Feynman to Future Quantum Computing Solutions


hi everybody

today i’m talking about the other end of

the line

director of product entertainment from

value momentum

and uh today sort of looking at

the computer revolution

and if you look at 18th century it

started off with like punch

and student cards and babbage killed the

calculator and that punch card system

was created in the end in the 19th

century people decade medicaid

at 1930s at universal machine by

annual turing and abc was the first

digital computer design

40s saw c3 and transistors it represent

and then the computer chip was created

in kelvin

in the 60s you had uh you got the

accessories for computers like malls and

ui in the c programming language

circuits around 1970s spreadsheets

this is interesting that the word star


created and the normal people remember

word style

before word came very powerful we had

afterwards star word perfect around in


operating systems created by apple and

microsoft that lisa and windows

1990s i think we’re all familiar with


the extra hdmi like touchdown delta uh


and he had the pentium processor which

is created by intel

and google came out with search engine

first engine is

by created by sergey and larry

and around in 2000 to 2020

we will see mac osx and amd created

  1. the social media caught up in

facebook having 1 billion users and we

have 2016 which was a year

where quanta computer was first created

coincidentally i am the founder of the

first quarter computing startup

in india

so today uh the let’s start looking at

the quarter computing

right how it evolved you look at the

classical computing the

history and quantum equivalence

will be there but it’s very interesting


you see the evolution or the history

of quantum computing so uh

this particular picture i is going

straight from my book

quantum computing solutions and

it talks about solving real world

problems using quantum computing

algorithms you see the history in 1965

you had quantum electro dynamics

quantum physical

uh processes around 1980 then your dash


which had concept like universal quantum

computer and you had peter shows

algorithm which was primarily focusing

on prime number of activation

and trapped ion concept which was found

first in

western california and they had quantum

teleportation and grover’s algorithm for

search in 1996

and if you look at the future like how

it’s going to evolve

and start with the quote the number of

bits in a 300 cubic quantity computer

will be more than

one atoms in the universe

so if you see what happened around 2016

we had ibm

uh having uh going starting with five

five qubits

from 2016 and 53 cubits in 2019

and now you see google tried 72 and

again came back to

53 cubits and now 20 times

right more like thousand cubics ibm is

going to try in

  1. so just imagine if 300 cubits can

simulate more than one atoms in the


you have 1000 cubits into pretty much

what you call simulate multiple


so how did this change moving from

cubit to cubic right you have multiple


we have started with secret sharing

quantum code processor then 53 we

thought quantum supremacy was achieved

in 150 cubits you saw quantum chemistry

and machine learning

algorithms can be used right we are

going to see that it’s going to happen

and in terms of the classical computer i

think everybody is familiar right you


we have bits which has one of the two

states like zero or one

right you have quantum qubit which

can be zero one or

any quantum circle the superposition

between zero and one

you have different gates which are hard

mod gates and c naught gates and

x gate and you can have uh quantum

simulators algorithms and solvers

cryptographic algorithm using the

the what you call the quantum bit

systems to solve the

problems so

if you look at uh the evolution now

moving on to quantum computation right

and um so before that i just wanted to


on the mood slam the process everybody

knows about the

mood the rules law states that

computational power of quantum computer

doubles every 12 months

now quantum computation right and you

see quantum parallelism

quantum hilbert space and water

entanglement but

you can see the famous course report

from david dodge quantum computers have

the opportunity to solve the problems

that will take a classical computer

longer than the age of the universe just


age of the universe where it took for a

classical company to solve some of the


quantum chemicals can solve in real time

now the quantum cognition like the

quantum light brain brain everybody

knows that

biologically we have a neural network

and it consists of complex network of


now if you take the equivalent and the

quantum drain how the cubita

has managed states like one zero and


similar to that you see brain and what

we call acting

or being in state of one zero or in


so that’s where the superposition of

mental states right can be simulated

by using complex network networks of

neurons so one of the

community which is evolving is the

quantum cognition community

which is simulating vitamins in neural

network which is which is a biological

network and creating a quantum like


on the hardware front right you have

quantum chips there’s another school of


saying that the quantum computing will

have a super

you have a quantum computer which is

perfect and super computer

but there is there is another school of

thought which things that quantum chips

become really popular

like you have iot sensors like quantum

chips will be

in almost everywhere like nanoparticles

what your discovery is for chemical


used for drug design pattern recognition

right it can be used for space tech

genetic science and universe discovery

and biometrics and

iot devices can have quantum chips


right so who knows this can catch up

really faster

compared to the classical versus quantum

computing and number of keywords in

the whole another school of thought

now if you look at typical bottlenecks

in the industry

taking a step back what are the key

problems in computing you switch back to

the classical computing problems

there are computing problems which are

very complex and you have

