KPop Idols are Human Too


like most 15 year olds i am a kpop fan

kpop has been a huge part of my life

i’ve been to two concerts have purchased

a lot of merchandise and albums and have

dedicated days to just watching videos

of them online

why am i willing to dedicate myself to

be fans of these

unknown figures why do i like them so


well they inspire me they bring me


witnessing them go through the various

hardships that comes with being a part

of the kpop industry

them giving their 100 in all that they

do and always pushing themselves to be


has reminded me that dreams do come true

even if it seems a little out of your

reach even if the journey there is tough

it has motivated me through some of my

dark times and as a fan their constant

gratitude towards our support makes us


appreciated comforted

they work hard for their fans in order

to pay back all the love that we show


their dedication to their craft and

appreciation for their fans is just

something that i admire about them

and as public figures they are role

models to those who are struggling

whether they are struggling to reach

their goal or if they just have a lot on

their plate at the moment

they remind us all that we need to

remember our why

the reason we started on our journey to

push ourselves to go further

and to never forget the people who got

us to where we are

but what happens when this admiration

turns into

obsession sassing fans

obsessive fans who stalk all engage in

creepy criminal-like activities that is

an invasion of privacy

these kinds of overly enthusiastic fans

would do anything

just to get their idols attention i’ve

had stories and have witness fans

calling idols in the middle of their

live stream following them to their


mobbing them in the middle of the

airport not even giving them the space

to walk

these fans will do anything to obtain

personal information about the idols be

their phone numbers home address family

details or

their daily schedules these actions


make the idol feel very uncomfortable

and if the idol comes too close into

contact with such a fan

they can be put into a dangerous


nyon from popular girl group twice once

had an obsessive german fan who would

send gifts and letters to the group’s


and once got on the same flight as sir

he approached her and threatened to kill

her when she

just tried to get away from him scary


as public figures they do have the right

to privacy and personal space

such behavior from the public people who

call themselves fans

is honestly terrifying

is being a fan of and i don’t mean that

we can ignore their right to privacy and

personal space

loving your idols does not give you a

free pass to stock public figures

we as fans need to remember that there

is a line that we cannot cross

that we need to respect our idols

nowadays it’s kind of a norm for k-pop

idols to have that slim

thin media perfect body type but what

happens when you deviate from this norm

wendy from girl group red velvet in 2015

experienced a more notable weight gain

but it wasn’t that bad she just looked a

little more chubby than usual

she looked like any regular healthy girl

you would see on the street

yet she was heavily criticized mocked

shamed and caught fed by the public just

for being a little chubby

now wendy as a public figure obviously

heard these comments and

she wanted to try to win back their

favor so she went on an extreme diet

a blended cabbage and apple for

breakfast and pumpkin juice for lunch

nothing else for a full day worth of


now she successfully lost weight of

course given that intense diet

but the public wasn’t satisfied they

continued to hoard her with hurtful


calling her ugly scary for looking so


who are the ones who drove her to this

point in the first place

who were the ones who made us go on such

an extreme unhealthy diet

risking her health just to look good in

front of the camera

wendy’s story is just one out of many

out there

even if it doesn’t pertain to the idol’s


our comments and responses to our idols

action essentially

end up dictating the way they live we

expect them to live up to our

unrealistic expectations

and when they don’t we criticize them

we hate on them we send them hurtful

comments just because they didn’t live

up to our standards

this kind of toxic culture and mentality

is very harmful to the idols mental


because they feel the need to listen to

us they feel the need to satisfy

us and our insatiable desires

and this isn’t right this being a fan of

and i don’t mean that we own their lives

that we get to dictate how they live

does being a fan of and i don’t mean

that we can ignore all rules and


invade their personal space invade their

personal privacy as if it meant

nothing to them

well obviously no this issue definitely

isn’t unique to kpop but it is in a way


severe one of the reasons is because of

the different values in korean society

as compared to western society

korean society places a lot of pressure

on these idols

treating them as objects rather than


fans expect idols to replicate their

extensive investment of time and money

through displays of devotion to the

point where idols can’t even date

because this seems to take their

attention away from their fans

mental health is still a taboo subject

in korea despite the slow change that we

are seeing

kpop idols are desensitized from opening

up about their mental health or their

struggles like we would do

and this makes it harder for them to get

the help and support that they

need instead they are expected to meet

this extremely high moral standard just

so kpop can have this safe and wholesome


and for the sake of their careers they

have no choice but to comply to these

unreasonable demands public figures are

supposed to be positive influencers


but is that really the case we see now

companies train idols to be the perfect

performer with the perfect personality

that is marketable to the public

but the public’s expectation that these

idols have to be perfect

pushes them to do bad things in order to

cope with the demands

the public wanted wendy to have the

perfect body and this drove her to

unhealthy eating habits

this is not the example we want to set

for our youth today

we can’t expect these public figures to

be the perfect role models while

simultaneously pushing them towards

these unhealthy habits because they are

trying to cope up with the expectations

that we are setting upon them

if i have to be frank i’m really tired

of this toxic k-pop culture

where fans treat their idols like robots

and not humans

where idols are being blatantly

disrespected and overworked where the

idols feelings are ignored despite all

the hurt they experienced

because of comments people hiding behind

the screen ascending

there are idols who have lost their

lives as a result of this

former effects member surly took her

life at age 25 in

october 2019 she had to constantly deal


malicious hate speech from netizens who

bashed her just because she expressed

views that defied

korea’s social norms and tender ideals

shiny member jonghyun took his life at

age 27 in december 2017

after a long battle with depression and

suicidal thoughts

he felt like he was going up against the

world when he was just a

artist trying to perform trying to live

his dream

yes when these idols signed up for the

jobs they knew what they were getting

themselves into

they knew about the stress and hardships

that will come with being an idol but

that doesn’t make this kind of situation


if we see these public figures as

positive influences

and role models we should amplify those

positive qualities other than

contributing to the negativity the harsh

treatment standard judgment and

expectations we have for these idols

should not

exist in the first place

at the end of the day all of us are


these idols they’re humans so we should

treat them as such

thank you