Why Every Teenage Boy Should Be A Feminist

as a young kid

absolutely obsessed with all things food

i could have never imagined that my love

of rich indian curries with buttery

garlic naan

or my never-ending craving of baja fish

tacos would lead me to have a platform

to reach

millions of people as an advocate for my

other passion that happens to start with

an f

feminism my journey to being a loud and

proud gender equity advocate

did not come about because of any

personal injustice i fortunately was

never the victim of discrimination

nor any of the women in my life it ended

up though that the lack of exposure to

the issue

was the very thing that eventually

brought it to my intention as a young

kid i naively thought gender equity was

a given

i could have fathomed that there were

people who truly believed women do not

deserve the same opportunities and

rights as men

this disbelief grew into an anger that

ignited a fire within me

i soon became dedicated to the cause and

proudly called myself a feminist

but before i could even begin to become

a true influential advocate for gender


i actually spent a great deal of time in

what stereotypically a woman’s domain

the kitchen as a kid i was often

bored by the traditional jewish food my

mother cooked at home or the chicken

nuggets mac and cheese and fish sticks

that i was expected to love as a kid

sure i love a good bowl of cheesy pasta

who doesn’t

but i wanted more i wanted to experiment

with new spices and flavors in a way

that my parents just didn’t know how

and while my family indulged my culinary

aspirations by taking me to restaurants

of all different cuisines

it was still not enough to satisfy my

literal and metaphorical hunger for more

so at the age of nine i became

determined to make these more exotic

foods myself

through extensive trial and error and

lots and lots of dirty dishes

i fell in love with being in the kitchen

not only was it a space where i could be


but it also had the added bonus of being

able to make the food

that i’ve always craved and as my

friends began enjoying baseball

video games and other traditional

pastimes for boys my age

i further pursued cooking the same joy i

saw my friends feel when hitting a home

run or beating a super hard level in

their video

game i felt throughout every step of

cooking from start to finish

cooking was just sheer bliss for me and

while you never know by looking at me

because i have the

literal metabolism of a racehorse i’ve

always been obsessed with food and

constantly eating

and discussing cooking and thinking

about food

after about a year cooking’s no longer

just a past time of mine

it’s a full blown obsession i didn’t

have pictures of famous sports players

on the walls of my bedroom or game

consoles littering my floor

instead i could be found watching

documentaries about northern versus

southern indian cuisine or learning how

to make

an authentic mexican stew on youtube i

had posters of food network stars all

over my room and under my bed

were not baseball cards but dozens and

dozens of indian pots and pans

that we didn’t have room for in my

kitchen no joke

at the age of 11 on a complete and total

whim i applied to be on the first ever

kids episode of chopped

and much to my and everyone’s surprise i

got on

at the time i was excited to be on tv

but was oblivious

to the multitude of opportunities and

the eventual career that would emerge

from this experience

after my episode aired on the food

network my mother suggested i start a

food blog to document my culinary


it was the perfect idea i know it’s

something that could keep up with my

endless energy and excitement about food

an audience just as passionate about

cooking as i was

surprisingly my food blog and instagram

page did very well from the start

the more i saw people enjoying my

content and my following growing

the more time i devoted to the creative

process of recipe development

in addition to dedicating more time to

the actual cooking

i also put a great deal of effort into

making each post educational

i would research the origin of the dish

and share with my readers all that i

learned about the various rich cultures

and histories

from across the globe as i developed

more recipes for my blog

i realized my iphone camera was just not

adequately capturing the stunning colors

and details of my dishes

i saved up money bought a professional

grade camera and some gear

and fell in love with the art of food

photography i love being able to

create a story with my food pictures

from the linens to the plates to a

single flower in the very back of an


every detail was carefully curated to

convey a message and encapsulate

a moment in time as my production

quality advanced

the range of dishes i could create and

the number of recipes i shared did as


and through it all a growing online

community was following me along my


throughout the process i treated my

social media and blog

as not only a hobby but a business i

made schedules of what and when i would

post and kept to those deadlines as if

they were as strict

as the ones for my school assignments

that meant rather than indulging in

lazy sunday mornings i set my alarm for

7 a.m eagerly jumped out of bed and

started my day with the hopes of


as much as possible my sundays consisted

of prepping food for that day

shoot setting up the props for the

pictures cooking styling

photographing the food editing the

photos developing recipes for next

week’s shoot

and so much more soon i started

capturing the attention of

local press and even national companies

became interested in sponsoring my work

i was invited to host cooking demos

