Girls should do karate

hello everyone i hope you’re having a

great day

let’s try something if i say to you the

word karate

what comes to your mind maybe violence

people smashing people to the floor

maybe you need power and strength

or maybe karate chops and chias or maybe

just a martial art or a ninja sort of


well i see let me guess you think it’s a

boy’s thing

well i can tell you that now it’s not

girls could do it too

i’m a living and breathing proof of that

by the name of alex 11 years old

anyone can do karate you think that

karate is a martial art which must means


it’s most certainly not karate teaches

you loads of different qualities like


discipline etiquette and leadership

i started karate when i was in reception

because my brother was doing karate

and it looked very cool and not many

girls at karate

when i started it was an after school

club and i couldn’t help but notice

i was the only girl there but that

didn’t stop me from doing it

one day the teacher called a sensei

called me tomato jokingly

i don’t exactly remember why maybe i

blushed a lot or maybe it was running

fast why something silly anyhow

but i didn’t like that at all so i

decided i would never ever do karate


never but that didn’t entirely go out to


my parents said keep going continue

karate you can’t just stop at that

and that is when for the first time i

learned perseverance and also give out

big things or even small things

karate doesn’t only choose self-defense

it also teaches you things like courage

and perseverance which is essential in


after that it was my very first

graduation with a kata

oh that’s a kata i was around

seven years old and a red bull going for

yellow red is just off the white so i

hadn’t had that much experience yet

it was nearly finished and there was

just the war so many left so

sitting there little bored hey don’t

judge me i’ve been sitting there for


attentively interested at first but then

lasted for two hours

still i was excited who who would win

the awards

they spoke into a migrants that everyone

could hear i sat there my heart beating

so they started announcing who had won

and i heard a name

it was mine but surely i had mishad i


finally sensei came and gestured for me

to get up so i got

up and under the eyes of 250 or more


i took hold of the little trophy for

most improved students with trembling


and felt rather proud of myself

and that is what kept me going in karate

and helped me believe in myself

after that i started competition and i

went there thinking well i’m going to


everything i want to be slightly

disappointed and not winning anything

but disappointed is putting it lightly

let’s i was devastated and started to


but then one of my senses came up to me

and said that you don’t always win and

that was fine

he said that he didn’t always win and

then i gulped on my tears

and thought easy for him to say that i

realized what he meant

after that i joined karate outside of

school and i joined the junior school of

party in the fska

funakoshi shotokan karachi association

when i joined i realized things were

much more different

firstly there are many more competitions

and you expect to be responsible and

work even harder

but most importantly there are many more

girls in this club and over the years

many more joined

and there were loads of girl senses and

guess what the master of the fska is a


she is called renshi debbie and has is a


is a black belt with six stands for now

she has the title of renshi because

she’s very high level karate

and she pushes girls to do karate she

even has her own

charity called action breaks science or

which the main purpose is to encourage

girls all around the world to do karate

she also helps poor girls in india and

loads of other countries

to do to self-defense

one day after training one of my

sensei’s sensei simona came up to us and


girls don’t be cute be fierce of course

i thought nothing of that first what

does that even mean

but then i realized it’s truth girls all

around the world are expected to be

cute and perfect but want nonsense girls

and women out there don’t be cute be


in magazines girls are mostly pictured

as three little things that can do

nothing but smell

in fact we can do anything in advance

we’re not depicted as the clever fierce

person people we are

in fairy tales such as rapunzel we are

shown as if to live to survive we need a

man to help us to save us

that we can’t find our own two feet

of course nowadays these things have

changed but you can’t help seeing some

of this in everyday life

girls and boys women and men we can do

anything we set our heart to

but to do that we have to be persevering

accepting of our mistakes and learning

from them

being fierce and always keep going of

course fears might make you think of

being mean or angry but it’s much much

more than that

it’s about fighting for you are and what

you believe in

so girls what are you waiting for your

time to belt up