Listen to your heart


thanks a lot for being here for the

opportunity sharing a bit

what happened in my life and

i will guide you a bit through

quite intense moments because i think

life is the quality of how intense you

can live your life

and that’s kurt cobin said please

entertain me so when i was very young

with 15 years old i loved to entertain

people i made events i made shows

gradually became bigger and bigger

later on in

zurich and early 90s everything was

quite closed i flew to new york i flew


london to bring all those artists the

musicians the bands the djs to zurich

opened the club used to run restaurants

and bars it was quite a high time much

much fun because i really loved pulling

the strings spring people on stage

organizing huge events 300 500 at the

end the biggest event i was part of was

about 50 000 people for

an an open-air festival so i really love

this i love to be in power i love to

rock the stages and i love to be so

close to people to help them to be on

stage what i learned in those days is

all of these people on stage have an

incredible energy they have incredible

power incredible passion they are born

for stages as soon as someone is on

stage you really feel it if he or she

has the authenticity to really bring to

inspire to rock whatever sense you mean

so these were the high times mostly of

the time of the weekends i started

thursday friday nighting run running my

clubs sometime sunday morning early

three o’clock i took my roles drove to

khan had a few great days came back next

wednesday so these were early 80s close

to williams then we did techno events we

went to moscow we were talking with the

mayor of moscow bringing street parade

those days the love parade to moscow

unfortunately didn’t work out judah was

quite constant um complex constellation

of who wants to have the money from whom

and so it went on and over the years i

worked in 72 countries and made events

and what i learned was there sometimes

you arrive at the place you think you

are clear you’re very well prepared but

then life happens there are different

cultures especially africa especially in

asia when you come as a little swiss guy

and you have your id you want to bring

you want to realize your dreams and then

you have your plans and then how

what happens comes on stage is really

defined in a

together it’s on the we base there are

the locals who have their knowledge

their v with our ideas and we have to

merge this in the event business it’s a

zero fault business because if you’re on

stage you can’t

change something it’s a momentum it’s

energy which goes through which goes

through the audience which is not the

same in movie movie you can cut it but

it’s real life so the show has to be

sharp at eight o’clock so in a high

pressure environment i learned so much i

learned so much to give and i really

love to empower people on stage and i

dedicated all my life to really

create great momentum great environments

in those days my balance was i did sport


wake up in the morning i

did some sports i was quite

fit probably i would say but i wasn’t

healthy but i was quite fit and so i did

everything most in every city i had my

bicycles even in new york had my bike

stored so as soon as i went to new york

i took my bike and drove through the sea

because that was my level of energy so i

could feel the city i should all see all

the nuances and then bring it back

purity differently adapted to the

european environment


i always


some little pressure on my chest but i

didn’t take it serious because if you do

sports you you know how to go to through

pain and so one day

i was intensive period in my life i was

biking up a hill

going to meet a client

and it was a great sunny day i just went

up i thought i was very fit

and the next i remember

is being

laying on a bed in emergency room

so this was the same light this bright


so all of a sudden all the sun had gone

i was an emergency room

and this really

horrible scenario because you’re bound

to to the bed i was full of all

the medicine they gave me i couldn’t

think clearly and the school in the

emergency area is quite

noisy because you have this eight


around you

this bright light and the radio is

always on

so you hear what’s happening city you

hear all the pain of all those who are

in the similar situations they bring up

to the emergency so i was laying there

really aware that i don’t have any power

i was used to be smart i was used to be

fit but i was totally depending on


this was quite a tough experience so for

four days i was laying there

in the hospital

my father came up because he wasn’t sure

if i can make it


this step by step helped me realizing

what i’m doing

but i was totally blocked with myself

so i was

awake all the days and all the nights or

i thought at least

and one night around three o’clock a

night nurse joined me came to me did


applications and then she told me hey

listen to your heart listen to my heart

what does she mean

but i didn’t take it seriously and she

left and

interestingly not it started to nagging

me when i went home so i left the

hospital i was i had no energy

i was out of my power

i couldn’t go back to my business

i was at home

those days i lived in the old part of

the city i had my apartment had a little

balcony but i was totally blocked and


at my space

my whole world fell apart

so the person was always on stage or

loved to be on stage supporting everyone

to come on stage i was totally blocked i

couldn’t do anything

this was a quite tough experience i even

a phone call

stressed me

and all those friends or those thoughts


i couldn’t engage them with anymore so i

the more and more my circle of

friends or cliques reduced

and sometimes in that moment where

you’re totally lost someone really

knocks at your door or rings in my case

it was a caterer i used to dine around

in all over city with all those chefs


one of them realized for three weeks i

didn’t show up

so one day he came to my door and rang

and asked how are you