around the country and began to view

myself as not only a chef

but an entertainer as well i loved and

still love

educating people and sharing my

enthusiasm about food

and as i wondered how else i could

further share my passion video seemed

like the natural next step

so i started making youtube videos for

my own channel where i hope to convey my

recipes and excitement about food even


around this time i started catching the

attention of leaders in the digital


suddenly while still a young teenager

i’m getting invited by executives at


and facebook to visit their new york

offices for meetings

both myself and my cooking are being

featured by many of the biggest media

publications and my work is being


by many of my idols as time went on my

following grew into the hundreds of


but what took my career to the next

level was when i started a tick tock

account and grew it from zero

to a million followers in just four

months with short form

high energy cooking and food comedy

videos to date i built a community of

over 1.3 million fans across social


but my platform is no longer exclusively

about food

somewhere along the way as i began to

mature into a young adult

i began to have a lot more in my mind

than just food i could have easily

continued posting my new content

according to the recipe for success that

i’d spent the past few years perfecting

but i wanted to do more i recognized my

voice had influence

and it carried with my following as it

grew rapidly

at this pivotal time in my own

adolescence and social media career

i decided to switch up my usual

narrative rather than exclusively

discussing my latest recipe or new

favorite food

i chose to also share my views about

various polarizing issues

especially gender equity i began to

educate myself and share what i learned

with my followers

hoping to create a starting point for

transformative dialogue

through all my learning what shocked me

the most was that there were many people

who didn’t understand or value gender


for me was something i’d always felt it

was it was the only thing i ever knew

before giving this talk i spoke to my

mom about she remembers about my journey

to becoming an advocate for gender


she told me it seemed to have happened

pretty suddenly as young children the

only reality we know is the one

immediately around us my reality was i

had a mom and dad who as far as i knew

were viewed to the world as equals

as i’ve always seen them my whole life

my father’s occupational therapist and

my mother is a high school math teacher

who also

is the head of the math department

everything from income to household

chores to child care

were juggled by both my mom and my dad i

wouldn’t even say it was necessarily 50

50 because everyone in the family

regardless of their gender helped out

with everything in some way

so my parents didn’t frown upon my early

interest in cooking it

wasn’t even a question whether they

would support it or not

as a young child i had no understanding

that my mother not only being a teacher

of higher math education

but in a role as department chair was

far from normal

in many parts of the world once i got

older i learned in school and online

about the inequality due to gender in

the world

and i was honestly shocked by ignorance

and naivety due to my young age led me

to know

only of a world in which all women and

men were treated equally

as i learned more about women who are

denied education and other

basic privileges and human rights in

many countries

and the inequality that has existed

throughout history and still exists


might anchor towards this flawed society

only deepened

i was appalled and wanted to know what i

could do to do more to raise attention

and personally help that is why i would

never say

i became a feminist i’ve always been

somebody who strongly believed that

women and men

are equals but eventually realized that

that belief was not unanimous

just like there’s no word for people who

support something as logical and vital

in life such as

breathing i didn’t even know there

needed to be a name for believing in the

equality of the sexes

i had never known there was a concept of

feminism because i couldn’t comprehend

that being a feminist

wasn’t a given sure as a teenager who

has a full-time career outside of social


i’ve had my fair share of times i wish

i’d have to go to school however

i didn’t realize how lucky i was to have

access to education

it just baffled me that whole societies

don’t see the many downsides of not

educating half the population and

denying them equal rights

the more i learned the more questions i

had why should any individual be denied

the pleasure

and excitement that comes with academic


why can’t they discover their own unique

talents and passions that might lie

outside of the societal norms

of what they’re supposed to do it felt

to me that they were in essence being

denied the right to create and live

their own lives

with no hope in the near future of a new

reality because too few people knew

or even cared that these injustices were


now i know i might be the least likely

person to be a spokesperson advocating

for gender equity

how could i with my upper middle class

background and private school education


have any idea about the struggle of

young women in countries

i’ve never even been to there were a

thousand reasons why i was not the

person to speak up

but one compelling reason why it should

be me because i cared and could use

my privilege to amplify the voices of

those that don’t share in the same

privileges as i do

the very privilege i could have easily

taken for granted was a basic human

