Which Girl Do You Want To Be

if you are a girl or a woman

i would like you to listen from to me

for a second

how many of you have been hurt or


by another girl or woman

how many of you have been called

even in a nice way

by another girl or woman

and let’s be honest with ourselves how

many of you

have been jealous at least once in your


of another girl a woman and then said or

thought something distasteful behind her


right now we are in a scary and exciting

time for women

with all the movements people coming out

to tell their stories

people advocating for their rights it

feels as if girls

are going in the right direction

however while we are asking men

to treat us with respect and dignity

women continue to often turn one against

the other

how would the world look if we all


more supporting loving and caring

towards each other

i made a conscious decision about the

girl and the woman i want to become

and this is why i’m here today to tell

you why


my name is federica and i’m growing up

in a society

where my parents generation and younger


are fighting together to have no gender

and pay gap where

the metoo movement has created a space

for us girls to say

no to sexual harassment without fearing

to lose our job

a society where goals can become

whatever they want to become

and that’s really exciting but while

all of these great things are happening

to us i’m also growing up in a society

where it still feels like girls do not

support other girls


i used to live in italy a very

traditional country

and when i was in school girls could not

wear skirts or short t-shirts

if you now ask me if there was some kind

of official dress code

i’ll probably say no we imposed our own

we knew that probably someone would have

judged us for the way we were dressed

a teacher a boy or even another girl

however teachers with unstitched shirt

buttons or

boys wearing shorts were seen as normal


that’s when i first realized that even

though our society

judges women more than men boys judge


and we as girls do the same to each


when i moved to luxembourg everything

was different

on my first day of school girls wore top


long short colorful summer dresses

and looked comfortable in their own


for the first time in my life i felt

free of expressing myself without the

fear of being judged or called out

since i was young the society i used to

live in made me feel ashamed of my body

and ashamed of other people’s comments

on me despite the fact that i didn’t ask

for them

being a teen girl i’ve thought about

this recently

and i have found a book by susan murphy

and path aim

to researchers called in

company women why do we hurt each other

women admit that their worst enemy at


is another woman in fact women

seem to be preventing other women from

getting ahead

and being happy in the workplace and

this is what

indirect aggression or relational

aggression is

it takes the form of gossiping public


divulging secrets undermining

perhaps some of you can relate as an 18

years old

i’ve seen it experience it and albeit a

lot of you had to

we have those girls who would rather see

you failed and succeed

and we have those who secretly cheer

against you while your back is turned

yet they smile at your face

as a girl i’ve also caused my fair share

of damage with my own words

because we all at some point have been

guilty of judging another girl

instead of complimenting her we made

rude comments to make her look bad

so we could feel better about ourselves


but the main problem is that a girl

isn’t just judged by other girls

she’s judged by boys by people she

encounters on the street

by yourself but the society


the sad truth is that amongst many of us

there’s too much jealousy too much


and not enough encouragement and support

age bodies

relationships why are we so interested

in those when it comes to women

how does all of this even start

quest of beauty and conforming are

imprinted in our mind since we’re young

because we tend to judge a girl if she’s


we judge a girl if she’s too fat if

she’s too skinny

if she’s too confident if she’s too

honest if she does not wear the same

clothes that everybody does

girls seem to be never enough

she’s not pretty her stomach is not as

flat as she thinks

her boyfriend is really not into her

all these things are not pleasant but

when i hear

other girls talking about this most of

the time

i see joy and satisfaction in their eyes

as if it was good that these things were

happening to other girls

we hear it in real life but even on tv

reality tv is very trendy and very


but when i’m watching the real

housewives of different cities

a very popular show i’m scared

i’m scared because these women are

portrayed as

successful women women who spend most of

their time

fighting shouting throwing shades at one


laughing and taking pleasure in each

other’s flaws and struggles

indeed there are also moments of

sisterhood but it made me wonder whether


not these shows would be successful if

it wasn’t for the fight

for the drama i believe that these shows

are made for women

and the reason why they’re so popular is

because the audience loves them

and that’s why there are more and more


when i watch them as an 18 years old

i wonder if this is reality tv or if

it’s just a show

i desperately want to believe it’s just

a show but my surrounding

tells me that that’s reality


let’s look at how society values girls

at the end of february 2021 a picture of

the american model kendall jenner

was published wearing a swimsuit showing

what for many is the perfect body in a


close to the date a picture of alisa


the 19 years old who became the youngest

person in history

to overcome all nasa’s aerospace tests

wearing an aza uniform was published


whose picture do you think had more

likes or views

this example shows us the

disproportionate value that society

that us give to beauty stereotypes


while many women struggle every day to

belong in historically male dominated

positions and trades

we women and men continue to reward

vanity and beauty

over real skills and intellect

as i scroll down my news feed on social

media i read

so many negative comments left on ladies


by other women we say to our friend

hey how are you doing we are stuck

on instagram with my

and we throw the world around like it

means nothing

but if any of you have ever been called

like that by a random stranger

you know it hurts even if for a second

it makes you feel uncomfortable

i started wondering why we call each

other this way i mean

this is not a nice word we call each

other like that

as if these were our names and yet we


so hard not to be called this way by men

if a girl speaks with authority other

girls call her rude


if she’s strong confident and speaks her


other girls think she’s a

if she’s passionate and fights strongly

for her beliefs and values

other girls believe she’s too aggressive

i’m a girl who believes we can do better

and the reason why i’m so passionate

about that is because i

understand i know what our insecurities


i know that everyone wants us to be

perfect all the time

and it can be really overwhelming and


i know that when we go to a party or

just get up in the morning

there’s already so much pressure on us

so why are we the ones making it harder

on ourselves

at the end of the day it doesn’t matter

how you look

it doesn’t matter where you come from or

what your past is it doesn’t matter

where you live or what job you do

we are all women and when we look at

another girl

we are looking in the mirror we are all

beautiful in our own way and we need to

be able to recognize the beauty in


as well as in each other

here is what i challenge every girl and

woman listening to do

help support empower each other

be more understanding instead of being

so judgmental

if you can’t say something nice just

don’t say anything

get to know each other compliment other

goals on the new haircut or outfit and

mean it celebrate each other’s successes

and failures

encourage one another to tackle any

obstacle that we may face

i dream of a society where i wouldn’t be

shamed by another girl

a place where i understand i need i

don’t need to compete against my

friend or my classmate a place where i

understand that if she’s successful

she’ll open a door for me

i hope you will join me in empowering

and complementing one another because

girls are pleading girls it’s the key to

grow a sisterhood for a better world


we need to lead by example we have the

power to inspire one another

we have the power to change the world

so when looking at another girl’s

success ask yourself

who do you want to be the girl who


how can i learn from what she did or the

one who will fear her down

because she’s jealous thank you
