Generation Z Making an Impact

it’s always a fascinating conversation

with my parents

when i hear that they got their first

phone at the age of 24.

i can never come to believe that they

spent the first 24 years of their life

without the most groundbreaking

invention of the 21st century

kids like me in generation z are

introduced to technology at such a young


and we are truly fortunate to get the

modern and quicker way

of the technology generation z

refers to anyone born after 1995 and


2010 which eventually leads to the

oldest members being barely out of 13


fortunately i am also part of the


generation z father

of the nation and the messiah of


mahatma gandhiji said in a gentle way

you can shake the world

generation z is taking gandhiji’s wisdom

to heart

and their choices are reflecting it

we are a generation that has seen it all

everything from dot com boom to bubble


the devastating 9 11 event of 2001

the 2008 financial crash and we’re

currently going through a tough

pandemic situation i

am about to miss my eighth grade

graduation and i will watch as my

friends and family in high school

miss their high school graduation an

even more important milestone as part of

an academic journey

as recently as now the pandemic got the

best of us i watched how my friends and

family in high school

transitioned from preparing for high

school prom to setting up an online

school account

i saw the sats and the acts becoming


it shook us but we dusted it off

and got ready to enter a whole new

virtual world of online classes

meetings and turning those flabs into


our experiences from the past prepare us

for anything to come

in the future now

all the generations before us did the

best they could with the limited

technology and innovation they had

they worked hard remained loyal to the

employer and

always made sure there was food on the

table for their family

however they always discussed how they

could have done more but were never able

to put their plan

into action and this is why they see us

as their hope of the future

we have responsibilities to fulfill and

that’s why the baton has been passed to


ever heard of the quote actions speak

louder than words

well taking that into consideration we

as generation z

can take our ideas and passions and

actually put our plan

into action we can achieve things

things the generations before us were

never able to achieve

we are fortunate enough to be in the

midst of a digital and social media


this entire experience gives us so many

ideas that could be used towards helping

a great

cause today by sharing my journey and my

experience i want all the young people

out there to be able to take risks

that would lead to an applause worthy

product and could potentially help save


as truly digital natives we as

generation z

use social media not only to learn about

important issues

but also to make a meaningful difference

91 of our generation says that we use

social media to learn about and

participate in issues that we care about

we feel so well informed in fact that we

know more about important issues than

our parents or guardians

we sincerely feel like social media

engagement can drive

change eighty percent of our generation


that using social media can really

create an important impact on issues

about two to three years ago google

published a magazine

with the title it’s lit that’s right you

heard me

it’s lit my dad always says

he trusts google more than my mom

because google knows him better than my


and that’s why i trust google for data

anyways according to the magazine

generation z

is the most informed evolved and

empathetic generation of its kind

we value information and connection

evident by our affinity for

youtube netflix and facebook

now we as generation z can achieve

and do so much we like to be


as we know that the biggest change can

be made only by what we

envision a recent study by the

well-known northeastern university said

that as a group gen z tends to be highly


demonstrated by a strong desire to work

for themselves

study entrepreneurship and design their

own programs of study

in college as self-directed young


we as generation z can take our

opportunity and potential

and make a change in the world for the


we can achieve things things that people

before us

were never able to achieve

now adding my own personal experience

into the mix

belonging to an immigrant entrepreneur

household i grew up taking many risks

and i grew up with many changes

i was fortunate enough to be blessed

with a caring family and a great vocal


and honestly life was pretty simple

until reality hit and i learned about my

neighbor’s daughter who had asd

autism spectrum disorder

i noticed how the family’s plans changed

and i noticed how

some things they thought they would be

able to do they weren’t able to do


at the time i was young and i didn’t

understand much of it

until recently another family friend of

mine was diagnosed with a rare case of

autism called cdkl5

this time i was much older and i

understood the difficulties a family had

to go through

i knew that there was not only an

emotional drain upon them but also a

financial drain

i wanted to see what i could do to help

so i continued on to do some research on

available cdc websites

and i discovered that about one in six

around 17

of the children aged 3 to 17 were

diagnosed with a developed mental


in the year 2000 one

in 150 children were diagnosed with


in the year 2008 1 in 88 people were

diagnosed with autism

and in the last year recorded by cdc

2014 1 in 59 people were diagnosed with


now if we put this into simple math

autism in the last three years grew 16

fold now being part of generation z

and not being afraid of making change

i was able to take these numbers and

make a positive impact

i could have stopped here knowing what

the problem was and just having someone

else swoop in and solve the problem for


but as generation z we are here to make

a difference

now i created this box that was a

subscription toy box that was not only

affordable but also educational

and gave children the resources they

needed to develop their sensory skills

motor skills and communication skills

i wanted to make a positive impact on

these children’s lives

one box at a time well you must be

asking why did i create this box

well it was because when i went on to do

some more research about these special


i came to a shocking revelation

while any foreign e-commerce store sold

a toy for a dollar or two

the same toy on a leading store in the

united states was sold for 10

fold the price similarly

a regular ipad case with a little extra

protection was sold for

99 to 100 whereas the real price would

be worth anywhere from five to six


so to solve that problem i created a

subscription toy box for autistic


now i have the same access to the

digital world as anyone in generation z


we are the digital first generation

for me to solve a problem and find a


all i needed to do was research online

using digital tools

such as google cdc reports facebook

groups and just talking to the parents

in the vicinity

technology is not just changing

generation z

it is increasing connectivity and

changing the way gen zeus perceive


have the same access the digital world

as anyone in generation z does

with the available digital resources and

with the help of family and friends

if i could take a step towards making a


impact all of us together as generation

z can make an even larger

impact so together

let’s make the world a better place one


at a time thank you