Accepting the LGBTQ The culture of queer conditioning

at around the age of

10 12 i realized that i couldn’t fit

into any box of identity

that the society had made for me

as time passed by i was conditioned

more and more into believing that i was

wrong and did not deserve to live a

dignified life

i felt suffocated to form

a false illusion of my identity just to

get validated by the society

to pretend to be what i was not and then

one decision

changed my life hi i’m max suryash


and i do not hesitate to say that i am

lesbian and genderfluid

although there was a time in my life

where i would literally shivered at the

thought of telling this to anybody

even to myself why

why was it so hard for me to accept what

i was

why is it still hard for some people to

agree that humans like me exist

conditioning conditioning has the

magnificent power to affect

every human’s mindset on this world

while we might be negatively conditioned

literally every day of our life

we still choose to be blind puppets to


but what exactly is this

how exactly does conditioning work

we are constantly learning and gaining

new knowledge in our life

to achieve our dreams and to also bring

about a change in the society

while conditioning also involves

learning about new concept

sometimes it can become a parasite

that stops you from adapting to new

knowledge and proceed

after a point of time we become constant

and stagnant with a way of thinking

and eventually become unreasonable and


we are conditioned in religion gender


sexuality how one has to behave what is

proper what is not what is appropriate

after a point of time we need to


ourselves delve into it and realize

that we are merely following what was

said to us

and paving way for more injustice

for example when a baby is born

we tend to assign the color blue to boys

and pink to colds but does it mean

that the child has to hate the color of

the other gender

does it mean that if a boy grows up to

like the color pink he’s less

of a man no not

at all now let’s discuss about something

that we all must have witnessed but


jules do not talk about it bother about


do you remember the first time you met a

hijra person and you felt intimidated

just by their looks do you remember that

one guy who was a little feminine and

the girl

was little masculine was bullied in the


and no one said nothing do you remember

that one character in a movie who was a


feminine who wore floral clothes and it

felt absolutely okay to humiliate them

we all witnessed this we witnessed the


and injustice but jews do not talk about

it because

we weren’t supposed to right we were

taught that these people were wrong

dirty by media by films

in fact the stories by our own relatives


the lgbt community is one of the most

tabooed communities in our country from

the society’s

hostile and violent behavior towards us

to the basic fundamental rights that we

don’t have

every day is a fight a fight against the


which constantly targets the identity of


who are different another way of

forming notions about a certain

community is to not talk about

it enough people are unaware ignorant

they don’t know what’s right what’s


and they feel that it’s insignificant to


section 377 was struck down in 2018 and

lives have changed

just legally we are not criminals


but how our lives will be is not


people are still hostile even violent

towards the members

of the community they are unaware

they have certain myths and they are

even violent sometimes

so what do we do how do we become good


to the community by breaking down

all the notions stereotypes myths that

we have

formed of the community over the period

of time

and putting an effort to making

ourselves and people around us aware

about what’s true and what’s wrong

so let’s start with discussing something

and educate ourselves

the lgbt community stay in the closet

suffocated isolated uncomfortable

because they do not have the freedom to

express themselves

openly myths like it is a phase

it’s it’s a disease and it’s treatable

it’s so prevalent in our country

that some of us believe it true and try

to get it treated

conversion therapies therapies that

claim to treat someone’s identity

by supernatural energies or even painful

shocks corrective rape

getting a homosexual woman raped because

someone thinks that

they haven’t experienced it and many

other forms of

violence is used by people to treat

someone’s identity

some of you are lefties

some of you are righties some of you are

dark by complexion

some fair some somewhere in the between

some have a sixth finger in the hand

similarly some are gay some are straight

and others can belong anywhere in the


we need to realize that these are just

variations that do not need to be


being gay being straight being bisexual

being trans being non-binary

is as innate and normal to a person as

being left to your writing

these do not need to be corrected

because they’re absolutely

innately correct

another myth that we break hair is that

gender is same as sex

now that is a huge myth sex is not same

as gender and they cannot be used


sex is what you’re biologically born as

what you’re assigned at birth

but gender is what you feel about


which you identify and understand over a

period of time

i was assigned female at birth but i

realized that i was gender fluid

now both gender or sex is not

binaries there are not just two sects

in the world and gender is actually a


prefixes or pronouns are not

binary too i am

mx riya and mx is a gender neutral


my pronouns are they and them and not


or he but why do we need to understand

all this

it’s so complicated because

this is the first step towards


a first step towards creating a safe

space for people

who identify differently

one more argument that we get a lot of

times in our country

is that it has come from the west it’s a

modern phenomenon

have we forgotten the beautiful past

of our country have we forgotten

the beautiful scripts the epics

the histories that our country has


there were there were different


diversity of identities which were


and embraced for example the beautiful

feminine of thoughts of male gods

the beautiful story of arawaan and


where krishna converts into a female for


and the beautiful life story of


every religion propagated the idea of

love and respect

it was us who created stereotypes


hate so i get all of this

i understand all of this but i have one


when do we start to teach the next

generation the kids

about such concepts well

let’s start to teach them basic love

and empathy let’s teach them that no

matter how their friend expresses


they are to be respected and considered

one among them

let’s teach them that love is beautiful

and hate is destructive

well i think that children are better

off than us

they originally do not differentiate

their friends

they differentiate others on the basis

of how the other person behaves with


and not on the basis of what the other


religion is how the person looks

so perhaps we need to decondition

ourselves and get to the basics of

love and respect

one decision that changed my life as i

told you in the beginning

was to not think about what the society

would think of me how the society would

treat me

and stand strong and have a voice for my


well i always say that i am very


and privileged my family and friends

have accepted me and my identity

i remember that when my parents accepted


and my sexuality i knew that

they will always be with me as a support

and as a shield

one more person that transformed my life

was my partner

like any heterosexual relationships

we have had our love layups and extreme


but no matter what happened we stood by

each other

at every step but no matter how much i

love her

no matter how committed and devoted we

are towards each other

we won’t be able to experience some


special moments of our life

marriage children

i want to ask you something do you


think that love should have any


i don’t think so so let’s

understand the true meaning of love and


let’s not get caught against the war of

different religions sex sexuality

or speciesism we are moving towards a

better society where respect prevails

but it won’t be possible if each one of

us do not stand strong

and become allies for each other

humanity is the key

a human is nothing

nothing without humanity

and everything being

himself and being kind

thank you