The Future Of Exponential Technology In Healthcare



what is the most intelligent species

in the universe it turns out that it’s

not humans

it’s mice and millions of years ago

this hyper-intelligent band of

pan-dimensional beings

got so bored knowing all there was to

know about the universe

they decided to create a stupendous


in order to calculate the ultimate


to life the universe and everything

and the computer they built was called

deep thought

that spent 6.8 million years computing

all the data in the universe to finally

find and

answer the ultimate meaning

of life the universe and everything and

what was the answer

cultured audience exactly which

is the difference between data and

wisdom but that’s

a talk for another time this of course

was a famous story by the late great

douglas adams

who happened to have given me my first

job whilst i was still training in

medical school

and douglas talked about a brilliant


in his book the hitchhiker’s guide to

the galaxy he talked about

a device that would help all of us 50

years from when he wrote it

to be able to navigate our way through


it was about this big it had a touch


it contained all the knowledge and


in the galaxy within it and it wasn’t


by authorities it was written by all of


now who here has got a hitchhiker’s

guide to the galaxy

in their pocket i think everyone has

douglas was an incredible inspiration to

me and to also the whole world

of technology and what he was talking


were the exponential changes that we

were going to see

in data and computation that would help


unravel many things also in my

profession of medicine

for instance we went from the launch of

the world wide web

to decoding the human genome in just

eight years

when previously for the for a hundred we

had gotten almost nowhere with data

exponential advances but where is this

going to take us

with respect to medicine well

this a hundred years ago was a state of

the art

in bombay you could go to the pharmacy

and you could get

squibs malaria malaria medication

and you had doctors like william

k kellogg’s the guy who invented

cornflakes his brother

harvey was going around doing all sorts

of stuff that would be struck off

doing today but that was the state of

the art

fast forward a hundred years to today

and quite remarkable things have


just in the last few years professor

anthony’s from oxford using

computer vision to look at old ct scans

to finally see why it is that so many


especially in india die of heart disease

even though they haven’t got any plaque

in their arteries

completely invisible to the naked eye

until very recently so

with all these exponentials where will

we be in a hundred years time from now

well to answer that question i’m gonna

go back in time

to even before hippocrates to my

favorite point in history i hope you all

know what that is

let’s see


who’s this a very cultured audience yes

darth vader represents to me the future

of modern medical technology

and here’s why

he had 100 burns


multi-organ failure


no arms and no legs

some psychological issues


some minor problems and of course


not formally diagnosed but you get the

drift and yet

with biotechnology machine learning and

a bunch of sensors

darth vader was not only able to live

life to the full but also to rule the


i’m sure you’ll agree with me that he is

an example of modern medical technology

but it wasn’t him that uh inspired me it

was his line manager

emperor palpatine played of course by

the great

ian mcdermott the shakespearean actor

who unfortunately in 2008

suffered fortunately a not fatal heart

attack on stage during the press opening

of a play

his managers called us up and said look

you put all these kinds of senses on

formula one drivers and athletes can’t

you tell us when our actors are going to

have a problem and we said yes but it

would cost about ten thousand dollars an

hour and there’d be wires everywhere and


so well probably not but it got us


just as an aside a personal thing here

this is the most important message

anyone has ever sent me

from the emperor himself wishing me

happy new year

and hoping my jedi instincts are still

intact this is when i officially became

the imperial physician but i don’t work

on the death star

i actually work at my medical institute

in london with 50 other people

and we work with elite athletes and

people doing extreme extreme things

including celebrities running 43

marathons in 50 days or

others who want to swim the channel and


rather interesting experiments like this

one where i was thrown in a cage with a

heavyweight cage fighter

in order to see whether rest ice

compression and elevation really worked

i lost

but seriously we apply what we learn not

only to

athletes but also to the very sickest

people including those with cancer

and we’re able to improve outcomes by

early detecting things going wrong but

only with a huge amount of data

much like we do in aviation

the following shows that if you plot

some of the metrics which we measure

you can actually tell when someone is

going to die

you can move the curve along by doing

good things but

it’s incredibly powerful data much like

we use an aircraft

this is the 787 that i flew over to

india on

very safely and very efficiently mined

it produced

000 gigabytes of data in its journey

that’s a hundred million pages of paper

a lot to read an award round

by 2025 we will produce

100 000 million gigabytes

a year from the aviation industry

that’s 300 000 million pages

a second that is why aviation is so safe

and so efficient but this was state of

the art when i was born

height and weight every year would you

get in an aircraft hadn’t been checked

for 50 years

