Conserve what our future generation deserves


yes certainly when today we all have


and after a covered time i think this is


my also the first event

then certainly there must be something

very important today we going to talk

and discuss

what are we going to talk and discuss

today with me i’ll start

with a very small exercise so student

all of you ask with me

raise your hand who is with me great

so when we were small few of them are

still small i can see that

but when we all were small

our teacher asked us to draw a beautiful

portrait a beautiful scenery

what all we were drawing that time so

let’s start quickly with the exercise

come on mountain yes ma’am

right mountains filled with wow

that’s beautiful and we had the blue

rivers we had green

wow so we all know we are on the same


we had the beautiful birds flying

and i am sure all of us

imagining this beautiful portrait when i

was talking to you

and asking you that what we were doing

in our mind

now when portrait is that beautiful and

we know

that this will remain in our heart and

mind for years

and decades and centuries then what is

the problem

so now this is the problem

the mountain you have seen the snow we

are talking

that started to melt because of the

global warming

there is a 0.07

degree celsius temperature rising up

each decade since 1880

so we have mountains but we do not have

that snow

i talk about the blue river i am so


that in our scenery we don’t have a blue

river now

because if we talk about gangaji there

is every single day 1.9 billion liter

garbage has

dumped into gangaji and if i talk about

any river

any water bodies that has been polluted

to 80 percent

i talked next about the green plush

trees we are talking

which gives us oxygen that deforesters

deforestation has started to happen

every year there are billion of trees

seven billion trees has been cut down

i talk about next the air pollution

who knows better than us who are sitting

in delhi right now

we are wearing masks for the covered

right now

but before covid yes there was a

requirement for mask

again there are more than

two million indian every day who is

dying because of this air pollution

i talk next about the water we are

talking about this beautiful scenery

where we have a house we have

all the natural resources we have clean

drinking water but

unfortunately there are 17

million people don’t have access to

clean drinking water

so my dear student today when we talking

about this

why it becomes so important

why environment becomes so important all

of us

somebody want to be a doctor somebody

want to be an engineer

i tried so many things in my life so

i’ll not talk about me right now

but yes we have so many aspirations in

our life

but nothing could work on until we do

not have

a clean drinking water until we don’t

have this clean

air to breathe until we don’t have green

trees until we don’t have a clean

food to eat when we talk about the

atmosphere it becomes

at the most important because this is a

thing which is covering us

from all over we cannot survive

out without this environment my dear


and teachers it become


at most important thing right now

because we are

into a very very bad shape i just talked

about it

if i talk about the environment

and i just talked about ma gangaji

i will say it doesn’t matter which

religion we belong

which country we belong which ideology

we belong

because each and every one has talked

about environment

so i am very sure that today

all of us sitting here from different

culture from different religion and we

are thinking about

oh really i don’t think that i belong to

maya gangaji

but i tell you dear student this gangaji

is not

only a pratik of shraddha astha

and shanti but we’re talking about the


and logical aspects of also

this ma gangaji has a 40

of oxygen which has been given to many


there 40 to 45 people are still

surviving on bank of gangaji

and forget about only hindu culture

in each and every religion we have given

importance to environment i’ll start

with the hindu ideology

the first thing when our guests come to

our home

what we offer come on oh wow

so yes we know the importance

when we are eating food and we

are trying to leave we are planning to

cheat in front of our parents and hiding

some food i’m sure all of our mother



wow we know that we know that in

every auspicious occasion whether it is

a marriage whether it is a puja

or anything we have given so much


to all these five elements which is


air earth we are keeping water in

our all of auspicious things i talk


bhagavad-gita i’ll give you a quote from


that advice not to try to change the


improve it or wrestle with it according

to the islam

islam also talked about the environment

and they said according to islam

people should realize theirs their stay

on earth is only temporary

that they shall all have to face the day

of judgment if they choose to pollute

the environment

and do harm to leaving creature on

earthly comfort

believer in holy quran will face the


end okay so in christianity also they


to save the humanity to save this earth

we have to work in partnership so my

dear student it doesn’t matter that

which religion we belong

environment has always been a very very

important part

now we have talked enough about the

problem i’m not here to discuss problem

because we all know that

i am here to discuss the solution of it

and you the young people sitting here

you remind me of hanuman

who has to cross sagar

and has to bring mass sita back to

bhagavan sriram and he didn’t know about


caliber he didn’t know about his


and that very moment he has given a

wake-up call unki counselling

so my dear student this is a time for

each of

and everyone sitting here for a small

