The Next Generation Leader



before i started this talk i just want

to show you the

article that i come across so this was

from the cnn and it says that the

22 richest men have more wealth

than all the women in africa

and it also says that the world’s

richest 1 percent have more than twice

as much wealth

as 6.9 billion people

it also says that the number of

billionaires have doubled over the past


however the value of unpaid care work by


is 10.8 trillion annually

so this was taken this article was taken

from the oxford’s annual report

that was really ahead before the world

economic forum in davos switzerland

so the world economic forum is basically

bringing all together the most


wealthy people all around the world

including the leaders from the countries

and the leaders from the private sectors

so what this

article basically telling us is there’s

this global inequality and gender


in the world where because of the bias

economic system

it’s excluding many women’s from getting

a privilege

um getting an opportunities and getting

a fair income

while allowing billionaires that mostly

dominated by men

to gain mass fortune and do very little

to the society

so because of this bias economic system

um that pro to the rich that’s why

there’s this gap in the world that

where the the rich become richer and the

poor will remain poor

so um as the

ted talk today the topic is bitter

change so

i remember when i was younger or when i

was kid

the word change didn’t have any impact

on me

like i have five and seven years old kid

i have two young children

five and seven years old i asked them to

change and i

told them to change in daily basis

sometimes i ask them to change their


change their dirty shoes i even told

them a few days ago that sorry mommy

not going to be in the weekend because

mommy have to do the ted talks

so change plan but it doesn’t have any

impact on them at all because it’s

relatively a painless change

but as i grow older and entering in


the word change has become scary to me

because the word change might equal to


the word change equal to getting out of

my comfort zone

the word change is also equals to

uncomfortable stages

and could be an ultimate pain in the ass


as i prep this talk because i told you i

have two young children

and they love this book very much called

the very hungry caterpillar

so i’m gonna show you this is the live

stages of a butterfly

um as you see the live stage of a

butterfly i find it similar to our life

stages as a person

because it started for the life stage of

a butterfly it started with an ache

that turns into a caterpillar at this

caterpillar stage the mortality is very

high they’re subject to predators

they subject to weather change and

sometimes they don’t make it

most of them are not make it to pupa

stage so once they come into a pupa


then they will turn into a butterfly

reach their final destinations and

fulfill their life purposes

so i find this uh butterfly life stages

is kind of similar to our life

stages as a person as a human because

many of us is also have a challenges and

have to go past through

several stages in our lives we have

certain challenges

and many of us probably stuck in our own

comfort zone and didn’t level up or go

to the next stage

just because we afraid to take risks

maybe or

because we doesn’t want to get out from

our comfort zone so it’s really

similar to our lives and

so the questions is maybe you will ask

so why

change change is the only thing that

allowing us

to grow because if there is no change

then there is no growth

and the grow is what i’m saying by

growing could be a grow in your


grow in your personal relationship in


spiritual relationship any kind of group

and yeah maybe the second question is

why now because i believe that we’re

living in a golden era of youth

well i call it the golden era of youth

because i believe that the word

youth and millennials was really

overused this day

you know we are they say that we are

shaping the future

they say that we are the generation why

maybe because we like to ask why

the question why but i don’t think so i

think we are the generation why because


maybe we are the reason why maybe


we are the reason why there are so many

successful startups companies in these

countries right now

and we are the reason why

there are so many there are many also a

unicorn company in this country

in this era millennials era and also

our even our presidents just built a

team recently

called the little team that called a

staff millennial

and that’s only happened in this era

because we are shaping the future

because of the millennials

and i believe also if five ten years ago

i mean if you come to a job interview

and you said that what is your previous

job and you said um i wasn’t influencers

then people probably will laugh at you

and wouldn’t take you seriously like

what kind of job is influencers but

there are so many

eyewitness there are so many young

people aspire to be in

influencers today and i witness there

are so many of them that make it a


and really make a big box by being an


or youtuber so the youtuber influencer

wasn’t even invented as a job

description like five years ago

it was only until recently and i believe


we are the only generations that maybe

if you showed up to work

wearing your pjs but i’m saying not a

pjs as in

private jet okay pjs and in pj masks

and maybe using your havanas people

won’t think that you’re sloppy

don’t worry people will think that

you’re edgy and

and that’s the with the millennials

these days you know

and also i think we are the only era

where we can turn a piece of [ __ ]

