Why COVID19 Will Never End

on a cold day

in the month of december 2019 a

discovery was made

the first human case of coven 19 was

reported by medical officials in the

city of wuhan china

this virus spread across the nation then

subsequently across the continent

eventually is spread across the world

living every day

in fear of becoming one of the numbers

on the covet 19 report

meeting up with friends and family with

a barrier we call a computer screen

and praying day by day in hopes of a

coven 19 vaccine we are all familiar

with this story but

what if i told you this virus thing it

will never

end even if covet 19 itself was to be

eradicated today

we would still be living at risk

over the past few decades a lot of new

infectious diseases have been emerging

and of these emerging diseases they have

been mostly zoonotic diseases

which means that these are diseases that

are transmitted from animals to humans

out of these zoonotic diseases a lot of

them are rabies

cytokinesis and also phylloviruses such

as ebola cova-19 is also zoonotic

disease itself

zoonotic diseases are transmitted

through various different methods

one of the most obvious being direct

contact with a contaminated animal

these diseases can be contracted through

oral transfer

animal bites and also fluid

contaminations of cuts and wounds

however our harm that we inflict on

nature directly proliferates our chances

of contracting diseases through this

method how exactly

we are constantly enhancing the

greenhouse effect warming up the earth’s

atmosphere and also consuming resources

at a rate that is detrimental to species


from deforestation to forest fires


to melting of the sea ice caps many

animals are forced to leave their

habitats and search for food and shelter

take a look at this polar bear in

contrast to how we usually picture them

playing amongst the arctic tundras here

we see it searching for food in a pile

of human generated trash

because they no longer have a place to

hunt on and human residential areas are

continuing to expand

the probability of in of a polar bear

and a human

interacting will evidently increase and

this will result in an

increased chance of virus transmission

from these polar bears to humans

another example of this is extreme

climate and weather

such as sudden change of dry season to

wet rainfall season

this causes a large production of fruits

and different species

such as apes and bats will come together

in close proximity

to consume these fruits diseases can

spread across species

and evidently increases the chance of it

from spreading to human beings

so through all this information we can

conclude with the fact that climate


and health is undeniably interconnected


our biggest flaw as a human race is not


our inability to eradicate such global


but it is our inability to draw


our inability to draw lines between two

different topics and in simpler terms

our misunderstandings when it comes to

cause and effect

and this ladies and gentlemen is a virus


this virus is present in our society and

will never

leave until we recognize its presence

this is the virus of conventional


so i am a high school student and i

study around six subjects

some scientists some humanities ever

since a young age i was taught to

classify topics into different subjects

for example viruses and diseases belong

in biology

and climate change and global warming

belong in geography or environmental

sciences this causes a lot of students

to forget how to apply knowledge from

one subject into another

and this is a type of conventional

thinking that is called linear thinking

here in the powerpoint you can see a

better idea of what i mean

on your left you can see a diagram of a

linear thinking system

where a results in b is very simple

global warming results in a rise in


however this simplicity is essentially

the problem here the simplicity

makes it very difficult for individuals

to recognize more than one cause and


within one topic however on your right

you can see a more complex

web of relationships it’s called systems


with this complex web we can denote the

fact that global warming

results in an increase of temperature

but we don’t stop there

therefore it causes species to relocate

and hence increases the chance

for humans and animals to interact at

the end we could conclude with the fact

that it

aids in virus transmission

another example of conventional thinking

is only skimming across the topic

sorry skimming across the surface of


the iceberg theory some of you may have

seen it before some of you may have not

what it essentially represents is the

top of the iceberg

is the most obvious consequences of an

issue and the bottom of the iceberg is

the least

obvious it’s very obvious that global

warming causes an

increase of temperature it is very

obvious that global warming

causes negative impacts towards

biodiversity but at the end of the

iceberg once we

truly realize and acknowledge the end of

the iceberg that’s when we

really start to identify the

significance of an issue

today we can conclude with the fact that

conventional thinking

is a virus that we must all work

together to tackle

however beyond covet beyond vaccines

beyond viruses beyond global warming

this virus is detrimental to our growth

in political

scientific technological economical and

societal advancements

today i’ve provided two vaccines for you

one being looking at the end of the


and one being systems thinking however

just like every other vaccine and virus

it is up to you as individuals to take

this cure or not thank you