Generation X Why We Deserve New Branding

a show of hands

anyone born 1946 to 1964.

hello boomers what about birthdays

from 1981 to 1996.

welcome millennials we’re glad you’re


anyone born after 1997 to 2010.

hi gen z you are the largest population

clocking in at nearly 90 million people

in the united states and i wish

i had the brain chip that you were born


one might say i almost forgot anyone


between 1965 and 1980

hey there gen x you’re my peeps

and this talk is for you well i haven’t

forgotten you though it seems that


everyone else has marketers

newscasters advertisers branders and


all seem to ignore or forget about

generation x

they don’t spend money to advertise or

mesmerize us

as a pop culture and media expert and a

two-time emmy-nominated television


i think we are all making a mistake with


generation x i think we have been


and have a terrible branding problem

perhaps we need to fire whoever branded


okay boomer you’re fired

as a card-carrying member of what time

magazine dubbed in 1990

a generation with few heroes no anthems

and no style to call their own they

called us

the slacker generation in what writer

joy ellen sauder wrote about us just

last year

generation x a complete

embarrassment labels

that have written us off as having no


and no contribution as the who said

people try to put us down we’re talking

about my generation

in 1990 home alone was a box office

success while we all laughed it was true

for many of us

in my generation we were raised home


because of a dual family income or

because we were from families of a

divorce we were the kids

that went home after school with our own


let ourselves in and waited for our

parents to come home

we are the latchkey kid who

raised ourselves and probably raised our

siblings too

because only the bradys had an alice at


our babysitter was martha quinn after

all in our age group

video killed the radio star and if you

don’t know who martha quinn is

you’re definitely not generation x so

google it

my boyfriend was the fonz but he was

always upstaged by a six million dollar


i was so upset that i had to stay home

from school the day that the

bionic woman was set to marry

steve austin but it was thwarted from


accident which caused her amnesia and

she didn’t remember him

our worlds were centered around what we


and when we could watch it we learned

that patience is a virtue

while waiting an entire week for the

continuation of our favorite shows

there was no binge watching or streaming


and now i don’t want to sound like my

grandfather from the silent generation

born 1926 to 1945.