counseling and

for a small wake-up call this is what we

are doing here

so again i will discuss

i will share a small fact with you which

is very interesting because when i was

reading that

thing into a news article that

really make me interesting to know it

more and more

there was a mass suicide of sheep


in country turkey we all know turkey


so there are 500 sheep on the 200 meter

of the cliff

and all sudden the whole world shook up

because these 500 cattles just jumped

from the cliff

and they died the whole village get into

depression that what happened

how these 500 sheep died again

in the world

news in a south africa their

thousand of wilder bees died while

crossing the river

nobody could understand why it happened

and actually dear student when they

started to find out

that what happened that pancho sheep

just jumped from the cliff and died we

get to know

that there was a bear child this is a

very famous what in our

indian people here char because when one


jump from the cliff others started to

follow it

they don’t know what is lying in front

of them but they just started to follow

the same thing happened in south africa

where one will rubies were crossing

others started to follow

my dear student this is what we are

doing right now

we just started to follow blindly


if your friend is throwing something

into a garden

or on the road we say what is

this attitude need to change

if this attitude will not change there

is no planet

b we have to survive on this planet

it is not necessary we going back to the

same house

we having the same amount of water are

we having the same amount of the air

so this is a time we really need to


so i was talking about the solution

we don’t have to do anything we don’t

have to miss school

certainly we don’t have to miss school

we don’t have to do any andolan

we don’t have to merge the small small

things we have to do

is just to make yourself aware about


a very interesting fact i’m going to

tell you

first tell me who all are using ro water

at their place

i should be rather asking who is not


so yes we all do that how

do you know that how many percentage of

the clean drinking water we are using

only 30 percent rest is 70 percent of

the water

goes waste where 790 million

people in the whole world don’t get

access to clean drinking water we

waste 70 percent of our water

so what are we going to start from today


we’re going to tell our mommies we’re

going to tell our daddies

or are we going to tell ourselves that

we going to smartly utilize that water

whenever we are stepping out of the

house or room

we have to always check that electricity

is put down because it’s not important

when you’re coming back home

you have access to the same electricity

and the biggest solution today i want to

talk to all of you

is a circular economy fancy

no i don’t think so this circular


india has always been practicing how

i tell you a very small story i studied

initially in vanessa rajasthan which is

a deserted area not much water

life is little dry but one day

one incident really catch my eyes

what i saw i saw there was a mother

she put her child onto a cot

and put a big tub beneath that god

once the child shower is over

she used that water for plantation

she gave it to the guy or hairs of her


she washed clothes from the same water

and that thing ring a bell in my mind

this is a circular economy

all the industry were using one pattern


take make and dispose

what we are saying in circular economy

there is

nothing go waste we believe

that each and everything can be utilized


and again so this is a circular economy

which has a 7r model i will say reduce


retrieve recycle repair renew and reuse


all know that and if somebody don’t know


i am here to tell that resources are not


it is limited in nature it is water

it is everything all of the fuel

what we you know we running in a car we

don’t care

that we believe that nothing going to

change nothing going to finish

no this is not the scenario so here we

talk about the circular economy

which is talking about taking care of

our environment in a very nicer way

on the same time

we are creating more jobs for people

we are making those resources

work in a manageable way so

for example if i talk about the circular


there are many many advantages we can

see which

something as an young person

who want to develop into this world

economy into the indian economy this

point really tells me

that boosting economic growth and

creating jobs

you can see the number

and i believe it’s not something we

cannot achieve

it’s just something very big that we

cannot do because these big companies

has already started to do

who all like h m okay

there are guys also liking h m good

good so this h m brand

they have started and adopted this model

called circular economy what they are

doing we have old clothes

they started together collecting old

clothes from you

they are processing it in their


and they’re making new clothes by it the

same goes

timberland they’re using the same

technology for their tires

vigga and there are many brands like

phillips they are making their led bulbs

they are taking the old bulbs from you

they are using that technology

to you know reuse into and

recycle into a newer way and creating a

new product

again i’m reminding you we are the

indian who knows

how to utilize our resources at the best

all the women sitting here they know

about it

so we know that already our daddy

nannies were

always using that old clothes for making

all the rajas and gadda why we are

forgetting about this

we have always believing into saving

resources and utilizing in a very

smarter way



i wish you will achieve that very soon

thank you so much mom