greens

and blueberry cake i fell in love with

mexican food

living in houston texas there’s just

something about tortillas

i grew to appreciate creole food while

living in louisiana for one

year these are my food memories

and every one of us have them but we

rarely think of them

or appreciate them we connect food to

people places and events

that shaped our lives for many of us

food evokes pleasant memories we


places smells people and moments

we associate food with moments that are

that come to warm feelings and tie us


pounded yam is my favorite childhood

memory it connects me to home

pounded yam is home food

is home people gathered around dining

tables across the world

sharing a meal laughter conversations

and creating memories food is

sunday soul food with big mama making a

pot of mac and cheese

it’s cinco de mayo and eating tacos

it’s chinese new year indulging in


chinese foods it’s ghee during the hindu


it’s pizza and barbecue night at the


it’s also christmas morning rice with

stew and chicken

every single christmas when i was

growing up it’s

thanksgiving dinners with the ones you

love pairing knives ready to carve the


it’s enjoying my cousins chicken


and her burnt cookie every single year

it’s my warm coconut pepper soup faux


a guest comes to my home

food is ritualistic

baking brownies every saturday with my

boys is a ritual for us

making warm peppa soup is a weekly

ritual for me in some cultures

eating pounded yam during the new year


is a ritual and you dare not eat it

before the king does

these rituals involve conversations and


and the point of our souls to each other

we all have

certain food rituals it’s just we never

get to think of them do we

there’s just something about food

food connects there’s no better

connector than food

it symbolizes how we define ourselves

and how we connect with our culture

pounded yam is a family of fear where

the man

harvests the yam and the women do the

pounding and in some cases

the men do the pounding and the women

have as the yams

villages and communities share in the

joy of cooking and

eating social gatherings are usually

grazed with a

spread of food people connect over their

mutual love for food

and a chance meeting a starbucks and

realizing you both love macchiato could

actually create a ripple effect of a

lifetime friendship

but just as food connects us food also

separates us

food defines class it defines the halves

and halves not

i read about two five thousand year old

mummies that were found

frozen in time what was fascinating


was the scientist was able to tell what

class they belonged to

based on their diet one was wealthy and

the other

wasn’t how incredible

is that meaning what i eat or not eat

solely depends on my

income and sometimes my zip code

we see a great disparities in how we eat

and what we eat which in turn determines

the length

and the quality of our lives

food is health we are what we eat after


we eat food for sustainance to

live long to live better and to thrive

eating the wrong types of food

would affect us eating the right types

of food would help us

live longer

and unfortunately food is death you eat

too much of the wrong meals and your

health is threatened

you overeat and under eat there is


people and nations fight over food


and the lucky ones who cannot afford a


die of starvation

while other nations have their citizens

overeating themselves to death

but food is hope for the poor

a bowl of soup or a plate of rice

gives hope just like what a roman noodle

is to a college student

it reassures eurovision will say

obasi konjeshatiwa meaning

even if there’s no money as long as

there’s food

poverty is more painful when there is no


being broke is more evident when your


is empty

food is beauty i’m in love with the

plating of food

the look of well-plated food pleases my


i’m entrolled by the law of it

the beauty of green vegetables

quietly placed nest to steamed

potatoes or the beauty of pepperoni

on pizza how about

the beauty of sushi craftly laid out

on a plate the spirit of

zobo as it dances in a cup

or suya leaning on a stone grill

there’s something beautiful about food

food is celebration where i come from

that means ninja patsy jo love

smoky red rice without which a nigerian

party is incomplete

there’s an ongoing culinary war actually

about this rice

we pay homage to food as an essential


of every celebration it’s a malawi

egg we’re doing gregory soup it’s ophel


when a guest comes to your home is tuo

and mian kuka

of course it’s pounded yam and a goosey


the smell of food sumans the herald of


it beckons the dance and the excitement

finally food is culture

food exists as a way of expressing


it gives insight into cultural norms and


we also connect different cultures to

their food

like fufu being african

when you think sushi you think japanese

taco mexico pasta italian

baklava middle east burger

and barbecue america as an immigrant my

biggest worry when i came to this


was to be able to find food that reminds

me of home it took almost 15 years to


eat real pounded yam

while immigrants explore new foods we

also want to be connected

to our culture we want to maintain our


eating habits and we often use food as a

way of retaining

our cultural identity

food is an expression of our cultural


there is more of a connection between

food and culture

than you may think as an immigrant i

brought with me

memories of food that i grew up with

it helped me not being homesick it

actually helped

me not being homesick because i could

see it everywhere i go

like eating soft juicy mango that

actually tastes like i remembered it

or eating broad corn that reminds me of


in nigeria or the very first time i had

guava in texas

and i was transported right back to

secondary school

inokane sitting on the front porch

devouring them

that’s the power of food when we share

our food cultures with others

our culture is preserved and traditions

are passed down

it is important to explore other food to

connect over food

to use food as a tool to give hope to


love to create memories and teach others

to be more informed about

other cultures and their food it is also

important not to allow

food separate us but to use

food as a communicative tool to help us

understand the world


i only have one job at 41 years old

and that job i take very seriously

i plan to have conversations about


food and culture and to give people a

peek into what authentic

african food is all about

and explore how to connect and fuse

foods from different cultures

to create a beautiful story that dances

on your palate

it is celebrating the cultural diversity

of food

and to make sure that we produce and

cook real foods

that with cultural relevance that are

devoid of harmful chemicals

there’s definitely something about food

it’s beyond biological sustainance

it’s love it’s home it’s memories

it’s celebration it’s beauty it’s hope

it’s health and so much more

so what’s your food identity

what is food to you

what memories do you have about food

like my people would say come

and chop thank you