i had to walk three miles in the snow to

get to school

jackie you should be grateful lecture

gen x had to get off the sofa and walk

to the television

to turn the dial and change the channel

as the remote control did not exist

generation x’s anthem it smells like

teen spirit by the late kurt cobain

that rolling stone called the unwilling

spokesperson for our generation

who broke our spirit when he

unmercilessly shot himself

his best lyrics entertain us

a true statement to our anthem at the


born out of our childhood isolation as

we were the audience

that hung out with our friends listened

to music

gathered to be entertained and went to


we had no internet or instant

information but we had free time and

money in our pockets

oprah was our therapist

we gathered to watch and not take center


the only famous gen xers of our


are actually entertainers perfectly so

the jlos the jennifer anistons the

serena williams and the joe rogans

other than that the reflection of our

childhood the need to be entertained

from a behind the scenes

our leadership is mostly silent yet

not ineffective the latchkey generation

is what i would define

as the unsupervised and forgotten


mostly unseen and definitely not heard

we were the almost generation in so many


on the political front this truth that


x has no voice and is an almost


is also reflected boomers have occupied

the white house for the past 26 years

with a two-candidate boomer run again

even obama is a tail-end boomer while he

seemed young

as a president that was 12 years ago of

an eight-year term

our generation has yet to claim the


as vice presidential candidate kamala

harris checks many necessary boxes like

a bubble scan card

she becomes the other problem our

generation represents

as the almost generation making her

kinda sorta

almost a gen xer not

millennials have taken their seat in

both the house of representatives

and the senate and have campaigned on

the presidential level

even gen z who hasn’t become fully of

age to vote

is staging sit-ins in schools across the

nation for values that don’t align with


with their vision of their future

our secret weapon is that we are


in my research of our behind the scenes

gen xers

i learned that gen x makes up the

majority of the participation

of the electoral college the electoral

college places the president in the

position over the popular vote

from behind the scenes gen x is still in


even if you don’t know all our names as

an example of the invisible

influence that we wield because

of the cultural influence of our

childhoods and our teen years

we watch we observe

we witness and we integrate

and what we have done for our 50-some

laps around the sun

mine being next week give or take a few

years on either side

we have integrated more technological


than any other generation and as we

compete for recognition that is

rightfully ours in the laundry list

of almost gen x gets elon musk

the boomers have jeff bezos another

almost gen xer not and the millennials

shoot out mark zuckerberg just as fast

my generation we were the ones who

shifted from the polaroid camera to the

disposable camera

to what a camera in your cell phone

i wondered why would you want a camera

in your cell phone

to me it was like combining the

refrigerator of with the stove

what would be the purpose i know

i should have had a v8 of course you

would call me a late adopter on that one

remember telephones were wired into the

wall with a rotary dial with only one

function when we were kids

that the whole family shared and blasted

a busy signal when the line was being


call waiting was a technological


and as latchkey kids we knew to carry

dimes in our pockets

as pay phones were the only source of

calling our parents when we weren’t home

thus et phone home

as parents now technology is encryptedly

passed on to our children while we

photograph them

in utero making them the natural selfie


we entertained ourselves and entrained


through technology making us adaptable

as we updated the gradient levels from


when space invaders was out of this

world to nintendo with the mario


to playstation and for our love of music

we paid a penny for

albums through columbia records in the

back of parade magazine

and waited for the mail without amazon

prime for several days at least

for our records no our eight tracks

no our cassettes no our

cds there was then there was napster

which was also a real no-no

we lived by the u.s mail and never felt

like we were

only living on a prayer no

instant anything like downloading music

generation x knows how to delay


resounding again our virtue of patience

and resourcefulness while we waited

we didn’t live by the delete button

having learned a keyboard on a


we learned our mistakes are not as easy

to cover up in an instantaneous world

as we had to use white out and wait for

it to dry

as a side note quarantine has got

nothing on us

generation x we’re used to being alone

we know how to entertain ourselves

and being forgotten no problem

we got this while the millennials

and their kids sister gen z duke it out

with our parent generation ok

boomer in the workforce politics and pop


i ask myself where is the voice of my

misbranded generation

generation x the answer suffering middle

child syndrome

or as jan brady said marsha marcia


even the little mermaid released in 1989

during our late teenage years

the only disney princess movie of our

teen decade

ariel the main character loses her voice

coincidence i think not

even though this behind the scenes

middle child

almost forgotten latch key slacker

generation of mine

ours produces one third of the nation’s

income in spite of representing only

a quarter of the whole population

yes we are small yes we are mighty

and yes we have money so why do we

generation x have such poor branding

reality does bite and we bite back

we were told one thing as a generation

yet our experience was completely


we were called the slacker generation

the truth

we came of a of working age during three

recessions one

when most of us were graduating college

and entering the job market

two the forgotten about tech bubble bust

in 2000

when many of us were starting families

and three

the housing crash of 2008 smack dab

during our careers and of course

we are on a joy ride right now to be


as our retirement accounts hang in the


our repetitive economic traumas along

with our personal traumas

that can be identified with our great

grandparents through the great

depression but rarely acknowledged in

our own

answer-marching way of getting on with

things born out of our latchkey

kids style of survival we were taught to


as we were living in a material world


we are living the consequences of over


we were told we could do anything truth


adrian just don’t hit your head on the

glass ceiling on the way up

told one thing sold another work hard

play hard when it came to coming of age

our moms got the pill and we got aids

sex wasn’t freedom it meant death

while a liberated mother screamed

equality we learned

duplicity we were equally as quiet at

work while we endured a culture that was

not meant to be endured and no longer

tolerated today

reality was just another lap around the

hamster wheel of look over there

not over here and when we

finally got sick and tired of being sick

and tired

and tired of sick we screamed me too

here is the truth about generation x

sandwiched between attention-grabbing

millennials and competitive boomers

we learned discernment dependability

and diplomacy making our generation the

best managers in the workforce

adaptable to changing worlds and

changing systems

we have patience to teach because we

have always been learning

our latchkey isolated childhoods taught

our generation

patience resourcefulness and

ingenuity we are funny

thank you beavis and butthead and

laverne and shirley

we have a good bs detector thank you

millie vanilli

and we’re not afraid to get dirty

because we actually played outside

and we know how to have a good time

the unifying generation is a much better


after all we had live aid we know how to

come together

and coexist to solve the world’s


and we are entrepreneurial enough to do

it there isn’t a gen xer who didn’t


shovel snow rake leaves deliver

newspapers lifeguard or wash

cars for extra cash

gen xers it is our time to declare

a new brand and a new narrative

that describes our generation and it is


the time for us to be seen and heard

even if we still don’t like our picture

to be taken we are shape-shifting from

the visible generation

to the from the invisible generation to

the visible generation

the story put upon us as the anti-anthem

anthem slacker is wrong the don’t care


who has integrated multiple upgrades is


the unifying generation

from smells like teams teen spirit to

aya the tiger

we know how to rise up back on our feet


generation x is independent

influential innovative

and integrative we are most exceptional

essential and excellent

thank you bill and ted the story of gen

x is not over

we need a rebrand and of course we’ll

have to do it ourselves

like we do everything else as joseph

campbell describes in the reluctant hero

more han solo less like luke skywalker

like john mcclane and diehard the one

who doesn’t want to

take the call unless he has to it is now

our time to take our call

rise and shine be seen and be heard

this is our invitation to our


of the unifying generation because what

the world

needs now is love sweet love

and we have it to give from behind the

scenes we will take our seat now front

and center

as simple mind sings don’t you forget

about me
