Future belongs to us

i want to

say that life is

beautiful do you agree with me

you may disagree with me

but i just want to tell you that i am


on this earth for more than 35 years

what i just said it what i have


and this is what i have learned and this

is also what i

feel and i believe

and i’m here to share with you my


and my learning because i feel that you

are the future

because after this university degree you

are going to

jump into a real life and these


and this learning are going to help you

to balance your life

and i think we need to practice this

are you here with me are you with me

speak aloud are you with me

well done now tell me who is the most

beautiful person sitting here tell me

who is the most beautiful person here

okay who is the most intelligent person


you don’t know remember that i tell you

who is the most beautiful and who is the

most intelligent

you are the most beautiful person and

you are the most

intelligent person in your own

distinct way

you know why because you

all are different we

even not you but we all are different


and because we are different we are

unique and because we are unique

this uniqueness can never ever be


and this makes each one of us a very

very special person

on this mother earth and this is very


to know so

always remember

that you are important you

are special you

are unique but at the same time

what is more important is that respect

the individuality and the uniqueness

and the existence of others

there is one more thing that you need to


that no one has a right

to tag you to comment on you

to judge you or to discourage you

or to discriminate you based on

your religion your caste

your culture

the skin color your height your weight

and the way you talk walk eat drink and


and think you know why

because we all are


equally intelligent and

equally competent

so appreciate

first the beauty within you

and beauty in others and this is

life now can you tell me what is the

theme of today’s event

speak aloud what is the theme of today’s

call of tomorrow yes it is

this is a well thought theme

that reminds each one of us

about our purpose

a purpose to improve and our purpose

to contribute first improve

ourselves and then improve

everything around us and this includes a


so that we can create a happy and a


and a beautiful place for our new


so that we can leave this earth or we

can exit

this earth gracefully

you know with each passing moment this


is going to become today

and the moment you blink this today will

become a history

and you know what our new generation


from the history

so think critically think twice

whatever you want tomorrow

now you know that every

fifth adolescent in this world is an

is an indian do you know this

every fifth adolescent is an indian

so you are the future because you are

going to

rule the future remember this you are

going to rule the future are you happy

you should be happy but here is one data

that i want to share with you

the national crime

records bureau you might have heard

about it the national crime bureau

records crime records bureau

has released a report about

the statistics of the suicide victims

and if you look closely you can see that

here you can see that the student

share is 7.6

and in every hour one

student commits aside this is very


and i have another eye opening data

and you will be surprised to know this

maharashtra is number one in suicide


please remember that you are


you are precious but those who hurt


and those who commit suicide

they actually don’t understand this

because they don’t respect their own


as a human being are we so fragile

that anybody or any situation

takes away our happiness and drags us to

this extent that we are committing



but i believe that our new generation

you you are the strongest people in this


and you know that life is all about

ups and downs but you know this is life

sometimes we lose hope

for this you need to improve ourselves

but how

now i’ll tell you how first be the

commander of your

own life and don’t let

anybody anybody

hurt you or damage you

physically mentally socially

and emotionally in the name of

love relationship

faith and respect

remember this second

we all are successful

please remember it’s a magical sentence


all are successful how

because we survived we survived

in the womb and we have survived outside

the womb

and therefore we all are beautiful lives


are you agree with me yes

see nature has chosen you

nature has chosen you remember

so you need not to worry

but we hardly think about it because we


are busy in getting success

but what is success there is nothing

like success

because we all are successful


this is just achievement

life is all about goals

and we put in lot of effort we do our


to achieve that goal

but sometimes what happens we don’t

achieve much

this is the time when you have to be


you have to double your strength

and you should not lose hope

and then kick start you will definitely



see there is nothing that you cannot

achieve in your life

everything is possible but the magical

word is hard work

hard work is key to success but hard

work does not mean

spending sleepless nights and getting


dark circles around your eyes and not

eating properly because you are busy in

doing hard work

please don’t do this i think we need to

understand the real meaning of the hard


hard work basically is honesty

dedication perseverance

and consistency in your own work and

