The Truth About Empowerment

in my life

i have been a complete overachiever

i co-starred in my first hit series at

the age of 22

and my last one at the age of 56

with hit series every decade in between

i have had a number one record i have


in many films i have hosted

award-winning shows

i’ve won scholarships to college i’ve

won awards for everything

from acting to stunts and academics

in music and it was the same thing at


i was the mom who would choreograph all

of her kids plays

and make all of their costumes and put a

little flower in their lunchbox and a

zip line in the backyard

i was the wife who learned how to run up

a wall and do a backflip

or drop in on a 10-foot wave on an

8-foot board and pump down the line just

so i could play with my husband and the

big boys

even though it was absolutely


i have not been afraid of seeking out

the skills and the knowledge required to

become what i consider to be

empowered enough to achieve

success at the things i wanted to

achieve success in

but the truth is

outside of the experiences i had with my


every success i had

carried with it a low-grade


and i wondered why

then in 2015 after 35 years in the same


in 30 years of raising two amazing


and managing four impossible husbands

i told you i was an overachiever

the series i was on got bored with my

character and started writing her out

my youngest child went off to college a

year early

and my last marriage broke up

and i knew in an instant

it was over the entire game was over i

was never going to have the family

or the life that i worked so hard for

and for the first time in my life i

didn’t know what to do

i mean after all it was that doing that

got me here

and even if i thought i knew what to do

i didn’t know how to do it better

i didn’t know how to do it better i

didn’t know if i can do

more if i could do it faster or smarter

so i walked down to the beach that had

been my family’s

playground for the last 10 years and i

sat there and i said okay mia

you’re all alone and

you’re free you can be do

or have anything you want

so what do you want

and i couldn’t answer the question

i couldn’t answer the simple question

what do you want

and i sat on that beach and i wept and i


and i wept and i wept because i knew

that contained within the answer to that


the real question the question that is

asked on a soul level

what do you want was the essence of the

real nia

contained within the answer that

question was the real

the mia that was capable of being deeply

satisfied and

deeply content and

unashamed of expressing from her state


being rather than the incessant doing

that i was so

so good at as the overachiever i had


so i sold my house and i gave

most everything out else away and i just

started wandering

with the only goal being

to feel my way through everything with

my heart

rather than my head and to reconnect

with my inner voice

that voice led me from the beaches of


to the sands of suva to the hills of

bosnia and israel

up to the mountains of peru

and that profound journey

listening to that voice that that voice

that took me on this profound journey

brought me into the presence of kabbalah

masters priests

monks shaman and cutting-edge scientists

and everywhere i went no matter where

these people were from

from what culture what religion what

part of town or

how old they were they all had the same

core message

the answer to everything

is in the heart

with its frequency of love

it is the portal to the truth of who we


and what we’re capable of and i don’t

mean just what we’re capable of

achieving i would learn

that the heart is not just a pump the

heart actually has neurons just like the

brain and sends more signals to the


than the other way around in fact it’s

60 times more powerful electrically than

the brain

and up to 5 000 times more powerful


than the brain i learned that

every organ in your body entrains to the


which means it lines up with the

patterns of the heart

if the heart is stressed and spasming

out like this

none of the organs in your body can line

up with it and that is the beginning of

all disease

but there’s more i would learn

that the heart gives us access to more

information than our five senses

can detect when i was up at the heart

math institute the scientists were

telling me about a study that they did

where they took a handful of subjects

half of them had been taught

how to drop into heart coherence which

is that

peaceful place right in the heart and

the other half had not

they sat them all in front of individual

computers that were set up so that they


the computers would choose random

pictures very evocative pictures

that would revoke very strong emotions

from everyone

and it would do this randomly and what

they found was

yes of course everybody responded to

these pictures because there were

pictures like

you know a toddler cuddling with a

little puppy or on the other side of

that coin

dismembered bodies lying about a street

in puddles of blood

in a war-torn country so what they found

was that everybody responded but the

difference was

those who knew how to sit in the heart


knew what was coming before the pictures

actually showed up

in other words working from the heart

space gives us

more access deeper access to our


and a deeper dive into science and

quantum physics would explain a little

everything is made of atoms atoms and


of all atoms what is it it’s frequency

waves of energy and information just

waves of information interacting with

other waves of information

my friend dr teresa bullard who’s a


explained that so much of what our

bodies are

is frequency that if we pulled out all

the frequency

what would be left over would fit on the

head of a pin

so stop and consider that we are mostly


we’re frequency we are waves of


interacting with and accessing other

waves of information

and the portal to all of it is the heart

and the guidance system is the way we


not the way we think which is why

on this walkabout when i stopped all the

incessant doing and the pushing

to achieve things and just started

feeling my way through things

mystical experiences just starting to

land on me

suddenly i knew things that i had never


i was communicating with animals in the


i had precognizance was the ability to

to know what’s going to happen

five minutes before it happens and i

mean in detail

all of this mystical stuff was so


but you know the most empowering part of

awakening to this

more of who i am was realizing

that i hadn’t done anything wrong

but there was nothing more that i could

do to create that family

i couldn’t do more i couldn’t do better

i couldn’t do it faster or smarter what

i could do

i could have done it truer

truer to who i am truer

to what i am truer to my true

nature the very nature of who i am

we are so much more so much more

than what we’ve come to believe and

experiencing the more of who i am the

truth of who i am is one of the most

exhilarating and exciting things i’ve

ever experienced

and though it flies in the face of

convention i can’t unsee what i’ve

seen and i can’t unknow what i now know

and in truth have always known it is

what you know

you know that you are more than what is

just sitting in these little bodies

right here and right now you know that

and i am more invigorated now than ever

because i know who i am

and i know why i am here

no longer are all my skills and my

talent and my knowledge and wisdom

and all the energy i can amass in

service to other people’s

definitions of success

all of it is in service to my divine


and if you’re sitting here right now

it’s because you are a maverick you’re a


you are a maverick you are a

natural-born revolutionary longing to


your divine purpose but how can you know

what that is if you

don’t know who you are and how can you

know who you are if you don’t know

what you are

how many of you in here want to really

be empowered

do you want to be empowered do you

really want to be empowered

all right then sit up do this with me

just sit up for a second

i want you to feel a little bit

of who you are and the power of who you

are sit up

put your phones down close your eyes

place one hand on your heart

take a deep breath in

and exhale follow the breath

through your heart take a deep breath in

and exhale one more time

through your heart take a deep breath in

and exhale now sit with that for a


and be present at present

and repeat after me i know who i


i know what i am

i know how i serve

i am here i am

here i

am here

take a deep breath in and let it out

with your voice

open your eyes and take a look at the

screen we’re going to watch a little


to access our full potential we must

first understand

our true nature then give it authority


of our bodies is made of frequency

love is a frequency so is fear

love is the optimum frequency of our

nature when we give it full authority

we are fully empowered

96 of the universe is made of frequency

operating from this frequency of love is

how we add our unique life to all that

want to is this

is how we change the world

you guys are powerful beyond what you


you are beautiful and powerful and you

have something very unique and important

to add

to the world to the sum of all that is

that’s what we need you to do

so be brave brave enough to stand in

your own

truth be brave be

bold be bold enough to continue

learning who you are and expanding into

the magnificent being that you really

are and be true

true enough to let every word that comes

forth from your mouth

and every step that you take first be

rooted in the frequency of love

because together that’s how we change

the world

thank you