Shape the future with alternative food choices

i’ve been volunteering with sejji since

it is one of the most amazing

organizations i’ve encountered

in 1990 dharma master ching yin the

founder of tsuji foundation urged

all city volunteers to engage in

environmental protection with their

applauding hands

ever since then many city volunteers

have joined in the environment

protection movement up to last year

2019 city has 10 544 recycling stations

and 112 000 recycling volunteers

to these volunteers the treasury throw

out are like

gold to them take ped bottle for example

they can be recycled and remanufactured

into textile items like warm fleece


and these blankets are then distributed

during disaster relief efforts to

families in need

a lot of suji volunteers have also

become vegetarians

because according to a new study a vegan

diet is the single

biggest measure that can be taken to


environmental pollution researchers at

the university of oxford found that

not eating meat or dairy product can

reduce a person’s carbon footprint

by up to 73 percent

if you’re new to the global climate

change movement you might not be aware


a single pound of meat requires hundreds

sometimes thousands of liters of water

to produce

for example the water footprint of a

pound of beef

is 6992 liters

that’s almost 7 000 with pork falling at

2716 liters

and chicken had 1962 liters

compare this to potato only requiring

130 liters water per pound

why is that well we need water to clean


excrements produced by animals

and that is why studies show that

someone following a plant-based diet


five times less water than someone with

meat-based diet

studies also show the more plant-based

alternatives you incorporate into your


the more you will notice a difference in

your body

your heart will be pumping more

efficiently since your blood vessels

will have less cholesterol heavy metal

and heme iron clogging it

with more blood flowing faster and

easier your brain will get more oxygen

and you’ll feel more energetic these are

just a few great benefits when you


meat consumption if you want to learn

how meat impacts your body

check out the documentary the game


it shows how top athletes around the

world are using plant-based diet to

fuel their body more efficiently

helping them to gain an advantage in


now i know what some of you must be

thinking right now

oh great i know where this is going he’s

gonna ask me to give up meat

and just eat plants well

not quiet well the best scenario

is converting everyone to vegan but

through my years of experience

i know it is unrealistic it’s


to ask everyone to change their decades

of eating habits within a short amount

of time

however i believe if we all take


steps from different aspects of our

lives we can still make a sizable impact

on this climate problem

so how can you start to adopt a

plant-based diet

one step you can take is look for


if you are at a restaurant order or ask


a vegan or vegetarian entree

don’t underestimate how powerful this

action is

let’s say if 100 people ask about vegan

or vegetarian options

every single day don’t you think the

owner will come up with a vegan or

vegetarian option within a couple of

months due to the demand

you can also explore vegan or vegetarian


you will be amazed by how many hidden

gems there are in your city

you can also try adopting meatless


essentially you would eat only

plant-based meals during the weekdays

and free to eat whatever your heart

desires during the weekends

now if you’re in if you’re into cooking

go online

and look for vegan versions of your

favorite recipe

i have tried some very simple yet

amazing vegan recipes

if cooking a vegan meal is too big of a

leap to you

then try just changing the ingredients


plant base for example instead of milk

try almond milk if you normally buy


beef patties buy four beef patties

and four veggie patties for each meat

item you replace with a plant-based item

you are changing the demand of the


same thing with grocery shopping look

for plant-based

alternatives buyers

behavior dictates the market trend

each time you are spending money on

plant-based product

you are shaping the supply of the market

your actions are telling vendors and

suppliers that you

care about the planet and the change is


meal by meal day by day the more we

substitute meat products with

plant-based products

the faster we will be able to reduce

greenhouse gases and stop

climate change so that is all band


and change the way we eat make a change

with your food choice today discover

more possibilities

one meal at a time that is built a more

sustainable world together

thank you for your time