Relevance of Past and Future in the Present

before i start i want you to do me a

simple favor and reflect

how simple reflect upon everything that

is in your life right now not talking

about your surroundings i’m talking

about your life

everything that is in your life ask

yourself how did this arrive here

what choice what circumstance what

situation what led to this

outcome happening in my life right now


that outcome can be anything that

outcome can be your physical appearance

your mental well-being the questions you

seek answers to that outcome can be


what led to these outcomes what

conscious choice led to these outcomes

and as you’re thinking of that conscious

choice ask yourself

when did this choice this situation this

circumstance come up which led

to the outcome that you have today in

your life ask yourself

when did this happen

it’s your past the simple answer to it

is your past

whatever choices you made in your past

whatever situations and circumstances

that led

to those choices they are determining

your present

outcome today and that pass can be

anything it can be immediate pass from

10 minutes ago where you ate a slice of

pizza and now you’re regretting because

you’re on a diet

or it can even be the past from 10 years

ago where you chose a significant other

who ended up chasing your life

altogether what is determining your


outcome it’s your past it’s the choices

that you’ve made in your past

so what’s the point that i’m trying to

make here a mere simple theory which

will reduce the miseries of

the regret of what has happened and

anxiety of anticipation of what is going

to happen

simply being said regret of the past and

worry of the future

and the theory being as simple as this

your present is a total outcome of the

choices you’ve made in the past

and your future is going to be a total

outcome of the choices you make

right now the answer is your past is

nothing more than a lesson

for the present and your future is

nothing more than a projection

of the present good morning ladies and

gentlemen my name is partoshana i’m a 22

year old storyteller who loves to travel

i’m also an entrepreneur a public

speaker and a dreamer who’s doing what

he’s doing with the sole aim of

giving it forward you know what

intrigues my mind today it’s this

question that i ask myself that

what makes a human trust the process

what makes a human believe in themselves

what makes a human have faith in their


and i’m not talking about the good days

anyone can believe in themselves in the

good days i’m talking about the dark


what makes one trust the process when no

one else is what makes them believe in

themselves when the entire

world is turning against them what makes

them have faith in their capabilities


every single one is turning their back

against them what is that limitless part

that makes a person take those tiny

little steps forward

this is a question that i ask myself

daily and quite honestly quite frankly

i’ve not been able to arrive to an

answer yet so let’s give it another shot

you and me together let’s give it

another shot

so there’s this guy named kabir our guy

here kabir belongs to a lower middle

class family he lives with his parents

in a single room house in a beautiful

hill station named beer in himachal

pradesh you know he’s grown up seeing so

much happen around himself he’s grown up

seeing amazing sunsets he’s grown up

seeing jaw-dropping meadows he’s grown

up around tourists from all across the

country and even the world or



doesn’t have questions to impress his

teachers he has these questions

to learn to cater to his own curiosity

it was this curiosity that he had which

led him to trying

every possible thing around himself be

it hiking

paragliding cooking gardening the kid

did everything possible and he had

absolutely no idea that his curiosity

was actually catering to more than just

his finances back home i’ll tell you how


how do i find my passion my answer

starts and ends

this simply you find your passion by


just try you could not possibly say that

dal travel is your favorite until unless


tasted rajma chawal

but you get my point right like until

unless you try every possible thing

until unless you try different things

you cannot give your mind the liberty

and the choice to pick on something and


keep mushy up now passion nahim alright

until unless you try different things

you don’t give your mind a chance to

choose a chance to choose what makes you

happy a chance to choose what makes you

the most driven

you don’t give your mind the chance so


and ladies and gentlemen that’s exactly

what kabir was doing as well his

curiosity led him to try

every single thing around himself he

tried and tried until it finally led him

to discovering

a camera and well that was it the whole

world that lied within that still


you know the power it had the power it

had to speak the unspoken the part had

to feel the unfelt to express the


he fell in love with that power he fell

in love with that limitless power and he

knew it that this was what he wanted to

do for the rest of his life so for the

next two years he would study during the

day in his school and during the

evenings he would just go to the tourist


sit with the tourists and go and ask


and in no time this photographer without

a camera

was famous throughout the hill station

and let alone the hill station people


outside started knowing him there was so

much hype around himself his identity

his talent

people created a wildfire people spread

his talent like a wildfire on the social

media everyone coming to beer knew kabir

already everyone knew that they have to

go to this one kid and get their

pictures clicked from him everyone knew

that there is this one talent that the

entire hill station is being known with

the boss and it was his resilient

efforts that once led him to getting an

offer from a bollywood director who

offered him to take him to mumbai and

said that i’ll mentor you

and make you a professional in my team

boss that was it

that was the moment that kabir had been

waiting for for all his life you know he

had discovered

the ultimate the limitless power in

those still pictures and he was like


you know the amount of happiness that

the kid had he was running and shouting

in glory he was running and shouting in


through the streets of that small

station everyone knew that something had

happened and he was running

in anticipation to tell it to the people

he had been doing it for his parents

only to have his heart broken into


man this guy wasn’t going to settle for

less he didn’t have a rancher in his

life as well who would go up to his

parents and convince them

