Living with dyslexia

hi my name is vico

and i’m dyslexia and i’m here to tell

you that having dyslexia is okay

i’m going to tell you my story of how i

overcame dyslexia

but first if you have dyslexia i want

you to remember this

that there are so many people like you

that have dyslexia and that are doing

amazing things

what is dyslexia you ask well

dyslexia affects parts of the brain in

languaging process

which can make it harder to do english


knee hand writing some other languages

like spanish and sometimes math for me

it has made it harder

to do reading and

neat handwriting and sometimes i get

jumbled up in my words

in year one i started noticing that so

many people

i mean in year one i started noticing

that remembering how to spell it was

very hard compared to my classmates

although i practiced a lot more than

they did it felt

very unfair or because they still got it

right and i got it wrong

it’s not easy to be me but i still put

in the effort

or to improve my english skills

don’t let dyslexia get you down because

there are so many

people that haven’t did you know also

famous people have it

one of them are famous people albert


he dyslexia and he still changed the


here are three steps that i hope will

help you as they helped me

one get someone to help you

you might think at first you don’t need

help and you can do it

but trust me you will need help the

people that helped

me were miss o’connor and adam

my tutor they helped me by giving me


for like said for instance said

people that don’t have dyslexia might


that it says an easy word it’s only four


but people that have dyslexia that’s a

whole different story

as it can be hard in many ways

here is a phrase that they gave me

snakes and insects dance it is easy to


or and it is is

fun to use if you take the first letter

from all those four words it can be

really easy

two practice and persevere

practicing will be hard especially if

it’s a long piece of writing

or a piece or

something that you have to rehearse

but don’t let that get you down practice

and persevere is makes perfect

as if you persevere it means

that you’ll never give up

so you should always persevere

so in english work

or or any type you’ll always have a


nice piece of work in front of you

three have fun with it practicing and

having those

special lessons in and out of school

might seem tough

as there are so many things things you

need to do

but just have fun with it if we go back

to the phrases that i was talking about

use pictures or maybe a stuffed toy

that might remind you how to spell it or

someone or something

that can make it easy fun and

make it so that you can remember in an


i hope you use these and i hope

that it helps you overcome dyslexia

thank you for listening to my ted talk