towards your target

and this should be associated with five


things that you should do first sleep


eat right plan right and execute

tight and with this there are four more

things that you need to do

is that first of all you realize your


strength and try to strengthen it more

and then second identify

or realize your weaknesses and try to

convert those weaknesses to

your strengths

number three identify the opportunities

which are going to help you while you’re

in the process of achieving something

and the last is threats or the

challenges which are going to

affect when you are in the process of

achieving your goal

and all these things should be done

before the time


third third is you have to take care of

the four aspects of your life first

your body second your mind

third your heart that is your emotions

and your environment so first of all

keep your body fit and healthy

and for this again you need to do two

things number one

eat right and walk tight

see i have seen that few

young generation or youngsters they are

very crazy about

getting packs here and also having this


muscle because you want to look

good you look good but i tell you

if you are fit and if you are healthy

believe me you look

awesome but

these muscles and these packs are added


but if you are crazy about it and you

inject something

in your body and you eat something that

harms your body

and you are admitted in the hospital you

are in the icu and you are in the

dialysis and sometimes i’ve seen that

boys have died then i have a problem

if you want to have a pax please do the


this is true for girls also the data

says that

more than 50 percent girls are anemic

there are various reasons for being


but the one is

to be slim again i have no problem if


if you want to be slim and you want to

look beautiful

everybody has the right but i have a

problem when you don’t eat properly and

when you eat

and then you vomit just to maintain your

slim figure

please don’t do this the data says that

there is a study conducted in different

states of india the data

shows that our young generations are

becoming thin

and short and this smoking

drinking drug abuse

and junk food these are damaging our


please remember again that the health

and well-being of

your future generation your future

generation not mind future generation

your future generation is in your hands

so take care of your body another one

your mind and your heart

is there anybody who is not distressed

is there anybody

there is no one who don’t have stress

everybody is a stress

may be small or big but actually i tell

you there is nothing like stress

it is just a state of mind

it is just a state of mind when

something that has not happened the way

we have perceived

and it is also a perceived

danger when there is actually no danger

so we start

showing our stress in three different


flight flight is an anxiety

fight aggression and this freeze

is helplessness please don’t do this

if you are really stressed you feel

stressed and you don’t you are not able

to come

come out of it please do following


first of all be confident and happy


prepare yourself well and manage time as

much as you can

then control your emotions don’t let

emotions control you remember that every

problem has a solution

so find one for you if you are not able

to find the solution please interact

with others talk to others and get their


people are here to help us then learn to


it’s okay it is not good that for small

small thing we always feel sorry and


it is okay to say it’s okay then

spend some time with yourself find some

me time so that you can

synchronize your body your mind and your


this is very important your mobile

phones need synchronization

synchronization so you need the same


and again remember the moment you


that sadness happiness excitement

guilt all these are the part of life and

these are the natural

you will be less stressed so practice


now the environment see environment


living as well as non-living things

including the people the society

everything and you have some


to con so to follow your responsibility


contribute to your environment for this

you need to

do few things first of all don’t waste

water try to reuse it

plan a plant without any reason

then you have to use a public transport

whenever necessary

or whenever you can because it is going


help us to reduce the pollution then go


that means whenever you are traveling

please carry your own water bottle

and carry bag then respect the existence

of others for this please don’t break

the cues when you are

in queue please don’t break the queue

and also flush the toilet after use

because when you respect this is a kind

of respect that you give

while doing so because when you pay the

respect to others

people are going to respect you your

existence also

then if you really want to improve

someone or something

please make them your friend and then

connect with them and then correct this

is the right process

and then spread happiness for spreading

happiness you need not to do anything

you just be simple have a smile on your


and appreciate there will be happiness

everywhere and finally

love your country

there is no other country like india

believe me there is no other country

there is no other culture like



for calling me here on this tedx event


my profession is to work for the care


care and education of young children

or i just want to share what i’m right

now feeling about


you understood