for pursuing a career in photography he

didn’t but

he didn’t choose to give up he fought

with them he fought with them day in and

day out time and time out

only to hear them say again and again


as time passed the director left for

bombay and so did the offer with him

he was shattered into pieces man he

moved to new delhi he studied in iit

delhi and

being the natural hustler that he was he

landed up a high-paying job

in his third year but he hadn’t given up

photography yet he refused to give up on

photography he was still a photographer

without a camera but

he had his will

he now wanted to go to mumbai and earn

his way into the director’s team but the

job that he was offered from his college

asked him to stay in new delhi and once

again the same story


but no man this time kabir wasn’t going

to take no for an answer he was ready

to put everything at stake for this he

was ready to put everything at stake for

his dream everything

his career his job his finances his

financial security his future

the future of his own family the future

of the family back home in b himachal


he was ready to put everything at stake

for this but he wasn’t ready to die

with the regret of not trying he went to


he was disowned by his family he was

rebuked and hated for the decision that

he had taken

he was called a disgrace stupid

insensitive ignorant for the decision

that he had taken but

he didn’t stop he was still in mumbai as

an amateur photographer without a camera

but he didn’t stop he would work

relentlessly he would work during the

day as an assistant during the night as

a tutor he would gather the money save

up for a camera

make sure he’s taking up every possible

project never saying no for an answer

making opportunities for his own self he

just did not

choose to stop he loved it he loved it

he loved the hustle he fell in love with

the process ten years to that decision

and he’s still in mumbai he hasn’t made

it to the director’s dream team yet but

he’s happy he’s settled he lives in a

lavish two bhk on the 50th floor in

mumbai from where he sees

the world beneath his own eyes he’s got

a beautiful daughter they’ve named her


and she studies in one of the best

schools in all of bombay he’s got a

beautiful wife shania who’s a writer and

he’s got a profession that is helping

him pay the bills of his family in

mumbai and also of his family in b

himachal pradesh

who have now shifted in a beautiful

duplex bungalow with the garden

he’s hungry for more but he’s still

happy and that’s

that’s exactly what matters at the end

of the day now ladies and gentlemen the

story of kabir pretty much matches the

same story of the man that you see on

your screen right now i’ve grown up a

very curious kid just like kabir

i’ve grown up with a passion just like

kabir for pursuing a career in

filmmaking and music

but just like kabir nay i too made a

very bold choice a very bold decision in

my life

i took the decision of withdrawing from

a career in the indian armed forces

which if seen rationally was a courier

that could have fetched me a stable


and a respected life something that has

almost every indian parent’s dream

and trust me when i say the

repercussions of that decision just like

a beer

they were heavy i was boycotted by my

own friends by my own family the people

that i expected the least

toned their backs towards me

our house helped started judging me

me but all jokes aside you get my point


i release i was boycotted from all

family functions i was isolated from

going outside my own friends turned

their back against me and

when this decision went public the

amount of

hatred that i faced the amount of hatred

that people bestowed over me

was absolutely insane i was called a

coward i was called a loser i was called

a disgrace i was called

a traitor i had people give me death


on my own phone for god’s sake and today

you know when i look back at all of this

i just

sit and think about this question of

mine that what made me run after my

dreams back then

what made me trust the process what made

me trust the process when no nested

what made me have faith in my own self

when no one else did what made me

believe in my own capabilities

when the entire world was turning their

backs against me when i asked this

question to kabir he just

man he just he just smiles and says i

took that decision back then because i

didn’t want the regret

of not trying and i’m doing what i’m

doing today because i don’t want the


of not trying enough and if you really

see it this speaks volumes about the

human nature

regret regret is often seen as something

that we associate with our past

but we let go of the limitless

capabilities and the power that it has

when we associate it with our probable


think about it once think about it once

and ask yourself why does that happen

simply because we fail to understand the

relevance of our past

and our future in our lives we fail to

understand the relevance of our past

and our future in our present i’ll put

it down simply for you

your past is nothing but an experience

for you an experience which stands

all as a book of lessons which you need

to refer to

while living your life today we would

only be wasting such a useful resource

as our past if we sit down and regret it

because when we understand this

one fact everything changes and the fact


that our present as i said in the

beginning of the speech as well a


is a total outcome of the choices we’ve

made in the past

and our future is going to be a total

outcome of the choices we make

right now and those choices the choices

that we make in the present they’re done

right when we allow our past to be an


and not something that we regret khabib

didn’t regret not taking that offer up

he didn’t regret any bit of what had

happened in the past all he took all of

that was

as an experience as a lesson for him to

shape his future

by taking the choices in the present and

his choice being to move to mumbai

without taking no for an answer and god

did not make the most of it

he made the most of it despite being

disowned by his own family despite being

hated despite being called a disgrace

despite being called a coward

stupid ignorant insensitive and every

possible thing you can call him everyone

turned his back against him

yet he did it he did it to shape his own

future to shape

his own destiny he did it man he made

the most of what he had for the very

simple reason that

he didn’t want to die with the regret of

not trying

and he also didn’t want to die with the

regret of not having tried enough

until date man till date whenever i said

it till date whenever i ask him

every time the man just smiles and says

it’s true if you believe