Dynamically Shaping the Future


the university of johannesbeck

has a great vision

and we talk about an international

university of choice

anchored in africa and dynamically

shaping the future

when i talk about dynamically shaping

the future

i therefore talk about

dynamically shaping the future through


parenting real

parenting i was raised in a township

called guatema in springs

raised by a grandmother who was a


in the turkey family

my grandmother was blessed with 10

children and one of those was my mother

i never spent time with my mother

because my mother worked as a domestic


she was blessed with four children and

i’m the last one of the four

being the last one of the four

i never saw her as i said i saw her only

on saturday mornings

and on sunday afternoon she would depart

and go back to her workplace

it was one special day during the week

when i came back from school

and i opened my grandmother’s bedroom


when i encountered my mother

she was standing in the bedroom she was


she had lost weight she was not well she

was ill

and later that day she was fetched by an


and that was the last time i saw my


my grandmother raised me

she was strong she ordered she had an


amazing ability to discipline

us it was myself and my cousins

we grew up under

the rules of a disciplinarian we enjoyed


she was a decision maker she taught me a

simple lesson in life

of being a fast mover she taught me a

lesson of waking up early and ensuring

that i take advantage of opportunities

at the age of 15 my grandmother

died and i was left i was 15 years old

and i stayed with my uncle and my other


real parenting for me it’s not only


procreation it’s not about giving birth

and having children only

one most important lesson is

presence being present being there for

your children

i made it my responsibility

that when my two children wigan and

siamo were born

i was in the maternity ward i wanted to

be present

and i’ve done my best to continue to be


in their lives now when i talk about

presence i’m not talking about presence

as in gifts

i’m talking about you being there as a


that’s real parenting

secondly it’s great

to be able to eyeball with your children

make sure that you look at your children

in the eye all the time and talk to them

offer them advice be that real parent

it is very very important

thirdly as parents

if you are fortunate to be married as a

husband and wife as partners

make sure that you do your children a

big favor

and respect each other your children

will realize that

there’s a healthy relationship at

and will grow comfortably understanding


the world is a better place when human

beings respect each other

it is important to wear your heart on

your sleeve

for your children it is very important

i always drive the principle

that when you love your children

yes there will be boundaries in loving

your children

but make sure that the love you have for

your children

is the love that will make sure that it

nurtures them

it builds them into better human beings

the biggest lesson for me i learned i

never had parents as i said

i was raised by a grandmother who in my


represented a father and a mother

because of her strength

because of the exemplary

life that she gave to me

the big lesson for me is good

citizenship when you are a real parents

you are raising

citizens they must be good citizens who

are going

to contribute to the betterment of


i’ve made it my life that i try my best

to be a better citizen

i made it my life that my children will

gany and siam

are raised to be better citizens

it is my dream it is my vision

that to complement the university of

china’s back vision of dynamically

shaping the future

real parenting must play an important


it is not only politicians

or those leaders in the world who

may fail the world but it is us

as parents who must make sure that we

become exemplary

and be real parents