Covid Impact On Health and Precautions To Be Taken

good morning everyone

i’m kranti munspel commissioner kareem


28 march 2020 it was

three o’clock in the morning we were all

standing in a bus stand

with fingers crossed that was the day

we planned to shift a crowded vegetable


to the more spacious bastard premises in

view of kovid

we have planned everything meticulously

traffic diversions signboards

announcements prior information etc

but still there was tension in the air

hundreds of vegetable vendors

would fly from different villages

in different directions to the market we

were just hoping

the shifting should happen peacefully


we were just remembering how kobe has


a dark shadow upon the world and the

city of karimnagar

within half an hour we could see autos

flying in with vendors

and vendors settling down peacefully in

the slots allotted to them

we all took deep breath and

congratulated each other

for the small success knowing very well


kovid has more challenges to offer

karimnagar made headlines when a group

of 10

indonesian travelers tested positive for


overnight priorities have changed for

the administration

corvette management has set in hospitals

were ramped up as kovid wards and

testing centers hostels were converted

into quarantine centers

contact racing was started and red zones

were declared

we were faced with questions for which

there were no ready-made answers

we instructed families in the red zones

not to come out of their homes

then how are they going to get the food

as an immediate relief measure

we procured vegetables and ration and

distributed free of course to all the


now there are elders in the families who

are in need of emergency medicines

there are pregnant women who are in need

of care there are kids who are in need

of milk

there are people who are in need of

daily groceries how are they going to

get all this

so we tied up with piranha shops

supermarkets like s’mores spencers etc

and requested them

to deliver at the doorstep we appointed

dedicated medical teams

and we tied up with milk vendors every

medical and emergency service has to be

provided at the doorstep

the next question which arose was how

will the people have cash

to buy for these supplies

then we tied up with banks and sent

mobile atms

inside the next question was there are

some daily laborers who lost their

livelihood due to lockdown

and how are they going to fend for

themselves then we requested donors

to come forward and donate for each

family of the daily laborer

so there was no family and no one left

without the impact of covet

covet has raked havoc in the lives of


thousands of migrant laborers have

started on a journey

through perilous parts carrying small


in hands intrigued by this desperation

i inquired one construction worker as to

why she wants to go back

government is providing her vision

government is providing her money

why is she not staying back in the city

she said

it’s the fear of not being able to see

my parents

and the fear of unknown which is driving

me desperate to go back

and she requested to allow her to cross

the street

state border to karnataka

covet is caused by noble coronavirus

and how it impacts the respiratory

system immunity system

and what are its long-term implications

are still being studied

the reality of kovid struck hard on me

when kovid reached my home and when my

father turned positive

he got admitted into hospital and when

he was doing fine

he was discharged but after coming home

he was not improving clinically

the we were terrified to find that the

infection only spread from 4 out of 5

segments to 18 out of 25 segments

and the viral load also increased we

were all scared

we did not understand what to do we

spoke to some experts and they suggested

increase in increasing the steroid dose

and with that condition slowly

stabilized over a period of month

but the horror with which i used to wake

up in the night

and go and check whether he’s doing fine

or not still haunts me to

to till date kobet proved dreadful

because the condition suddenly


and sudden deaths were happening once i

received a call from a local public


she shook as she said ma’am

there’s a 21 year old girl in my


she had high fever for the last two days

and she recovered yesterday night

today morning in kitchen she complained

of breathlessness

and within five minutes she collapsed

and died

she requested me to arrange for funeral

rights for that girl

so those were very difficult times we

were not finding people

to work for kobe duties we had to

increase the prices provide arrange for

kpp kids provide training and take up

lot of confidence building measures

to make people to come forward to work

for kovade isolation wards

or for disposal of dead bodies

covet is bad if there are any


that covet is like any other fever or


they need to be brushed aside message

needs to go

loud and clear that it is bad while

experts are divided upon the emergence

of second wave with the recent hike in


the age-old saying of prevention is

better than cure

holds perfectly well for covet

covet spreads through aid droplets and


found to be airborne wearing mask is the

best defense against corvette

elaborate list laboratory studies have

showed that

with every small phrase of word 20-500

micrometers of

particles are generated and most of them

are blocked if you put a

damp cloth against your mouth

in a study published in health affairs

epidemiological data suggested that

the kovic growth rate has reduced in

15 states and district of columbia when

the mosque is mandated

in those places we don’t know who is

affected by covet because most of the

people are asymptomatic under covet

hence it is always advisable to wear

masks properly

the word properly needs to be emphasized

here because

people have a tendency to pull down

their mask

when they talk but the whole point of

wearing the mask gets defeated if you

don’t wear it properly

and the mask also needs to be disposed

of in a safe manner

if it is a reusable mask boil it in


and wash it thoroughly

secondly hand hygiene needs to be


as soon as you come home wash your hands

thoroughly with soap and water

before touching anything else your cell

phones your purses

your pens files books etc carry

lots of viruses and bacteria so sanitize

them regularly

thirdly thanks to medical science

vaccinations have come into the market

and they’re a powerful tool in cobit

prevention take wax in when it’s your


but still continue to follow all the


fourthly there is a saying

healthy mind in a healthy body but in

this world where

students and working professionals are

coming under

a lot of stress the reverse also holds


healthy body requires healthy mind your

mind needs to be stress free and relaxed

take up activities which distress and

rejuvenates you

covet has proved that life is short

and changed our perspective of life

thanks to lockdown

we have spent more time with our family


so continue doing that cherish those


last but not the least be responsible

you might be young you might be having

good immunity

but you could be a silent carrier and

you could be a potential super spreader

if you find yourself having influenza

like illness symptoms

cold cough fever loss of smell

immediately get tested

aggressive testing is the way forward


neglect avoid crowded places

if not for you for it’s for your family


and elders at home who have who are more

vulnerable to cope with due to


you need to be responsible for them you

need to be responsible

for those sanitation workers who pray

for their life

before entering the premises of corvid

wards and isolation centers

for sanitation purposes you need to be


for those men and women in cocky dresses

who have guarded day and night for

ensuring lockdown and for ensuring our

own safety

you need to be responsible for those

frontline workers ashas a m’s doctors

who have worked relentlessly over the

past one year

putting our safety before their own

health concerns

daily they were getting in contact with

covet patients but still

in the pursuit of service to mankind

with sheer will

they have continued to move forward some

of them

even became martyrs in this process if

not for anyone else

it is for those heroes and heroines that

we all need to behave

responsibly united we stand

divided we fall in this battle against

kobed if we all behave responsibly

i am sure we can launch victory on kobit

in a future date thank you