A government is as strong as its public service




is said to be a land of traditions while

many have existed for years uncounted

there is a tradition

strong in its very nature and thus

keeping our country stable

our public administration the is the ips

and the state civil services governments

come and go

politics is an ongoing ever changing

process ideologies

make and break many things but what has

kept a certain civility

and a sense of direction that is

constant are our officers

with a strong sense of political

neutrality yet

complete obedience to protocol most of

our officers

have held on to a sense of moral

well-being of our constitution

and our daily administration be it the

far-flung areas of the country

or the more glamour towns where

popularity is quicker officers have

played enablers

to slow and steady process called


these are the unsung heroes that we

can’t see until we have a reason to

complain about one of them

even then we don’t see them as the

reason behind why

most things function smoothly issues

ranging from electricity and water

supply to your house

to your child’s education to traffic


going unnoticed is a very normal day for

us but a great working day

for most of our officers for most of

them they prefer to ensure smooth


of things as they could without being


and then truly no news is good news for


and then there are those who we cherish

as heroes always only when we know them

most go unnoticed even as they step into

waste high waters

to relieve an area of flooding or stand

firm in their district to ensure no

lives are lost

during a storm or an earthquake when

they could have easily evacuated

to safer grounds i can mention a few

stories here

an additional municipal commissioner

poured his heart and soul

into the covet battle when his

jurisdiction of war g south

was at its peak topping national numbers

his family awaited his little one his

parents weren’t doing the very best of

their health

and this man stood firm helping hundreds

of people

fight the covet battle every single day

for day in and day out

for the last eight or nine months a

district collector

led her district like a true captain and

did not leave her district herself

when asked to buy seniors while

evacuating others in situations

or rather a situation so unique that was

never seen before

the cyclone of nizark and the covet

battle of august 2020

and then there are those who want to

make the difference redefine benchmarks

assist governments

to make things better than they already


a principal secretary for example

revamped a policy that will not just

give a massive relief to the hotel


but a policy actually redefines the

entire hospitality sector

in maharashtra in an effort that brought

this change

70 licenses were brought down to only

70 application forms were brought down

to just eight and nocs

were reduced by almost 80 percent that

is the sort of work

we are rewarding in public life and

public service

when we look at a better country going

forward we now rank

in the top few administrations in the

world when we look at ease of doing

business for the hospitality sector

and then there’s a story of a former

municipal commissioner on whose

insistence and persistence

and passion we brought down the daily

waste collection of mumbai city

from 10 000 metric tons a day 10 000

metric tons a day is almost equal

to 100 armored vehicles from 10 000

metric tons a day

to 6000 metric tons a day only by


little habits of waste segregation in

bulk generators

likewise there are many more officers of

the ips and their colleagues who stand

firm to protect

the interests of the state in the face

of every crisis beat a terrorist attack

a fire or a protest or even a natural

calamity like an earthquake or a storm

what we as normal people might give up

on or run away from terming it as a

disaster or a crisis

they run two words for us that

is the fabric of our public

administration i’ve mentioned only a few

stories here

there are tons like these who ensure the

smooth functioning of the state

redefining benchmarks and more so the

vision of various governments political


to be implemented in a polished way that

suits our constitution

the ever-changing nature of indian

politics always needs a sense of

stability and continuity

that comes from the public


let us recognize these everyday heroes

in our lives

applaud them for the selfless acts of

nation building

thank you