Is Our Body a House or a Home


i want you all to lift your arm over

your head

okay now you can put it back down in

just about five seconds

you were able to complete this simple

task right

but i’m about to summarize the

complexity of what just happened

inside now we’re well aware that our

circulatory system

is constantly pumping blood to the parts

of our body

now in this case your blood was rushing

towards your brain

in order to alert it of the function you

wanted to carry out

by supplying firing neurons with glucose

and oxygen

they require energy we can look at these

as a specialized cell in our brain

called and in the part of a brain called

the motor cortex

let’s look at this from an automotive

approach where the motor cortex

functions like an engine rather than a

steering wheel

this means that parts of the cortex all

work cooperatively

and in an organized way to produce

several actions

rather than a movement directly now a

rhythm in your brain will generate a


that allows information transmission

leading to muscle contraction

but since this requires some strength

your blood will rush towards the muscle

in order to replenish oxygen and glucose

so that you can finally lift up

your arm so good evening everyone today

i hope to enlighten you

all on how we come about from a single


to a complete human body consisting of


trillion cells truly we are a complex


now just as the world around us is ever


we’re aware that the human body too has

been evolving

since prehistoric times we are the

intricate products of a delightful

evolution that has lasted like

6 million years now just about a few

billion years ago

the earth as we now know it was vastly


man as we know merely did not exist

only once the human lineage broke away

from that of our ancestors did our

becoming come about

as homo sapiens now homo sapiens is the

scientific term

used to refer to our abode of existence

the human body but how does that human

body originate

what allows us to function the way we do

and appear the way

we are well i’m here to give you

all a comprehensive insight on exactly


our existence so we all start off as a

tiny cell the product of the fusion of

the sperm cell and excel

after this the changes our body goes

through are admirable

from this minuscule cell we develop into

a blastula

which is a collection of cells that

develops into the embryo

which implants itself into the mother’s

womb’s wall

and finally develops into the fetus

which is the baby

now throughout our growth and

development um our body

is constantly supplying us with


we require to survive now a significant

requirement here

is the blood the blood makes up about

eight percent of our body’s mass

and is a mixture of plasma and form


these formed elements come about from

plural protein stem cells

which give us erethrocytes that are your

red blood cells

leukocytes that help protect your body

against infections

and thrombocytes that help in blood

clotting yo

the red blood cells play such a

significant role

in your survival as they purified our

hearts with

oxygen they required to function

effectively our bodies have about

4.8 to 5.4 million red blood cells

per microliter now this means that there

are like

25 trillion red blood cells in our human


in addition to this blood blood cells

die at a rate of about

2 million cells per second which means

they also need to be

produced at a rate of 2 million cells

per second

proving the significance so now we can

summarize the key functions

of the rules of blood so the blood is a

transport medium for oxygen

a protector of our body against

infection and a regulator for body


but now that we know this role how does

the blood get to

the parts of the body in order to carry

out all of these

functions for this we have our transport


this is inclusive of the heart that is

constantly maintaining blood flow

so that your cells get all the oxygen

and energy it requires

and this is known as the circulatory


now our circulatory system is so complex

that if we were to lay out all of our

arteries veins and capillaries

end to end it would stretch to about 60

000 miles

now we can compare this to the earth’s

circumference that is

25 000 miles which means that an average

person’s blood vessels

could wrap around the earth like 2.5

times likewise our brain and nervous


are equally intriguing our brain

consists of

86 billion neurons now if you can


these neurons are in charge of

transmitting impulses

and information to our cells muscles or


other neurons in the body along with

these we have about 84.6

billion glial cells which are in charge

of homeostasis

and also protecting and supporting these


now guys just through this assistance of

these two specialized cells

we are able to carry out so many

processes like basic motor functions

having visualization coordination

balance getting sleep

and even storing memories and all of

these are just the basic examples

of a few functions that our brain can

carry out

now have you ever wondered why you

cannot tickle yourself

well you can try but you probably didn’t


now this is because of our nervous

system that is constantly

active in our sensory attention that is


for signals from our external

environment so when we

move to tickle ourselves a part in the

brain called the cerebellum

warns your body that this action is

approaching and this just causes the

sensory part of your brain to ignore the


proving that this gelatinous mass of


a few kilograms is so intelligent

and well brainy that it can predict your


sense reactions and differentiate them

mind blown yet

well it gets better all of this was just

the basic blueprint of a human body

all the complex systems that are part of

each of us

i haven’t even started on the things

that make us unique

take for example the tailbone most of

you must be aware of this small bone

located at the bottom of our spine

known as the tailbone also called the


this bone is actually a remnant of


from our ancestors the apes who did in

fact have tails

and let me tell you this at one point of

our lives

we have all had tears crazy right but

it’s true

this is when we’re about four weeks into

gestation in our mother’s womb

when our basic body plan is being laid


however the cells in are the human cells

in a tail are programmed to die

a few weeks after they appear so we are

not likely to grow this tear

so human girls are rare right but there

have been

over 10 cases of children being born

with true vestigial tales

as the ancestral blueprint prevails this

just shows

us that the human body is full of

surprises and as one may assume

that all human beings anatomy is the


this is not the case another example is

the palmaris longus

now if you all extend your arm

horizontally outwards

like so and touch your pinky finger to

your thumb

flexing your wrist you may notice a

muscle in your wrist pop

this is the palmaris longus now you can


observe this with the bunched finger

dust where you do the same

except bunch all your fingers together

and flex your wrist

to notice this prominent tendon

now if you do not see it well you’re

probably part of the 16

of this population that lacks the muscle

note that the lack of this muscle

doesn’t really have any negative effects

on your wrist movement or grip and even

its removal

doesn’t cause any motility changes so

don’t panic

the example was simply given to


the variation in each of our human


once again so this is the human body

a complex intricate system that has come

into existence

over a period of six million years

with not just the basic elements that

are a part of each of us

but everything else that makes us unique

i hope that you have observed and

absorbed the elaborateness of our human


and everything it does to keep us alive

though easy to take these processes for

granted i hope that you can remember

this hard work and always appreciate

your body and its consistency

in being your residence your constant

in a world that is far too transient

one may look at our body as merely a


that we abide in but this is being so


to all of these complex mechanisms and

functions that are taking place

to do simple tasks like lifting your arm


or thinking a thought so your body is

not just a structure

or edifice like a house but in fact

it is your home your place that feels

good and comfortable

a place that makes that protects you a

place that

makes you feel like you can rely on it

for the safety and security of

yourself unlike a house that is just a

scaffolding of

four walls and a roof your home is made

up of

everything else inside it from the


to the furnishing likewise

our human bodies are made up of billions

of cells

muscles tissues organs that are all

working together to keep

you alive and make you who you are so

take care of it

for it is the one place you can always

return to

as it is your home within the skin

thank you