and you’ve seen me my devastated

conditions and he started to bring me

food so every day

around six o’clock someone was raining

and brought me food so this was

at least three or three months

and i tried to go back to my power to my

body but my body was powerless

and a friend showed me and told me hey

go to monastery

me going to monastery the contradiction


of intensity so i trusted him and i went

for a 10-day

retreat in silence

in the french part of switzerland

i arrived there i remember quite well it

was november it was quite foggy

and probably the whole environment that

whole landscape mirrored my situation in

my soul

everything was quite foggy everything

was quite flirt blurred and i went to

this monastery and you have your room

where everything is quite reduced but

very selected all everything what is in

the monastery

there is had been much thought about

what is the material

i started up in at morning five o’clock

did my yoga did with our meditation or

at least those that had tried to

and the first three four days were very

tough because you lay there

in in this embedded in this environment

and you walk around but

i wasn’t in my soul i wasn’t in my heart

i just was like

walking through but no connection to

myself and every day all the past all

the burden all

what i had in my soul which wasn’t

cleared out came up and opened up i

couldn’t handle it i couldn’t even park

it it totally took over my emotions so

the first three or four nights were

quite intense quite horrifying

step by step

if you start to work with your body if

you do yoga or whatever you do your body

helps you to root yourself

it looks different than i did before

before i did intense sport with yoga or

tai chi or other asian techniques you

find more a balanced way


approach having a new awareness

awareness to your body

and i started to loving this so after

fifth sixth day i really felt better a

little felt at ease i wasn’t back to my

power i used to but i felt very

supported very cocooned


there was a very helpful environment

caring about my soul everything was done

there was really about care

and i took this and after 10 days i left

the monastery

and i was at ease with myself i feel

quite protected in this little little

cloud of

feeling well and fine

unfortunately the night when i came back

i used to

made an event

so i came from the silence from the

stillness from the solitude

back to the stage and i couldn’t handle


me who loved always to engage with

people i couldn’t stand people

so it was a very shocking experience so

i really

found myself a little rerude to myself

and then i went back on stage and i

couldn’t stand it

so i went back to my house and i stayed

there for another time and it took me so

long to combine both worlds so the

stillness the solitude this

focusing on your own this new level of

awareness but how could i combine this


my old knowledge with my knowledge to

support people to my dedication to bring

out the best in people on stage


suddenly with meditation and with yoga

and i did a yoga teacher


a new world opened up

sometimes in life and everything seems


nothing works

and i was used to train with my mind my

mind always told me what to do

my my the mind is a very great counselor

but it’s not the captain

and with having


access to new spaces through meditation

and with my new alignment and new

average with my body

other spaces opened up in my soul

and it down to me that i could combine

this having see the intensity and now

there’s a more stillness a more

rootedness and more connectivity

and if you talk about your heart there’s

deeper knowledge in our heart

as blessed possible told

the heart has it reasons

which the reasons can’t even find

so it means we have a deeper

connectiveness a deeper understanding of

where we do come from and what we do

and the more and more you trust to start

this feeling the more and more the world

opens up

but the mind is first very rebellious

the mind fights against it because it

lose it loses the dominance the mind’s


can be very helpful for our mind because

he protects us from many things

on the other side if the mind is too

strong we

there is

a big danger that we just lift this

small tiny perfect organized life


if we can connect it with our heart with

our soul if we can combine it with it’s

a dance between the mind and the soul

and the heart and totally all the world

opens up a world there is much more

vitality it’s not power it’s more

connected to the force to the inner

force of the universe

and listening to that

is an incredible challenge because

we in this overspeeded world we it’s a

challenge to reroute ourselves to find

our base to

to come into our balance so i can really

invite you every day take out

few minutes

try to relax

and find your space

and how can you do this so i would like

to to make a little experiment with me a

little exercise so bring your hands to

your chest

close your eyes

and just inhale and exhale

and now just imagine

just imagine

that you are protected that there is a

very safe environment whatever you do

you secure

so in that environment what would you do

who would you like to meet

who would you like to be with

what would you do in the world

where would you like to travel

what’s the contribution

to the world

and slowly come back

and hopefully a few of you

just had a feeling just have seen

pictures images what they could be

and that is the connection to our heart

sometimes this little distance of

30 20 centimeters from our mind to our

heart is the longest distance we have to

go to find what we want to do

so i really invite you to step back

find a different perspective

become an observer of yourself

that we don’t are driven by our emotions

of fear anxiety and sorrows

and reroute ourselves to our heart level

to this enormous basis this enormous

wisdom the mind has knowledge and the

heart has wisdom


please find your stage where you bring

your soul on stage in a very safe and

protected environment

through more conscious life

thank you