and make it into a creative work and

people will pay for it and

we’ll think that you’re some kind of

genius so that’s only happened in this


and because i believe that

when you want to be the change mean you

have to be impactful

and when you want to be impactful and

you have to be impactful

means you are on the way to become the

next generation leaders

so my topic today is the next generation


and to be the next generation leader i

believe that you have to swallow

at least these four simple rules the

first one

is that you have to first find your


um i was lucky enough that

i come from a distant family that where

my parents can

send me to school overseas so when i was

in the uni i was studying in australia

for for three years

i’m majoring in accounting and marketing

then i come back to

indonesia so i tend to live when i was

younger i tend to live

in the bubbles because i have everything

so easy

so i tend to live in bubble i call it

bubble because

i simply don’t really care about what

other people thinks or what

other people do or what other part of

the world is doing

i just care about myself as long as

i’m in my comfort zone then i’m fine so

i call it bubbles

and i believe many of young people right

now also still live in a bubble

especially because of the growing social


that really make us more and more

self-centered and more and more

self-obsessed to our own self little


that we started to compare our lives to

each other and be more self-obsessed to


we are started to take seriously how

many likes how many comments that we get

every single day and i think that

in that case that we are probably not

living in reality in fact we are

probably living in virtuality right now

so i was lucky enough that i could find

my mission two and a half

two and a half years ago when i asked to

place my first social enterprise sassy

sassy stands for socially aware sexy


it is a social enterprise that aims to

empower women through beauty

um so from the percentage of our sales

we contributed

to a local charities across indonesia at

this point in time we already

contributed to 10 local charities across


and it was a turning point in my life

and it’s really an

eye-opening journey where sassy is no


a job for me the job title doesn’t

matter anymore for me

it’s more than just my passion but sassy

has turned into a mission

to me a mission in my life so first of

all i think it’s very important

sassy is my mission but what is your

mission because it’s very important to

first find your mission

it was me so i was lucky enough that i


meet all these people personally face to


so we went to visit and contributed to

several orphanage

this was me in the passantren one of the

passandren in jakarta

and that was during the jakarta flight

victim in the second of january to

2020 and this was me during my visit uh

to uh kids with a terminal disease we

also visit a mental

rehabilitations last year so we do so

many visit that

really makes me realize that we have to

make an impact and have to be more aware

basically to our surroundings

so secondly is mindset this is the

second rule to be the next generation


because i think mindset is a game

changer mindset is everything

and i as i prep this talk i come across

to this um researcher italian

researchers called a professor fabricio


so he is a researcher from italy that

is um undergo a research about a placebo


basically they split up these two group

of patients that about to undergo a

thorac surgery

a thorac surgery is a surgery to cure a

heart and lung disease is basically a

big open procedure surgery

and where all these patients they split

into group uh

i call it group a and group b where the

group a

of course before you get into a big

procedures you have to be

given a painkiller right a morphin

sulfate so the first group of patients

were given amorphous sulfate

administered directly

by the doctor sitting next to them while

the other group of patients or i call it

group b was administered by a

predetermined machines

through their iv so they’re sort of

unaware of it

what fascinating is is the result of

these two

groups was very different or totally


the first group was given by the doctor


was feeling more positive towards the

healing process

feel more positive feels healthier and

feel like they

have been cured but what about the other

side of the group the group b

that was administered by a machine


the group b patients feeling down and

feeling that

you know the probably the painkiller is

not enough that i still feel

pain that they feel very pessimistic

towards the healing process and towards

their life

so what is basically telling us that

mindset is a mind games and mindset will

determine your future

because everything is started with your


and the third one is to take actions

so before i start this one i’m gonna

show you person of the year

times magazine president donald trump

and it was his 16th time to be the cover

of times magazine and i mean everybody

knows him he’s

one of the most powerful men on earth

right now

but i’m not really interested in him


in fact i’m not interested at all in him

what i’m interested in is

the girl that is next to him that has

took the world by storm

by simply taking an action by

simply speaking up i mean she wasn’t


from a well-connected family with a good


and so on and so forth she’s just an

ordinary girl just like me just like

you here but she make she already makes

such a huge impact

by simply taking an action by simply

speaking up and say what she believes

is true and it says if you can see the

little title there it says the power of

youth so the last one

is how do you become the next generation

leader is i think that you have to grow

and utilize your social network because

i believe

everyone in here right now has at least


or more social media platform so can you


raise up your hand who has two or more

social media platform i mean facebook

instagram twitter tik

is is tick tock even count i’m not

really sure if tick tock can but

let’s say yeah with tick tock twitter so


fair enough i mean many of you i saw

some people did not raise this

hand i mean you guys are so different

maybe you guys already make a difference

today in this room because

you don’t have any social media awesome


anyway i have two social media that i


quite active in which is it’s facebook


instagram i just recently signed up for

tick tock like a month ago but

it’s still empty i mean i did not upload


yet because unfortunately my husband

right there who supposedly

become my tick tock dancer partner keep

bailing on me

on a regular basis so we ended up never

practice and

i never upload anything on my tick tock


i love tick tock i mean tic toc is

amazing is one of the fast

growing social media tools right now

i mean i was even thinking to advertise

in tik tok for my brand

so yeah i think it’s very important to

grow and utilize your social network

because um the news in social network in

social media

is spreading like a virus and it’s

really up to us whether you want to

spread a positive virus

or a negative virus is really up to us

and i hope that

we all can use our social media wisely

and we can use this

as as as a place to share as a place to

support each other

and to grow together so this was my

last questions are you the next

generation leader

and this was not a rhetorical questions

okay so i really expect you to

dip down inside ask yourself whether you


what it takes to become the next

generation leader

when i say or when i talk about the next

generation leader

i wasn’t asking you to run or on a

political party

run yourself as a governor or go into a


and stuff like that not not at all you


what i’m saying by the next generation

leader when i’m talking

i’m persuading you and i asking you to


basically just be more aware to your


to what other people’s and what other

sides of the world’s happening

just to be more aware and because i

believe that all of you are the agent of


and when i talk about the next

generation leader i was actually

referring to

the young youtuber ajay nagar that went

by named kariminati

in youtube that now has more than 7

million subscriber

he was first mocked on on the social

media because

he has this very thick indian accent

but then he was went viral he went viral

and now he’s

embracing his indian roots online and he

has over 7 million subscribers in


so when i talk about the next generation


i was also referring to a very young

boxer ramla ali a woman an islam

woman from somalia that just won an


boxing title and she made a history

because he’s the only one

who ever won an english boxing title

and when i talk about the next

generation leader

i also referring to the young

and very impactful greta sternberg

17 years old actually she just recently

turned into

17 last month that took the word by


by simply speaking up so i believe

if they can do it all of them can do it

and a 17 years old girl

can do it i believe you can also do it

thank you