qubit technology to solve this problem

so you have n cube is you can

model good poor open variables

so how do the how do the solutions work

typically you look at target market

your marketing what you call uh personal


market a particular solution for

customers and you see the solution


now let’s see how quantum machine

learning in quantum computing can solve

so the target market or the class of

problems which we are looking at is

like machine learning optimization


simulations and cryptography machine


techniques are like clustering scenario

analysis about immigration

logistics planning performance traffic

again cryptography is like cyber

security and post quantum


predictive maintenance optimization and

finance so you can use uh

you have portfolio optimization but it

will simulate the whole portfolio

for around 10 years and portfolio can

consist of mutual fund

stocks options commodities and so on

on the aeronautics side so the response

you have like aircraft design

some of the problems challenging

problems can be solved using quantum


now what are the benefits using this

faster factoring faster search faster


it can save by creating better schedules

you plan properly

you can bring down the infrastructure

you can have significant

boost to the current techniques

now let’s look at how quantum ai is

being applied

if you have a quantum ei your quantum

methods come to cryptography

your quantum languages quantum vm and

latest quantum internet and quantum

network and quantum

i think everybody is willing to come to

computer you have quantum circuits and

quantum virtual machine

and a quantum processing unit

now let’s see how quantum ai is being


what are the use cases you have resource

management scheduling

your optimization you can use some of

these algorithms to solve this problem

for predicting right you are generating

credit critical already

ready to unless you can use the quantum

ei algorithms

so what are the quantum a algorithms

which we can use we can use

quantum approximate of optimization


variation quantum eigen solvents quantum

solutions classifiers

quantum neural networks and quantum

generative adversarial networks

moving on to quantum works everybody are

familiar with classical kind of one that

you have particle

which can move from left to right and

then the

probability of half point five by fifty

percent similar to a point flow

equivalently equal to in the classical

random walk you have a quantum work

which is a quantum analog to a random


it can substantially reduce the time


you can simulate using monte carlo

methods and mix

markov chains you can apply quantum

algorithms and wealth management and

training now quantum perceptron

right in process of two different

dimensions whereas if you look at a

classical perceptron

can process only end dimensions of

glitter this is about the quantum

perceptron which is

very similar to the neural network we’re

talking about the neuron

here the perceptron connects to various


it almost creates a sub neural network

and the other key area are the post

quantum risk algorithms like quantum

history and

shows algorithms algorithm and various

new cryptographic systems

which are evolving like um merkel

history signatures like

ca encryption medical hellman knapsack

encryption and ecdsa and hev

ntru i think everybody

is familiar with the show’s algorithm

but there’s going to be a popular right

will different cryptographic algorithms

blockchain security everywhere where we

are using create cryptographic

algorithms we need to reassess

how will they perform when the quantum

computers come in

because it’s we’re going to have

almost like a high computing power and

that should be in the hands of not just

us but also the

hackers and if you could look at the

hackers they were not very

weight and what you call watch for

the best quanta computer to come but

they’re going to

quickly apply the whatever whatever is

the speed available

and then hack okay so that’s the other

side of the screen which we keep into

mind keep in mind we are only looking at

scientists and computational

experts who are developing algorithms

but we need to keep in mind the

attackers who are

not really worried about the science and

the philosophy

behind the quantum computer they might

just pick

a yet another computer which is faster

which is efficient

which can break break the cryptographic


so that’s where we our immediate focus

needs to be

to prepare and then avoid some of the

cyber security attacks

we ensure that the post quantum

resistance is being

uh achieved right we all need to look at

the cryptographic algorithm and see

where things can break

when you have really high quantum

computing speeds

and uh if you look at the quantum

cryptography right you have quantum key


and you have uh nowadays quantum key

distribution of the service

so there are many many areas which are

evolving in the

contract uh

so the many many hours right we’re going

to talk about great things about

classical computing and quantum


quantum chips quantum hardware but like

what’s next what’s going to happen

after all this so

the answer is and there is a lot which

which you can see

like they say right this is a lot too

yet to come we have generated quantum

machine learnings and hybrid quantum

algorithm which can use a

quantum burst machine and you have

quantum ram

right quantum random access and a deep

restricted host machine

like you have deep learning algorithms

like cnn and again and

you can have quantum cnn quantum year

and using

deep learning techniques and simulating

the what you call

under the cnn and again and using both


so if you all remember the gold’s

machine it goes back to the quantum

mechanics and

it uses quantum techniques it has

algorithms it has techniques which can

be applied

to solve some of the challenges which

the classical deep learning is looking


and qram i think you’re all familiar

with ram pro qram will be more powerful

because it access it has power it has

memory and which can access incoherent

quantum superposition like we are

talking about one zero and handling

multiple states
