Why and how to eat healthy

let the food be medicine and medicine be

food set by hypocrites 400 years before

christ actually reveals that that we all

know the importance of healthy eating

since long


today even the science of nutrition is

with lots of prejudice misconceptions

and debates so fail to throw some light

on how and why we should eat healthy i

am dr john de souza i am from

academician and researcher turned into

the learner of nutritional sciences we

ate to provide nutritional and

physiological requirements of the body

but unfortunately what we ate is also

guided by many of the factors

including hunger

the appetite the cost of the food the

test of the food and most importantly

the knowledge of the food the history of

modern nutrition actually reveals that

we initially started understanding the

relationship between the single nutrient

deficiency and the disease caused later

we use this knowledge for fortifying the

foods and later we understood the

importance of protein-rich food as well

as the limits of

saturated fat salts and sugars


we understood the relationship between

unhealthy eating and the risk of

non-communicable diseases which are

called as ncd’s two third of the deaths

occurring globally annually are because

of ncds where the major cause is

unhealthy lifestyle which mainly

includes unhealthy eating


which actually leads to the condition

called as chronically elevated

low grade kind of inflammation

with the major causes are

the industrially produced trans fatty

acid high intake of fat

the consumption of glucose containing

high glycemic index the low status of

vitamin k vitamin d

potassium and magnesium

the low fiber intake as well as

the low intake of fruits and vegetables

with this


the developed condition we together call

it as cardio metabolic disorders which

typically includes type 2 type of

diabetes atherosclerosis hypertension as

well as the heart failure and

non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases which

also includes the cancer

as well as

various neuroinflammatory and

neurodegenerative diseases including

cognitive decline and depression

the phenomenon is called as meta


and this meta formation is also


for the hampered barrier

nature of the gastrointestinal tract

which leads to the increased intake of

bacteria and their degradative products

along with some macromolecules which are


for the condition of continuing


which also leads to to the inflammation

this also includes the conditions like

cataxia and anorexia cataxia is the

muscles bursting well anorexia is loss

of epithet due to disease

the functional muscle mass which is also

we call it a sarcopenia and substantial

loss of functional muscle mass is

responsible for the mobilities and


the good news is we can prevent all

these consequences by healthy eating

practices in the anger age itself

another thing that we should understand

is the medicines and foods share similar

molecular receptors and passages which

is responsible for food drug


and leading to the decline action of

certain foods

so to prevent this we should be

carefully selecting our food while we we

are under medication one more thing that

we all should understand is microbiota

and microbiome we all harbor more than

100 trillions of microorganisms inside

our gut and these microbes all together

which are constituting of the bacteria

viruses fungi and even protozoa we call

them as microbiota and their genome

together we call it as microbiome it is

surprising to know that this microbiome

is constituted of more than three

millions of genes and it helps replacing

many functions of the host and now best

considered as the virtual organ of the

body microbiota is important because

it ferments the non-digestible dietary


and endogenous intestinal fluid into the

substrate which is used by the useful

microorganisms producing single chain

fatty acids and these single chain fatty

acids are mainly the butyrate the

propionate and the acidity

the butyrates are

main energy sources for

the human colonoscide cells

they are responsible for apoptosis they

are also useful for

gluconeogenesis and that involved in

glucose and energy homeostasis along

with this they are useful

for the epithelial cells which are

involved in the consumption of oxygen

this consumption of oxygen by fetal cell

is important this leads to the condition

called as hypoxia which is very useful

because it maintains the oxygen level of

our gut


prevents the these biases further the

propionates are released into the liver

where they are also involved in

gluconeogenesis along with this the

propionates are useful for satiety

signaling by reaction with the fatty

acid receptors of the gut acetates are

released in the peripheral tissues

wherein they are also involved in

the cholesterol metabolism as well as

lipogenesis and they are useful as per a

central aperture regulation is concerned

good news is we can repair this

disrupt microbial flora by

administrating useful microorganisms

with the adequate quantity which confers

the health

and these microorganisms which are

particularly bifidobacterium and

lactobacilli are called as probiotics

and these probiotic microorganisms do

require specific food for their survival

and growth we call it as prebiotics it

is also important to understand what is

healthy eating and healthy eating is all

about having healthy dietary pattern

since from the birth life long inclusion


nutrient dense food in our diet which

should be sources of vitamins proteins

and other dietary components


fruit groups the typical food groups are

starchy food the fruits and vegetables

the protein sources and dairy staying

with the calorie limits

with 2500 kilo calorie and 20 hundred

kilo calorie per adult male and female

respectively per day along with this we

should be limiting the saturated fats

sugars and salt saturated fats are

limited to 30 and 20 gram

respectively for male and female per day


sugars are limited to 30 gram per day

and salts are limited to 6 gram per day

the dietary pattern lifelong actually

begins from the birth with exclusively


the baby with human milk

and when it is not available with iron


nutrient formula we can continue feeding

uh baby on the human milk for first six

months which can be further

extended to the year of five years or

even more

along with this babies should be

provided with supplemental vitamin d

since birth and one should be

introducing the diverse nutrients since

from the six months of the age including

the food

containing zinc and iron as far as

nutritional and calorific requirements

of the women during before and after the

phase of pregnancy and lactation is

concerned the more because it is

required for the health of mother as

well as for the growth and development

of baby particularly mothers are

supplemented with folic acid before

conception as well as to be continued in

early trimester which prevents neural

tube defect

increase intake of iron iodine and


should be given but this should be with

the consultation of offstation no

alcohol and one should be limiting

the intake of caffeine containing fruits

and beverages

as far as the healthy dietary pattern

lifelong is concerned

it is all about having the good balance

of various food groups

which starts with 6 to 11 servings of

starchy food

and one should be constituting the

starchy food as a base meal one should

be eating more of a whole grains because

whole grains are more nutritionally rich

as well as they do contain the dietary

fiber we take more time in digesting

dietary fiber and with which we can feel

full for longer along with that two to

four servings of fruits and three to

five servings of vegetables one should

vary fruits and vegetables one should be

eating whole fruit fruits and vegetables

are important because they are more than

nutrients and they are the good sources

of other bio-active compounds including

carotenoids phenolic standards alkaloids

and organo sulfur compounds along with

the fruits and vegetables another

important group is

the protein source

two to three servings of protein source

which is mainly composed of meat

the poultry the fish

the eggs the dry beans as well as the


one should be wearing protein routine

one should eat more of a fish one should

eat oily fish once in a week because

oily fish contains long chain omega-3

fatty acids whenever we eat any of the

protein source we should be eating it

grilled or boiled instead of fried along

with this one should be very careful as

per as the selection of oil spreads are

concerned one should be replacing butter

with vegetable oils

mainly corn canolas sunflower safflower

and soybean and not all because these

are the good oils and they contain

lesser number of fats which helps us

maintaining cholesterol one should be

also careful about drinking at least six


eight glass of fluids which is mainly


and also can contain fat free milk along

with sugar free dairy

like tea or coffee more than this one

should be avoiding alcohol or should be

limiting it to 14 units a week because

alcohol contains more number of calorie


it is deleterious for the health also

so to conclude to see that we can

achieve and

maintain the health one should be

needing to prioritize the nutritional

policy which is based on various

indicators like dri that is dietary

reference intake and hei that is healthy

eating intake

along with

the exploring of the

science of food by means of various

interactions with the molecular targets

by means of random clinical trials

and this trusted science should be

communicated to the public and most

importantly we all should be following

the healthy eating practices lifelong

along with the sound sleep and the

exercise thank you