Mara Teresa Kumar How the new generation of Latinx voters could change US elections TED

María Teresa Kumar: Much has been made
of the 2020 US election.

Right now, just over a week later,

pollsters are issuing mea culpas,

Democrats are tentatively celebrating,

Republicans are blowing
their collective tops,

lawyers are busier than ever,

ballot-counters are still hard at it,

and demographers are desperately
trying to understand

who voted, for whom, where and why.

Much has been said
of the Latino vote in this election,

which is something
I know a little bit about,

having been working obsessively over it
for the last 16 years.

Latinos are the fastest-growing

with the largest voter
registration cap in America.

A Latino youth turns 18 every 30 seconds.

While the mode for whites
in America is 58,

the mode for Latinx is 11 years old.

You heard that right.

And it’s these new voters

and the youth who are translating America
for their immigrant families

who are leading the charge
for audacious change.

An estimated 73 percent
of Latinx youth voted for Biden.

As members of the largest
generation globally,

these Latino youth mirror their peers,

seeking intervention for climate equity,

racial justice

and gender parity.

What we’re hearing right now in America
and around the globe

is a demand for a massive reset
on how we will govern in the 21st century

for a world that is livable,

equitable and just.

Too many young people
are drowning in student debt

here in America,

their families have been ravaged
by the pandemic,

who have lost jobs, lives and housing,

and still, in 2020, they showed up
for an America to believe in.

Many say that 1914,
the eve of World War I,

defined the 20th century in America.

That meant FDR’s New Deal
that doubled down on its citizens

by nation-building,

offering pathways to the middle class

through public works, education
and sponsoring artists and musicians,

building roads to provide jobs
and sponsoring science-driven blueprints

that allowed a man almost 40 years later

to look up at the Moon and say
that he wanted to go there.

And we did that with less technology
than the smartphone feeding this talk.

So my hope is that the 21st century

will be remembered
as starting February 2020,

not because that was when COVID ravaged us

and in doing so, exposed the real, deep
socioeconomic and racial disparities

that ail us,

but because that was when
Americans cast a ballot for the future

that believes in addressing
the climate crisis,

that health care is a right,

that racial inequities hinder us all.

We have a window to meet the precedent
set by the Greatest Generation

and define our century

as one that is equitable and sustained.

I, for one, am excited to get to work.

I hope you’ll join me to usher in
this audacious change together.

Bianca DeJesus: María Teresa,
thank you so much for that.

MTK: Thank you, Bianca.
Thank you for this conversation.

BD: It is an honor.

So, some commentators
seem to be confounded

that in certain places,

Republicans received
meaningful numbers of Latinx votes.

Of course, it’s kind of silly to imagine
that any demographic is a monolith,

and within our community,
there are so many differences.

So what is the most productive way
to think about heterogeneity

within the Latinx, and really,
within any community?

MTK: If we don’t have
public elected officials

talking to our community,
especially a new community,

that is coming of age,

that is relatively new
to the democratic process,

someone else will fill that vacuum.

But I can share with you

one of the things
that we knew at Voto Latino

was that young Latinos
are navigating America for their families.

Those youth turned up
to protect their families,

and it was not just in Arizona,

but we also saw it Nevada,
we also saw it in Pennsylvania,

we saw it in Georgia
and in North Carolina.

And if you want to have
an inclusive America,

you have to fight for the vote,

and that is basically
what we need to see right now.

But when we talk to young people,

they voted disproportionately
because they wanted climate change,

they wanted access to health care,

and they wanted to talk about
the real racial inequities.

When George Floyd sadly
was murdered tragically,

Latinos were side by side
with the African American community

because we recognize
that that is something

that truly plagues our American existence

and that we have to address it
if we want to move forward.

BD: Absolutely.

So do you see evidence
that patterns change

regarding first- and second-
generation Latinx voters,

and how does assimilation play out

in terms of long-term voting trends?

MTK: That’s interesting.

So at Voto Latino,

we don’t believe that there’s
an assimilation. Right?

What we want is an enhancement
of American culture.

Just like we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day,

we want to be able to celebrate our roots

and recognize the importance
of that richness.

