Only Team Players meet their goals


thanks for this opportunity

to share some of my experiences with you

all here

so i’ll share some of my experiences

related to my study and

my experience as an executive of the


and my takeaway out of it i belong to a

small remote village of

dalek district named burlap earlier and

now it’s bhairavi

so we completed our high school level


with little resources and of course

little cost as well and while studying

at all time so some students who score

better in a

class expected to join

science in a college level either to be

doctor or engineer so

after my high school level of

education i came to kathmandu and start


science stream but with the suggestions

of my senior and my

elder brother i just slipped to the


i completed my intermediate and the

graduation while doing graduation i

listened about

course chartered accountancy so started


i knew two things about it one

this course is very tough means it’s

very difficult to pass

and next one it’s very

cheap or very less costly

course so for me

to study it was not top things for me

and it cost less

that encouraged me to join startup


with this inspirations i

went to india because at that time there

was no charter accountancy course

involvement in nepal

so i want india i want to institute

and i just look for the principal with

whom i have to

conduct them article ship trading

my principle asks with me how much score

you have in your graduation

so i said i obtained 58 percentage mark


lots of proud because at that time 58

percentage were

something very big at that time but he

said only 58 percent is so it’s very


so he said it’s very difficult to pass

examination when you obtain there’s only

58 percentage in this

uh verizon so it will be difficult for

you to pass the

starter accountancy so i said sir i’ll


he said how can you say like that i said

sir i never failed

before so he again said manos

nobody is joined chartered accountancy

before the failure history people join

here to get failed

i said no issues let me join first i’ll

see it so i try

so after joining i just start studying

and i see there is a gap

there is a huge gap whatever i

studied during migration i my completed

my graduation level

degree but that level of goal is

required for the chartered accountancy

there was a huge gap i tried

and the first time i appeared to the

examination and i think

i’ll fail for sure and result was there

and i failed

it was obvious second time i again tried

and i was

so hopeful i will pass because i was

prepared ready for

anything but the first

paper was the account

first paper first questions i try to

attempt but it

took one and a half hour but i could not


correctly answer the question then with

the remaining

half time i try to attempt remaining

portion of the paper and i complete only

about 60 percentage of the paper

and in that way i complete my exam and i

was waiting for the result

because other papers were going good

result was there

i passed in all subjects but


my aggregate was sought by five marks so


marks was not there so for the first

time i think

something is really impossible i called

back my father i said

father i wanna come back because first

time it’s okay because

i was not well prepared now i know

everything about the course but again i


and this is the first examination there

are three more

so my father said no monos you can’t

come back

because everyone knows that you are

there for the charter accountancy core

either you start some job over there and

just continue your study

you don’t have any choice to come back

to village

so i remain with no choice and i just


then i started studying with the

analytical things and everything

and again appeared in the examination

then i passed the examination again i

passed and

all four units i passed individually

and within a four years i complete my

chart recommendancy and come back

so during my study sometimes

i feel no it’s not possible because

my basic knowledge label and my

background and my

knowledge while i joined charter

accountancy and the required knowledge

label gap was

very very huge but i managed to make up


so i came back to nepal so after coming

back to nepal so there was lots of

opportunities because

only less than 200 total accountants

were there in nepal

so there were vacancies here and there i

joined central bank of nepal nepal


as an officer after joining the official

fresh qualified 20 years 24 years young


with lots of dream in mind newly

qualified charter record

10th so lots of dreams lots of energy

i work for four or five years and

something many people ask with me

why did you resign from nepal rashford

that was a very lucrative job

but something behind my back behind my


i was not happy there why i was not

happy because the promotion system

was something different so either you

need to wait

number of years for the file promotions

or you need to appear in a written

examination with the limited seats

so performance versus the progress

very least correlations were there so i

just switched to the

commercial bank i resigned rasta bank

and joined commercial bank as a cfo

i work and after working seven or

eight years i feel like

i need extra change i need something new


everything was fine everything was good

institution was good our progress was


but suddenly i feel

i’m not appropriate over here i think i

need to do something

more or i am not appropriate within this


so while i think that i

did not get motivated to go to the

office so i said

i think many people used to do they used

to go to office

they join office they take salary out of

it and this out on this

seniors bosses and the offices there is

no story like that if you are not happy

you need to quit you need to start

something else so i think if you are not

happy i need to quit

so then i joined some another industry

and that industry was totally different

i will not take the name of the industry

that was different because i work i work

as a chartered accountant i work as a

central banker in a commercial bank and

everything was systematic transparent

and like that but

another industry that was not

transparent and some ethical and moral


did not allow me to continue and within

nine months time i again say

thank you very much whatever you give me

for this nine months awesome

thank you very much i just left then

again i joined back

banking as a deputy ceo of national

labor development bank

that was an opportunity for me after my


my then ceo and the board and the

colleagues and executives everyone

helped a lot if my friends know me that

progress of that institution was


we take a growth of 78 86 and

70 or more for three years then

after two years of my

experiences as a deputy ceo my board

updated me

to the level of ceo atop of the


then i honestly share with you that was


toughest job for me being head of


being executives below the senior level

was very easy

because my boss my ceo just want


but while you are at the top you are at

the top means

you need to manage so many things before

i discard the responsibility of the ceo

i never knew that

i always focus on the task performance

that’s all

till the time hard skill was everything

for me

job knowledge was everything for me but

