Generation Z Will we let COVID19 define us

generation zed

will we let covert 19 define us

will we allow coronavirus to dictate the

narrative for our generation

generation zed was being labeled as the

generation of opportunity

the limitless generation the generation

who would change the world for the


we are now the generation who is living

through coronavirus

and will have to live with all of the

challenges that the virus has brought


generation z is the cohort born between

1995 to 2010

a generation who has access to more

opportunities than ever before

we’re able to educate ourselves for free

and at our own pace via youtube

we’re able to start businesses for free

and market ourselves via instagram

we’re able to share our thoughts for

free and with the masses

via twitter we have been blessed with


that no other generation has ever had

which means we interact with the world

around us in a different way to

any past generation

the way we interact with each other and

attempt to solve problems

has completely changed no longer do we

need to go to a post office

and write letters or buy stamps to stay

in touch with friends

we just use snapchat no longer

do we need to go to a library and spend

hours finding books to gain information

we just use google life has been

relatively easy for us

in a lot of different ways but we are

currently facing

our biggest hurdle yet a hurdle which

many truly believe will be a defining


for our entire generation something that

our great great grandchildren will study

in history classes one day

we cannot neglect what covert 19 has

done to us

as a global populace millions of deaths

tens of millions of cases families torn


all across the globe global economies


it is impossible to neglect this virus

has done to all of us

that i cannot stress enough this virus


and will continue to affect our lives


we the youth have lost loved ones we

face the toughest job market in a


we’ve lost countless opportunities we’ve

not been able to make and meet new


which is the very essence of our early


in just six months after the

announcement of lockdown

the samaritans received 1.2 million

phone calls with

25 percent of callers expressing that

they are having suicidal thoughts

this is a period of complete and utter

destruction and unfortunately

we still have a relatively long way to


now i’ve been lucky i have not lost a

loved one to covert

the worst thing that’s happened to me

was enduring lockdown in the same way

that we all had to

so i do speak from a position of

immensely good fortune

however with this unwanted period of

empty time

there has been one real question that

keeps coming to mind

will we as a generation allow this virus

to determine our futures

and the narrative surrounding our cohort

just over a year ago we were the

generation who will change the world

with our adoption of technology as well

as a genuine interest in moving towards

an entirely sustainable planet

i do not believe that this has changed

even in the darkest times we can find

reasons for hope and strength

without overlooking the absolutely

devastating negatives

we can ask what have we learned from

this period

and how can we use it to better

ourselves going forward

we’ve had so much time to stop pursuing

our passions

usually to start following your own true

desires and passions

you need to take a bit of a risk

potentially quit your job

or forsake your social life most of us

are no longer commuting to work

many of us are put onto schemes such as

furlough we’re not allowed to even go

into work

bars and restaurants in some parts of

the world remain closed to this day

now these restrictions are not a dream

come true please do not get me wrong

but they have provided us with a chance

to focus on our personal goals

we cannot see our friends so readily so

now we’re able to focus that time

into personal projects maybe that’s

building a business

making an album of songs or starting a


now the path of using time gained from

recently lost opportunities for personal


is one that many have decided to tread

america is seeing a 13-year high for new

businesses starting

owing entirely to coronavirus we’re


thousands of new content creators

growing followings of millions of people

using their creative talents on

platforms like tiktok

it’s a common truth that sometimes a

little bit of chaos

can actually provide us with the

opportunities that we need in order to

shape our own destinies

recessions always lead to new

organizations and leaders emerging

general motors launched just after the

1907 crisis

cnn took to air when the u.s inflation

hit 15

in 1980 and modern organizations like


and uber all rose to prominence after

the 2008 global financial crisis

throughout history periods of turmoil

have always allowed for new leaders to


and new ideas to grow throughout this

period we are currently going through

maybe you’ve had the chance to start

thinking about your long-term ambitions

what can you be doing to get yourself


there will be thousands of young people

who also want to achieve

your long-term goals what can you be


to get yourself ahead to ensure that you

put yourself

in the best position to achieve your own

long-term objectives

of others want to do the same thing that

you do

so let’s start using our pockets of time

wisely now

to ensure that we can fulfill our


this is your chance to get ahead and

ensure that you’re on the right pathway

to fulfilling your potential and

reaching your long-term goals

we’ve always been a generation with

everything we could ever need or want at

our fingertips

but maybe these tools that we grew up

with and we’re so blessed to have had

have actually made it harder for us to

break out to thrive

maybe this is our generation’s first

moment to start breaking through

now everyone’s attention has been

diverted and completely rightfully so

but maybe this is our chance to start

laying the foundations

for ourselves to fulfill our personal

long-term objectives

one of the things we must remember

particularly as i speak from a british


after every recession there is a spike

