Home to You Dont Kill My Vibe Sigrid

hi my name is sigrid and we’re here at

chistophos museum in norway

as a 24 year old growing up in a welfare


largely built on oil and gas i

understand my privilege

and i understand the opportunities it

has given me i’m so

grateful but it’s time to move on i

rarely see it snow on christmas eve in

my hometown anymore

there’s a new forest fire on the news

every week and the polar ice is


all affecting the ecosystem that we live

in i want to protect the nature that i’m

standing in

i want to be a part of a shift to

healthier food systems

and i want to live in a society where

clean power is the only energy that we


i believe in science and i believe in

structural changes

and the only way we can do this is


so please use your right to vote for

politicians who care about the climate

and continue to speak up we can do this

thank you for listening

couldn’t wait till i got outside


what the world be like i knew i had to

change my mind didn’t realize

it happened oh so soon


all so soon

but i see the world so different now

cause there’s a place by the sea and

that’s my town

when i don’t know what to say

when i don’t know what to do

there’s a room i need to sit in

surrounded by my favorite view

and i need a hand to hold

someone to tell the truth

would it be okay if i came home

to you

independence comes with the praise when


your own advice but i know

i’ll be all right with an open door

no matter what i do

what i do


but i see


when i don’t know what to say

when i don’t know what to do

there’s a room i need to sit in

surrounded by my favorite

when i need

to tell the truth would it be

okay if i came home to you


no i don’t wanna keep on calling


remind me that nothing has changed but

it’d be

okay would it be okay for you

but i see the world’s so different now


when i don’t know what to say

when i don’t know what to do

there’s a room i need to sit in

surrounded by my favorite view when i

need to

tell the truth

would it be okay if i came home

to you


would it be okay if i came

to you


you shut me down you lack the control

you speak to me like i’m a child


try to hold it down i know the

answer i can shake it up and you

feel threatened by me

i try to play nice with all

who don’t kill my



to me don’t you i don’t kill my

vibe you love to tear me down

and pick me apart

then build me up like i depend on you

and know but i throw myself from heights

that i used to scare

me cause you’re surprised i’m the puzzle


you can’t figure out



i say i’m young i don’t


but i’m not even



oh it don’t kill my baby

i try to play hospitals


but i wanted you to know

don’t kill my vibe