then i learned

no job knowledge is the little one very

small segment of the required knowledge

i need soft

skills has more role to play when i lead

the management top level

but i knew later on so i joined

and i used to evaluate everything on the

basis of what is wrong and what is right

because i used to think everything

should be ethical

everything should be correct and that

was the feeling behind my mind

because from that school level to

college level to charter accountancy to

central bank to commercial bank every

time i perform the task with the


with the performance targets and


and i think that is enough that was the

only thing we have to do

but that was not true at that time so

many times

i just so many opinion of the board or

the colleagues or the executives on the

basis of wrong and right

and i want to share with you there is

nothing like wrong and right in life

in opinion that depends upon your


if you perceive it’s right it’s right

for you that may be wrong for someone


but i never thought that before

we get some conflict within the

organization i always think this is

right this is wrong

on the basis of wrong and right i always

move on

and that creates some confusion between


and the board and the colleagues i was

operating with the integrity i was

operating with full of my potential

perhaps was there but that is not

adequate so

i never evaluate myself before than that

all the time i always had time to

evaluate and judge other people

but never had time to judge myself

because i never reviewed myself

i always have time to judge everyone my

friends my family my

relatives and everyone we do as of now

we are not happy with the system we are

not happy with the politics we are not

happy with the

education system people’s colleagues and


sometimes we feel like that out of the

7.8 billion people one only one

me i am the good one all over the world

not good if we feel like that

we never review ourselves so that is the

biggest problem

sometimes we need to review our words we

need to review our actions we need to

review our behaviors

and if some reconciliations are required

we need to go for that

but there was this

understanding i got only i got some

conflict within the organization and

this and that

so we just performed performance was


no issue everything was good with all

integrity but

there was a conflict and when there is a

conflict in organization

another next opportunity comes from so

many people

so what happens when there is a conflict

what do we do

we need to reconcile with the person or

the individual with

with whom we have conflict but what we

do generally

we just talk with the people has similar


and we sit together and there is a

groupism so some group

who agree with me they are with me they

just fuel me

for their opinion and other things then

i think oh no it’s better

it’s right that should be the right

thing so right and wrong

then this conflict of right and wrong

between groups

will be there and this organizational

conflict starts and that was my


so later on i evaluate i just this so

i talk to even my board members so it’s

not fair

it’s not good we need to do something

extra something else because we are here

as a ceo or a board member

we are like a trustee we are trustee for

the public money

we are a trustee for the public

confidence and trust so

there should be no place there should be

no place for our

like and dislike there should be no

place for our personal interest because

the institutional interest is fast

so when we focus on the goal of the

organizations there will be no conflict

when with personal conflict personal

goals will be there then there will be

conflict when there will be a conflict

then reconciliation is required but many


we do not reconcile within us that

create conflict

and that conflict ultimately will be the

reason for

lower performance of the organization

and that that that will

deteriorate the organization culture and

values as well so

finally many people ask then this is the

coveted situation

and in between the kobe situation you

just resign from that level of co

in a bank very lucrative job i always

share two three things with my

colleagues friends and all

so doing job is required but

while i do the job i need to justify

with the job job is the responsibility

and being a ceo or the head of

institutions is like a captaincy

captain ship is a different thing i need


play in a ground with my team so every

team members

like a cricket if everybody play well

then match

then team will win the match football

everybody play well

then that team will win the match only

captain will play

good then the team will not win the

match so we need to take that

total institutions either this football

team or this cricket team

and everyone has a responsibility from

that guard level to seo level to board


we need to respect every positions like

that it’s like a film

and being a position of the ceo

deportatio or manager or entrepreneurs

and everything

it’s like a role in a life it’s like a

role in a film

so in a film sometimes we play some role


other film we play different role so

this positions our role so we discharge

or roll perfectly and adequately so

with these thinking and feelings and i

just asked with me

mr gawley are you happy with the job

whatever you have as of now

then again i ask whether you are adding

positive value to the institutions

this institution is adding positive

value to you and

will you feeling to go to office all the

time or not

so i think something negative reply

got so i said with the board and all so

it’s right time to leave because with

heavy heart and negative mind

we should not continue with any

organization because that will neither


better value for you or the organization

that’s why

i said thank you very much so i’ll just

quit and go

out of it so amicably we just

settle everything and i just quit and i

joined next bank

and as of now if i truly share with you


many organizational conflicts are there

because of this

reconciliation issues so we talk to the


having similar mindset if we know some

people have some problem with you we

never talk to them

we talk to some other people who don’t

we have same problem with that guy

so that is the problem in the

organization and another things we just

uh take negative minds and the heavy

heart and to join the job and go

for the salary if we go and

make attendance for one day we’ll get

salary of one day we think like that

and we just go to the job that will

never help

neither the person nor the institution

so we need to be honest

and we need to be honest with

organizations and or things

so this is the thing and with all these

mindset and things

so i said during this two decades

experience and exposure

whatever i learned during this two years


cos performance really matters for me

because i know the soft skills matters

more than the

hard skill and this skills will be

utilized for my

new institutions and the better career

in the future so we need to evaluate

ourselves we need to evaluate all

actions behavior and things so that we

can move forward

uh with a beautiful organization culture

and values

with this saying so sharing with these


so i want to say thank you thank you

very much thank you