in recruitment

so using this time wisely now for

personal development

even if your music doesn’t achieve the

numbers you hope or your business

doesn’t take off as you’d expect

one thing that is for certain is that

you’re getting yourself ahead of the


ready for when companies begin hiring


this is a chance to really expand your

horizons to develop

your own skills and you know for sure

that you’ll benefit from doing it one

way or another

also i believe that there has never been

a generation better placed

to deal with the job crisis like our


we are a generation who is consistently

proving ourselves to be great at

creating our own opportunities through


this is what we are known for in a way

that no other generation has been

dedicating this additional time we’ve

unwillingly been dealt

productively to your own personal

projects will allow you to progress

without a doubt so what are you waiting


use this 10 minutes or so now to reflect

and give yourself some perspective

we’ve been so lucky we now face a tough


but we know that tough times only bring

out the best in the world

the best leaders the best ideas the best


now what are you going to do in order to

make the most of this period

are you going to ensure that this period

will be one that our great great

grandkids look back on and say

this was the generation who embraced

innovation and caused

major social changes this really is our


to determine our own narrative here

there’s a reasonably cliched quote but i

think it’s a truthful one

tough times do not last but tough people


i believe truly and wholeheartedly that

we are a generation of resilient

persistent and creative people no matter

what the media speculates

or what youtube comments sections say

about us belonging to the

snowflake generation we are a generation

that faces a constant flyer of rejection

a generation that must keep up with

constant changes

and innovations a generation who feels

like they have to be perfect

or face being cancelled so what will you


starting today to ensure that you come

out of this period

in a better position than how you came

into it

throughout the talk the narrative is

really focused on why we should worry

about ourselves

and almost selfishly use this time to

benefit us individually

let’s not forget why it’s important for

us the youth as a collective

to step up we shape and drive innovation

we the youth have such an important role

to play

the world economic forum said that we’re

on the cusp of a fourth industrial


highlighting creativity as one of the

top three most important soft skills to


with speculation surrounding creativity

to take the number one spot

i don’t know about you but when i think

creativity my mind

instantly paints a picture of young

people coming together

to build the future so if we are

as the world economic forum predicts on

the cusp of a fourth

industrial revolution then i don’t think

it’s too bad to claim that

we our generation generation zed will be

at the forefront of it

so if you are the type of person who

wants to be driving change

either from the front as a leader or

from behind the scenes

right now is your opportunity to get

ahead to start pushing yourself

and your ideas forward generation zed

has always been one that is bold

with covert being a time of pain and a

time of uncertainty

it will lead to more people being

hesitant but this is the time to take a


someone has to be the next big musician


or activist this all is not just to

benefit yourself

but society as a whole is relying on us

to be ready for this fourth industrial


our generation has already been standing


alissa carson the 19 year old astronaut

in training and is preparing to be the


human on mars yet again generation zed

is proving

that we can accomplish well-defying

achievements at younger ages

than ever before young people are also

using their voices to influence society

in the most meaningful of ways

individuals like bermini love

nadia okamoto and gabby edlin have

campaigned tirelessly for years

to ensure that the tampon tax is to be

removed and in 2020

we saw nations like great britain and

states all across the usa wake up

and begin to change laws as a direct

consequence of the work

these young people put in well let’s

think about marcus rashford

who used his platform to make sure young

people did not go hungry throughout


and beyond forcing the british

government to rectify their own policy

and to act rapidly marcus then also held

the government accountable

for their shortfallings and reacted to

his demands ensuring

free meals were available for all young


we the youth are beginning to shape our


at a younger age than ever before it is

important not just for ourselves

but for society as a whole that we stand

up for our beliefs

and keep pursuing our passions it’s also

important that we look out for each


this period is one that is mentally

draining our generation is known for

being one that looks to offer support

both physically and emotionally only by

supporting one another

will we be able to come out of this

period in the best possible way

even in the darkest times we can find

reasons for hope and strength

the best way to do this is by supporting

one another so we can all find

our own hopes and our own strengths

so no matter what your driving force is

becoming a performer

an entrepreneur or an activist right now

is the most important period of our

lives to wake

up and realize that we’ve been blessed

with so many opportunities

for the overwhelming majority of us

currently overlook

now is the time to get ahead and become

the change makers that we’ve always

wanted to have been

and we’ve always predicted to be now is

the time to support one another

to ensure we can all make the most of

our opportunities

we are now the generation who is living

through coronavirus

and will have to live with all of the

devastating challenges covert has

brought about

generation zed is the generation of


the limitless generation the generation

who will change the world for better

will we allow coronavirus to dictate the


for our generation

thank you