because that’s how long we wait before

we start measuring ourselves

fast forward to 2014 exponential

technology applications

we’ve built a system that could take

loads of different biosensors including

this one

robbie savage and alan shearer sat on

every seat in wembley stadium

and we could tell that alan shearer was

going to win two days in advance

because of the signal this is a device

that for five days can measure ecg

respiratory rate heart rate heart rate

variability stress body posture

accelerometry ten thousand dollars an


just ten years ago how much today

i’m wearing one now i could take it off

and i could throw it away

a dollar a day exponentially advancing


this is a very important point we’re

spending trillions of dollars on


and about a third of it is completely


we have to do something about it and our

thesis is

that we can save trillions of dollars


for about a dollar a day

health systems are wasting a tremendous

amount of money

where is india though india is only

spending 1.6 percent of its gdp

so in order to prove outcomes surely we

just make the country richer and spend

more money but the answer is no

because the richer you get the sicker

you get

three times more likely to have diabetes

50 percent higher hypertension rates

eleven hundred percent greater obesity

problems the richer you get

wealth is not the answer the problem is

that we suffer

from aging we are all getting older

and to crack that part of biology as a

data and computation problem we’re

working on but we’re far away from it

and even if we crack that there’s also

health systems they’re complex too

and if we crack that then there’s


i like photoshop

so maybe we should all move to

california the home of medical

technology the place where exponentials

all begin

but there are problems in america too

regulation is there to protect us but

also it stops us from moving

or perhaps we can let go of all

regulation together

and then we end up in other problems

we’re between a rock and a hard place

but i believe we can strike a balance

we shouldn’t panic because

we do have the power of exponential

technologies that are happening

even if we like it or not so please

don’t underestimate the power of

exponential technologies

please do not underestimate the power of


and please never underestimate the power

of the dark side

before i go i want to tell you a story

about a patient of ours

and it’s an important one because all of

this about big health systems and

trillions of dollars and so forth

is irrelevant unless we can apply it to

human beings and start doing that today

this woman was a patient who in 2011

couldn’t get pregnant and so she asked

us if we knew any specialists

i said well i’m gonna pick out a piece

of technology and find some few and


a couple of days she had seen a

fertility specialist

who said to her well can’t see anything

wrong i’m gonna start you on fertility


but before i do i’ve just got a hunch i

don’t know why i’m going to do an mri

scan of your uterus

and she came back with the answer to us


she either had a normal uterus that was

a bit thicker or she had tuberculosis of

the womb

how can that be so radically different

in today’s age

couldn’t understand it the specialist

decided to do

an exploratory investigation because

this was a bit weird

and so off protocol he did the


and he gave her the answer the answer to

why she couldn’t get pregnant

the answer to why she could never get

pregnant and that’s what and that’s


she had cancer throughout the entirety

of her womb

an emergency operation was planned her

chances of pregnancy dashed

but just before she did she asked us to

get together some people

we got mathematicians together not

doctors to to determine whether it would

spread through one quick

emergency cycle of ivf to harvest some

eggs to put them on ice to give her a


and she did and then she had an


and she got back even worse news it was

ovarian cancer that had spread

to her uterus she was given a terrible


of a year or two to live and so she

asked for our help again

and once again with exponential


we gave her an answer we sequenced

quite cheaply both tissues from both her

ovary and her uterus

and we determined that it hadn’t spread

from the ovary to the uterus

she didn’t need a yet bigger operation

and nine months of chemo that probably

wouldn’t have made a difference

the gene sequence showed that she had


genetically diverse cancers they were


the same cancer she had two stage 1a

primaries and by removing them she lived

she was not cured by medicine she was


by data

in late 2013 this happened

surrogate mother was kind enough to

carry her child and had become pregnant

and on may the 1st 2014

this happened she received her child

who was born from a surrogate mother

and that date is a date i remember very

well because just a few days before

i received really what was the most

important text message

of my life and that was this

everyone’s looking for you please come


i asked is there anything serious and

she said yes

your daughter is about to be born

this lady is not my wife not my she is

my wife

she’s not my patient she’s my wife and

sienna is our baby daughter

and the reason i wanted to share this

story with you is because

it’s incredibly important for us when we

talk about all these technologies

to not just think about big health

systems and how much money we can make

or how much money we can save

but to remember that we have to use all

of our efforts to put these things into

place today

because individual lives count on it not

only to

save costs and so forth but sometimes to

save lives by doing less

sometimes to save lives by doing


and sometimes even to not just save a


but to create new ones

