Im a Soldier can I work from home


it’s interesting to tell you guys that

my first stock in my rasta was

right at the same platform two years

back and again i am here that’s the

circle of life

out of survival for an army man if you

really ask what

art of survival is

i think from day one when you end up in

the academy

you are given tasks which

kind of teaches you art of survival

and it somewhere teaches you how not to

crave in life okay and

i’ve been listening to all these

speakers and i realized that

we have gratitude as one of the most

important aspects of life and

we feel gratitude if we possess


towards god and things that we have in

life everything will be

really really fine having said that

is art of survival a choice that is

given to

a defense guide

no we are designed

to survive because if we don’t survive

if i get wounded in war

there are more people who will be

involved to take me back

there are more people who will be


to fight my battle and the bigger

picture is

that you will not be successful in your


so when i say this that we are designed

to succeed i mean

that not everybody on this earth on this

planet in this auditorium

has the luxury of deciding how he wants

to survive

this nine months of

period and we are still struggling with


when we all were struggling

to not contain ourselves in our own

comfortable zone

of self-created luxury in our own houses

imagine there were battalions there were


which were inducted in galvan

when we were taught social distancing

social distinctioning was the last thing

that the soldier

who was getting inducted on his mind

because he could see a bigger enemy

right in front of him so you know when

we go to the academy there are some

very interesting things that people

don’t so what do

they teach you how to not sweat small

and what is not sweating small

you have junior term you have senior

terms when you are the junior

very often it will happen in initial

days it definitely happens the seniors

will come and they’ll eat away your


they will deliberately delay you for

your breakfast

and then suddenly some officer will come

and he’ll ask if everything is all right

with you

so we all go from civil background where


in this corona time we have a lot of

critical life is

not growing and they start crippling it

so the seniors had our cookies or we


this morning delayed because the seniors

held us somewhere in the second stand

and we could not

reach the mess in time

the next scene is the seniors

roger engineers and

they screw you so hard that

next time when the officer comes and he

asks you

all okay

he says

in last fiscal year or financial year

and stuff like that life has much more

to it

i wish a soldier has the liberty to work

from home

can you imagine we all have

work from home scenario and there are

organizations who also pay you

to buy your chair and laptop and that

whole office setup

can you think of a soldier working from

home can he do that

can he set up a call and

virtually report all okay

no that doesn’t happen

so when i talk of gratitude my gratitude

is not towards god

when i talk of gratitude my gratitude is

towards the fact that every morning when

we get up

we have a free india where we breathe


because you are free

this freedom has not come free

let’s understand that there are many


who’ve been involved to secure this


for all of us for over last seven


when i talk of gratitude i expect

every free indian to bear them in your


i don’t expect you to take out money

from your salary and start

uh you know sending across to people who

are fighting for you and for all of us

and starting the nation from the enemy

no i don’t

expect that but if you bear them in your


if you acknowledge that there are people

who are fighting this battle not just

for money

the cause and the reason is

much larger let’s come back to a story

that i have to tell you

i was posted in german kashmir in year


and this story is about hope so art of

survival we hope

hope is very very important in life you

know unless you have this hope that what


do tomorrow today becomes very very

difficult right we all have deposited

some money we’ve made some investment

we have uh invested in a lot of

relationships with this hope that life

will get better in time to come

isn’t it so this story is about

2005 third february to be precise

i was posted in guri’s a very beautiful


sandwiched between dras and kargil

and i was supposed to replace an officer

from one of the posts i was an artillery

officer and an ordinary officer

typically the youngsters are sent on

observation posts wherein you can have

view into enemy territory and if

there is a requirement you can follow


arthritis to you know direct the fire in

the right direction

i started with the team of four other


i was the only officer because that was

the protocol they will

walk with me the total distance was

about 17 kilometers and i had to go and

replace another officer

and it was an incline of course uh about

3000 meters of height that i had to gain

over two days time so typically in this

17 kilometer 2005

technology was not really great even if

today if the technology is great

shiatsu and forward they’re not

connected through mobile and stuff like


so typically army works with a wired


device okay you do like this someone

picks up

one side can only talk the other guy

will listen to you


and in mountains typically if there is a

heavy snowfall

this wire is kind of

buried in the snow and if there is more


it breaks because there’s so much of

weight and there’s so much that it can


so we started our journey on day one we

were supposed to reach

a post which was supposed to be a

maintenance post so maintenance post is

a team of

five people who actually check this


from richmond headquarter to the

maintenance post and regiment uh

maintenance post to the post where the

team is

the team which had taken me to the

maintenance post comes back

to the regiment and i was handed over to

the regiment post and next day morning

four o’clock my link was supposed to

start and go and replace the officer

it started snowing so most of you

the youngsters these days they go for

trekking and small amount editing

expeditions and stuff like that

if you don’t know if there is fresh

snowfall more than six inches to eight


it is not prescribed that you move up

you are not

supposed to walk the next day


and the first news that we hear is that

the communication between regiment

headquarter and

maintenance post is broken so now we are

on radio sense

we are saying all okay

ninth february was my birthday that was

sixth day of

our stay

at the place

my mother was communicated

that your son is fine

he is somewhere he can’t call you

the communication is broken but he’s


if it was your brother or if it was your

father who was posted in jama in kashmir

you have not been able to speak for six

days and someone tells you that okay

he’s fine

you would want to hear that yes he’s

fine but it is very hard to believe he

is one

but there is hope my wife was told that

he is fine

second year of marriage

days are gone and

the newspaper and media all over india

is now saying that jammu and kashmir has

received the most

unprecedented snowfall in last 50 years

the communication between post

and observation post maintenance post

and observation post

is broken and the snowfall

is about 18 feet and the place where we

were living in

has suddenly become avalanche probe

why because the snow on the rocky face

of the mountain

gets wobbly if there is anything

and it is it was not safe for that small


for all of us because if

an avalanche came we all would have been

history so we moved to a


was not possible for all of us to sleep

in the same porch

so if one moved everybody else would


25 days gone

the food was so much so

the ration the dry russian

and what we are doing there was no

officer there

there was no other rank there

there were individuals

the way we have created caste creed

religion society up market dawn market

syria subordinate too many words we have


nothing existed

one thing that existed was

no communication radio set batteries



regiment headquarters


and we all start


you need to really go through certain

things in life to realize what actually

we realize that there is a possibility

of going back

and we went up the officer came down

all five of us are now connected on


i am an officer one is become a jco

three are having ours and we share the

nastiest of the joke possible on this


in that group because we don’t exist for

each other

because i was an officer and they were

my subordinates and there was an


we exist for each other as

life pillars we held each other’s home

we were each others everything to ensure

that we see a tomorrow we put together

in that

crap so ladies and gentlemen

my point and i would finish with this

we have a free country there are people

who are fighting for you there are

people who are dying for you

when we were not able to deal with

corona there were people who were

hit with iron rods embedded with nails

in them because

we sitting here can enjoy our freedom

as i said least

we can do is spear them in our mind

least we can do is be

worthy of it that someone dies

thank you so much


together can do anything

together thank you so much