How AI and humans are keeping each other alive



what do you feel

when i say artificial intelligence

not what you think it is what do you


when i say artificial intelligence

that’s the question

i ask my mba students when they start

their journeys

ai will do amazing things

to humanity if

it is used right in the last 20 years

i was a part of dozens of ai projects

we use ai to save lives

we use ai to make them better but the

responses that i get about

feelings are not optimistic

they are not even positive

many people say they fear that if they

bring ai

to their companies they’ll spend

millions but eventually they’ll fail

no wonder almost 90 percent

of ai projects today fail to bring


many other people say they fear that in

the near future

ai will take their jobs

clearly humanity cannot enjoy

the benefits of ai when so many

wonderful people

fear ai three years ago

i decided to look for a solution for


big problem if there is a solution

and i started researching along my


i learned two things the first

that we have to divide responsibilities

what’s for humans and what’s for ai

the second is that the most successful


they don’t focus on how to use ai to

replace humans

they focus on creating

coexistence between humans and ai

and then eventually after a long

research i found a solution

i call it the two piece of human

and a.i coexistence it’s about

letting ai do the predictions and then

letting humans take these predictions

and make wonderful things with them

in short predictions for ai planning for


the two p’s for their research i looked


all of the ventures that i was a part of

and many more

it took me back to ask why i coexist

with ai so well

what makes me love ai so much

as a child i was very close to my


shraga along my childhood he used to

tell me many stories

he was a holocaust survivor so

some of the stories were about our


that died in the holocaust and about his


as a partisan in the cold forests of


even took me there when i was 12.

without his intentions he planted two

things in me

one the need to be a protector of life

and the second the belief that i can

if he could then i can but

the thing is that i’m not exactly gi


in fact the reason that my leg is broken

right now

is not because i did anything cool it’s

just because

i was excited about something at work

went outside of my office

walked a little faster than usual

stumbled and fell

so clearly i cannot use my physical

abilities to

be a protector gladly i was very good at

mathematics and computer programming

and then at the age of 18 i joined the

army and at the age of 19 i already


the head of a big technological system

a system took a lot of data and using ai

it generated predictions for terror


i still remember what my commanders told


your system helps saving so many lives

because it gives us time time for what

time to plan how to save as many

people as possible you know these things

are very complex

again i learned two things the first

that i can use ai to protect life

and then i fell in love with ai

and data and the second

is that the collaboration between

human and ai is so powerful it can save


after the army for 15 years i worked on

dozens of ai projects and ventures

not all of them in saving lives many

just making them more fun

and easier you probably know this one

when you add pasta to your online

shopping cart

and then you immediately get a

recommendation for a sauce

here’s the sauce on my daughter’s face

that’s the thoughts that was

recommended me by the ai system and the

thing is that i did not

created the division between prediction

and planning

it’s something our brain does naturally

ever since we are born thousands of

times a day

suppose a bee would enter this room

right now

our brain will immediately start to

scan all the data that is relevant to

the event

it will classify the bee as an animal

and then

an animal that is may be dangerous for


and then it will

look at the speed and create a


that’s something that ai is very good at

but then it will move to the second part

the planning what’s the best plan for us

in this case some of you will decide

to run from the door and shut the door

i cannot do that my leg is broken so

i’ll probably freeze and pretend to be a


you know the planning is very specific

to the person

and to the situation this is for humans

at least in the next few years

so how does it work in ai

projects this is tom

my friend he’s a senior medical doctor

in a large research hospital he called

me a year ago

and he said hug it i have plenty of data

about patients

and i think that if we use ai

we can fight colon cancer much better

it got me very curious and then he


it’s a problem of no show half of the

people that we

send for a colonoscopy don’t show up

or just push back their appointments

over and over and over again

the problem is that some of them already

develop cancer

and this is a huge problem because colon


develops fast i need you

to find who are the people that will

continue pushing back

and are developing cancer

i wanted to immediately start working on


it’s about saving lives

but i knew that if we will not follow

the two p’s

of human and ai coexistence

we will not be among the 13 that succeed

so i asked him what will you do

if i’ll give you the system that gives

you the predictions

instead frankly

i can’t tell you yet but i promise you

that if you will identify the people

who are in danger we’ll find ways to

treat them

so i started working and a few weeks


i started avoiding tom it’s just that

i didn’t like the accuracy of the system

it got only

to 65 accuracy

i thought it’s not good enough but

eventually i had to speak with him

and i said tom i’m sorry i don’t think

that it is possible to predict who will


in this dangerous situation

tom insisted that i’ll show him the


the results of the system

and then there was silence

and he said hagit

if the system

identified only 10 of the people that

are in this dangerous

situation it would have been great

your system identifies 65

of the people who are in dangerous

condition it’s amazing

you see the only ones who get

to decide what is fruitful for them

which prediction works are the decision


are the terms are the clients not the

data scientists

unfortunately it usually doesn’t work

because most

projects and companies and ventures

don’t follow the two p’s

of human and ai coexistence and then

humans don’t

take the responsibility after they get

the predictions

a few weeks ago i talked with a friend

of mine who is a

data scientist i wanted to consult and

talk with him about data science

but i also told him about two companies

that i work with

on systems to predict who among their


is probably going to churn

probably going to leave the company

and then he told he said hagit

i recommend you to stop working on these

projects they will not be good for you

i asked why and he told me that recently


worked on such a project and

he gave the company that he worked with

accurate predictions about

these people that might churn they

took this list moved it to sales the

sales people called

these people and guess what happened

they got reminded the customer got

reminded that they want to leave the


and use that opportunity to live

so you understand that the problem

wasn’t that they had

a system that predicted who is not happy


want to live but this the problem was

that they didn’t use the two pieces of

human and ai coexistence

once the managers had the predictions

they automatically moved it to the sale

they didn’t use the predictions to plan

how to save their customers

as humans to humans

their customers are humans you know so

that’s the thing

while many people fear

fear of ai i fear that if we

don’t use ai rights we will lose

our humanity because

in this era we’ll continue collecting


and more and more data and decision

making will become

more and more and more complex

and we have a choice we either fear ai

and then we waste all of our time in

trying to make sense

of lots of data discuss it make


or we use ai to make

quick and specific predictions

in whatever field we are healthcare

agriculture business energy education

saving our planet we use these


and we plan

how to make better things for humans

from humans to humans

from humans to humanity

it’s our choice it’s in our ends

thank you