We are in a very unique moment in America,

where we have the most
diverse population in the world,

and one can argue that that is why
some people don’t want us to succeed,

because it’s our human capital,

our vision,

our ability to move forward

and our diversity

that prepares us for this century.

And so when we talk about
the differences in the Latino community,

it’s also the differences in America

that makes us so much richer

with our imagination,

with our ability to have entrepreneurship,

and we have to use that
and harness it for good.

Some people will say race
is what is our Achilles' heel.

I actually believe that it’s the diversity
of our races and our cultures

that actually prepares us
to battle the 21st century

that it’s already interglobal.

And the more that we harness
that beauty of that diversity,

that is what prepares us to compete
and define the 21st century.

BD: Wow. Yeah. I think that’s beautiful
and totally agree.

So how can we make
first-time voters repeat voters

who are engaged in future elections

and not just for presidential elections

but for local government as well?

MTK: One of the things that we are seeing

is that we’re seeing
more young people run for office,

and the more people
start running for office,

they realize that local government
is what makes the most impact,

at least here in America.

So if you want, for example,
some racial reform

in your judicial system,

vote for your district attorney,

vote for your city councilman.

If you think that there’s disparities
in our education system,

run for your school board.

So that’s one.

But the other thing to send
very clearly to politicians

is that when young –

Americans voted their heart out.

Young Latinos, youth in general,

outvoted the people before them,

but they’re voting on making a bet
that their life will change,

because the last four years
could not have been rockier.

And if the folks that are elected

don’t meet the challenges
of addressing climate change,

addressing racial equity and gender parity

and health care for all,

they run the risk of not having
those people vote again in 2024,

and we need everybody on deck.

And so our job as citizens

is to ensure that we give the people
that we just voted into office

the courage to do the right thing,

and that means to continue the rallies,

continue calling our members of Congress,
writing those letters

and running for office ourselves.

BD: So one question that speaks
to the theme of this year’s TED Women,


I think it’s accurate to say

that there’s been a lot of fear
within the Latinx community

over the last few years.

How does that begin to change now?

MTK: I will share with you,

the day after Donald Trump was elected,

all of our worst nightmares
came to fruition.

We saw family separation,

one of the cruelest forms
of our nation’s history

came back to haunt us,

because we’ve done it before,

and everyone lived in fear.

And the day after Joe Biden’s
declaration on Saturday,

I can tell that there was a collective –

we’ve been holding our breath for so long,

there was a collective release
of not only that are we going to be OK

but that fellow Americans stood up

as allies

and said, “Not one more.”

And so that is what gives me hope,

is that this was a collective America

who outvoted their hearts out,

because we see that in our celebration
of our country’s future

is believing in democracy,

believing in a transition of power,

believing that the most votes won
and the electoral college was on our side,

and more importantly,

that these issues that Trump
tried to ascend his presidency

for the second time

that were based on racism,

that were based on the callousness
of treating people and women differently,

that they were not going to withstand.

And so we do have to rebuild,

but we have to rebuild not because
of the four years of Donald Trump.

If anything, I think he just exposed
a lot of our fractures.

We have to rebuild based on the last,
I would say, 20 years.

But the great thing is that
the voters are here for it,

and young people are here for it.

I don’t have to change
a young person’s mind

that we are in a climate crisis.

They get it.

Cultural change is the hardest to do,

but we have generations there with us,

because they’re there and they get it.

BD: (Exhales) That’s a relief.

So, you yourself have been
fearlessly outspoken.

What drives you forward personally?

MTK: I deeply – I don’t know
if I’ve been fearless –

I deeply believe in our country,

and I deeply believe in us,

and I deeply believe
that when we are present,

there’s nothing we can’t do.

And when I say that, we …

As a generation, we will not
have an opportunity

to reimagine what our country looks like,

our systems of governments look like,

and there will be people –

you know, my children are six and eight,

who will ask me 15 years from now,
“What did you do?”

And I want to say that I was
alongside allies and the American people

to rebuild better

and to reimagine better.

And we have always been a country
of entrepreneurship,

design and imagination,

and what a perfect place to start

when the majority
of Americans are with us.

BD: Absolutely.

Well, thank you so, so much, María Teresa.

MTK: Thank you.