right i had to stand up for for others

on international women’s day in march of

2018 i did my first

official instagram post about feminism

up until that point i had talked about

it before but never as

overtly as that day the day before i

made a custom

feminist shirt because after lots of

searching shocker

i couldn’t find any boy-sized feminist

shirts i stepped outside into the snow

yes it was snowing in march to get some

good lighting and had my mom snap a

picture of me brandishing my homemade

feminist shirt

i then spent the rest of the day writing

my caption to share my message about the

importance of being a feminist

as articulately as possible i knew the

audience i was talking to and wrote


i needed this message to resonate with

people who

normally sneered or looked down upon


they needed to hear why they should care

and what they can do once they do care

part of my post read a common

misconception is that gender inequality

is a woman’s problem

this couldn’t be more false it is a

human problem

because when women are educated and

treated as equals all

of humanity will benefit just imagine

how much greater the world would be if


of the population weren’t held back when

women are uplifted so is the world as a


after that first post i continued to use

my platform to address gender equity in

numerous other ways

the most public stance i took was a

video i posted both on youtube and


titled why every teenage boy should be a


a title that was unfortunately


i started off the video by saying hi my

name is etobernath i’m a 17 year old

male and i

am a proud feminist then for the next

four minutes i tried to calmly but

passionately explain my point of view

in a manner intended to resonate with my


especially other boys my age i talked

about the inequities that exist in this


for those that weren’t aware then

explained why they should care and then

once they care

how they can help the video was met by a

lot of support from both fellow boys my

age as well as mothers

sisters and fathers who were eager to

show the boys and young men in their


why they should care as well i have

never and will never

have the intention of being a male

savior and therefore am

very careful how i say things and what i

say in order to never portray that

however i truly believe in order to get

an even

more amount of people behind a cause a

diverse set of advocates is needed to

speak to a diverse set

of potential future advocates i just

don’t think the video would have had the

same effect on boys my age

if it weren’t coming from a peer now

don’t get me wrong the response was not

all positive

there were many people that used the

comment section as a forum to either

spread their misogynistic views

or just hate on me for speaking about

this by calling me all sorts of horrible


i was called a plethora of misogynistic

slurs that i

definitely could have gone the rest of

my life without knowing one even called

me a soy chugger

referring to the estrogen in soy that

according to them

made me less of a man for caring about

women’s rights

rather than letting that hinder me from

continuing to be an advocate i took

these comments as proof

that there was a lot more work to be

done clearly there were a lot of people

out there

who needed to learn that caring about

women’s rights doesn’t make you any less

of a man

in the subsequent months i contributed

to various women-centric charities and

encouraged my followers to donate as


promising to match their funds i firmly


in the importance of monetarily

supporting the cause

in addition to the vitality of creating


lastly i try to support female

influencers and cookbook writers

by calling attention to their work

background and when possible their


though social media posts reach billions

of people i believe

the most important way that i advocate

for gender equity is through one-on-one


with other young men from my experience

in doing so

it seems there’s a misconception that

feminism is about hating men

and thus young men feel disconnected and

turned off from the conversation

in our conversations i try to explain

the concept of misandry

or the notion that men are inferior to

women which is often confused with


when in reality the two ideologies are

complete opposites

i strive to break down their

misconceptions and educate them on the

feminist movement and its goals

as well as to bring to their attention

the various injustices in the world

lastly i remind those who i speak with

that gender inequity

is not exclusively a women’s issue but a

societal issue

whose influence extends to both society


and future generations moving forward

posing on social media is a great way to

reach a large number of people

but the real work is done offline

without the public watching

without enacting on your advocacy in

everyday life you’re simply partaking in

optical activism

to me being a genuine advocate means

calling out people in everyday life

no matter how uncomfortable it is to do

so for me that means calling out other


that i hear saying misogynistic things

about women donating a percentage of my

income to fund women’s educationary

education in countries are traditionally

denied access

questioning things i’m taught to believe

and ultimately making sure

that i speak up for women being treated

unfairly in all parts of my life

and while not everyone has a platform

that’s massive that they can spread this

vital message nor is everyone in a


or an environment in which they can

proudly vocalize these opinions

i encourage everyone to do what they can

to bring attention to this cause

and help us in our fight to establish

women as equals across the globe

thank you