The Truth About Happiness


when i was 14

i wrote this letter to my teacher and it

could have got me

into so much trouble

but instead it taught me a really

important lesson about happiness

a lesson though that i wasn’t to learn

until i was 27

feeling completely broken

i found myself face down on my carpet


sobbing like an italian widow at her

husband’s funeral i was in

child’s pose hands palms turned up

begging for the answer to what will make

me truly happy

if you’ve ever asked yourself that

question or maybe

if you’re asking yourself that question

right now

this talks for you stay with me because

i want to show you that

your natural state of being is to be


and that’s not because of the car that

you drive because of how you look or

because of how much money you

make it’s because of what you think

about happiness and this is more

important than

ever right now because in

may 2020 it was reported in the states

by the norc who did a study at chicago


that less than 29

of americans have ever said that they

feel very

happy and in the uk a study in june 2020

by the national office of statistics


that people experiencing symptoms of

depression had doubled

from one in ten to one in five now

of course this has all been impacted by

the pandemic but

you know what life’s always going to do

its thing it’s always going to be high

and it’s always going to be low

it will be positive and it will be

negative you can’t stop

life from doing that but what

you can do is learn how to take

control of how you feel so that you can

make life better even when you’re faced

with adversity and that’s possible for


but you may have been taught something

about happiness

that means you’re actually looking for

it in all of the wrong places

which is why we need a re-education

on happiness we need a reset we need to

reset the truth

around happiness and this is something

that i believe we should have been


in school because when i was at school

i hated school

i found it so boring

i wanted to be anywhere else but where i

was at that

point in fact what i wanted was to be

further ahead doing the thing that i was

going to do

when i grew up whatever that thing was

going to be

it was a average wednesday morning and i

said to my mate you know what should we

just skip class

14 we had enough

money to buy a 10 box of cigarettes

a bottle of 20 20 lime and kiwi flavor

i don’t know if you’ve ever had that

it’s kind of like when an ice pop melts

and then it’s been mixed with the white

wine that your mum keeps in the corner


forever to make the spaghetti bolognese


yeah and because we were feeling classy

we splashed out on

a large packet of mcdonald’s fries as

well this was a good morning

i i actually don’t know how i have gone

from drinking at 14 on a wednesday


to being a master life and business

coach who’s coached

thousands of hours i mean it really does


that transformation is possible for

anyone but you know what by 10 30

we have two cigarettes left

we’ve pretty much finished the 2020 and

the fries were gone ages ago so we think

well we’ve got

no other choice we’re gonna have to go


to school we needed a really good cover

story though

so i said here’s what we’ll do

i will write a letter from the vet

saying that

we found a dead dog on the green and we

poured that dog

to the veterinary as i was writing this

letter i

also found myself writing what

responsible and respectable

young women we were

so we take this letter back to school

with bright green

lime-colored tongues smelling of

and booze

i don’t know how but in that moment

we got away with it or at least we

thought we got away with it

that morning taught me something

really important about my

happiness and what i thought was missing

and it comes back to

something that we are asked at school

were you ever asked what do you want to

do when you grow up

i know from the many hours i’ve spent

listening to

people tell me what makes them happy and

what makes them unhappy that

this question alone has been


teaching us that when you get there

once you’ve figured out what it is you

want to do once you’ve arrived at that


then you’ll be happy you have to do

something to be happy

when in fact what it does is it means we

get stuck in a cycle of saying

i’ll be happy when i have got a job that

i love i’ll be happy when i’m in a

relationship i’ll be happy when i’ve


more weight and it becomes this


waiting game where we’re just

outsourcing our happiness

to some point in the future it’s exactly

what happened to me because a year after

this letter i quit school

at 15 and then at 16

i left home because i wanted to get out

there and i wanted to find

that thing that was going to make me


and i accomplished a lot at 21 i was

assistant producer at 22

i had a restaurant in panama i did many

different things before

  1. i changed my life

whenever i felt unhappy because i didn’t

fear change

and that’s a good thing but if you’re


your life to escape yourself

it’s never going to be enough

if you’re trying to find yourself out

there in your job

in your relationship in how you look

you’re only ever pulling yourself

further away

from your true self

and at 27 when i was

stuck and unhappy again crying

every day because my negative inner

dialogue was

so strong that i had voices in my head

that were giving me panic attacks

i realized that this time it had to be


have you ever woken up in the night

with a start because you’ve remembered

something or you’ve had an idea or

you’ve had an insight

the moment that followed for me felt


like that it was like

i remembered something that i’d always

known but had been in a deep sleep and


and that was that i

am responsible for my happiness and i


not been taking full responsibility for


so in that moment i made a commitment to


that i was going to discover

what does it mean to be truly happy

right now

here’s what i’ve learned your true

self is happy

i want you to think about the last time

that you

didn’t feel good maybe you were stressed

at work maybe you were going through a


or you’d been sick you’re getting over a


what was the first thing that you said

when you came

back to feeling good again can you


i bet that you said ah

oh yeah feel like myself again

and that is because we equate feeling


with feeling ourself

when we’re happy it just feels like

coming home

and i’m not talking about the kind of

happiness that would be like an all

singing or dancing character out of glee

that would be exhausting

it’s also not the happiness that you


because you win that contract or because

you get a match on tinder

it’s much more content and you feel

much more at peace this is what we’re

really searching for

so i’m not saying that you shouldn’t

change your life

because of course

if you don’t have money worries or if

you meet the love of your life or you

really feel fulfilled by your work it’s


add happiness to your life but if you


that those things are the source of your


when they get taken away you will feel

out of control if you lose your job if

you go through a breakup

you will not feel in control

and this is how you can make your life

better even through adversity

when you realize that you are the source

of your happiness

it was the same year that i had that

insight that i found

myself in conversation with my mum and

dad on the way to their house

i had seen a dog get run over and it was

really upsetting i was telling them

about it and my dad made a seemingly

really inappropriate joke about oh hold

is that another dead dog story

i don’t know what i’m crying here dad he

was like you know

the dead dog story you told when you

were at school

turns out when they went to parents

evening that year

mr connolly told them all about my dead

dog story

but the teachers had found it so funny

that they let us get away with it

the main reason they knew that it wasn’t


was because i had spelt veterinary

wrong i mean what there

doesn’t know how to spell veterinary i’d

missed out a really important letter and

that letter was the letter

i and i continued to miss that

letter out from my life from that moment

because i thought that i’d find

happiness skipping class

i thought that i’d find happiness

changing my career

i thought i’d find happiness losing more


making more money when in fact

i was the source of my own happiness

so if you feel like there’s more out

there for you i want you to know that


is more out there but it’s not out there

it’s within you

are you taking full responsibility for

your happiness

or are you outsourcing it to the future

saying i’ll be happy when i’ve lost more

weight i’ll be happy when i’ve got that


i’ll be happy when i’m in a relationship

you don’t have to drastically change

your life to feel happier because your

true self is happy

but once you are happier

your life will drastically change
