How AI Saves Humanity Thousand Years of Work


artificial intelligence

this term has been buzzwords these days


but what’s on your mind when you heard

about this term digital intelligence

for me it’s going to be like a super

highly intelligent

machine like wally

what is a what form of the robot that’s

very smart

funny and also likes robot so i really

like alienware right

and if we are on the same generation our

childhood might be accompanied by

this robot it’s a highly super

intelligent robot

robotic cat from the future doraemon yup

you heard the rhyme

if you think about it it’s actually

super intelligent

robotics because it can

solve any kind of problems it can

communicate with the humans very well

it also has feelings so

it’s one of the form that’s a super

intelligent robot right

so to be honest when i was a childhood i


i dream of having a door i want by my

side yeah

and another thing about ai could be


it’s the ai that helps tony stark build

iron man right it also manages house

and another ai is also maybe if you


from another science fiction it’s like

terminator the human killing machines

a network that they try uh try to kill

the whole humanities

is this kind of so what are the same

things between all of these robots

all of them are highly intelligent ai

right they have specific feelings

they are general uh overall they are

very smart

but what about our current state of ai

in the world

if i quote from john kuhn he’s a

facebook ai director

and he’s one of the uh one of from the


publishers of the deep learning the

godfather of deep learning together with

joseo bengio

and joffrey hinson he said that we’re

very far from building truly intelligent


and in fact these experts say that our

current ai

is not even as smart as a rat yup you

heard it right

not even a smart ass thread because the

current ai can only do very specific


let me give you one example right so

imagine that we already have a tons

of data of pictures right so here i have

pictures that label as airplane

automobile bird cat etc and i wanted to

build a neural network model

so it is one form of of ai

i wanted to build an image

classification so i trained this model

basically to understand what kind of

picture is it

right so from all of this model i fit

into this neural network

and i get a model trained and if i give

a new picture

to this neural network model it will try

to classify

what kind of picture it is okay it

predicts tracks

perfect right but what if i give it

another picture

a handwritten image picture can it still

detect what kind of vector is this no


we train this model using a truck data

card data

births etc but not a handwritten image

so this neural network cannot predict

something that they are not trained with


so back again our current

eyes can only do very specific thing

very specific thing that’s first

and it’s only as good as what kind of

data you fit it into

but given of this specifics ai actually

has saved us

a lot of time what i mean by a lot it’s

really actually a lot

even if i have to accumulate it’s like a

thousand years

i’m not excited let me tell you in uh

after a bit yep this

receives it saves us time a lot

okay let’s take a look back at this

image classification model right

uh what about this classification model

uh now i try to train a toddler i would

like to

train him or her uh basically to

classify what kind of image is this

imagine how long that you uh you will

take to train this toddler

to basically to classify whether this is

a airplane automobile

car trucks could it take weeks

maybe depends on the age right could it

take months

could be or maybe even years but the ai

can train them in just a very snap just


very instantly let me give one one

another example

so another example of ai is this one

a machine learning model called alphago

it was built by deepmind

in 2016 and in 2016

this ai able to beat the human world

champion of go

lizido and are you curious how he can

train to beat the

human world champion basically it learns

about a hundred thousand human games of


amazing right and so if we have

if the one average of the human game of


is played uh maybe 90 minutes 90 minutes

to what two hours

so it’s about 22 years worth of

experience of playing go

can you imagine in 22 years i’m able to

complete my

elementary high school elementary school

i go to junior high school

senior high school i complete my

bachelor degree

i even able to complete my master’s

degree in that time

and yes so uh but

imagine can you guess how long does it

take for this

ai to trend these 22 years

in just three weeks it’s amazing right

the 22 years worth of experience of

playing go

can be learned by this ai just in three

weeks imagine that

uh so it’s until it able to uh

it’s able to be the human world champion

amazing right

let me give you one another example an

example that also built by this deepmind

is open ai5 it tried to learn dota 2

about 10 000 years of experience just in

10 months

and it has been tested that this open i5

it has a winning rate about 99.4 percent

against the professional player of dota

it’s so amazing though this is the thing

that ai can

really be have a superhuman performance

if they are given a very specific task

if they’re given a very good amount of


okay but ai is actually not just playing


it’s actually everywhere around us even

in your pocket

me give an example instagram our daily

apps it’s newspapers

actually tailored to the preferences how

can how

how does it do that right because

it knows what kind of pictures that you

like it knows what kind of post that you

commented on

it knows how long do you stare at this

kind of picture

oh yes it knows how long you start at

one picture if you look

into that puppy picture for one minute

it knows if you look into it

watch this video about uh a cat get

swimming or maybe

poppy swimming it knows how long that

you stare at this video

so all of these are tailored they built

an ai

basically to make you more engaged into

this app right

so it’s it’s amazing that’s making you

more engaged on this app

so have you if you if you’re like me

have you ever felt that you just plan to

scroll instagram before you sleep

initially you try to uh just scrolling

for like 15 minutes

and then turns out it’s been hours and

sometimes maybe

it’s already morning and then did you

just scrolling for instagram

right so you’re not even aware that

you have been that engaged to this app

because their ai has

makes you uh really engaged with

your feed because it’s been tailored to

your preferences

but not just instagram let me give give

you one another example

from one of the right healing app from a


from a country is going so in 2010

when when project first launched it’s

very manual right

when there is a customer need to order a


they have to call the customer agent

right hey

i need uh i need someone to pick me up

at that’s a certain location

okay and then the customer agents reply

and say okay let me

allocate one of the driver for you and


then the the driver can come to you pick

you up

and done and in 2016 actually

change uh they launched the first mobile

app right

so at that time they changed from the

human agent

into a more automated and nx

they’re using ai to allocate drivers to


so imagine how how much time do they

save even this

let’s say there are millions of bookings

every day and for each booking

it’s handled about 20 to 30 minutes by a

human agent

right and so if you in total it takes

every day takes like 50 years if there’s

only one person who manages all of the


yeah so imagine that there’s a team of

50 agents it’s going to take them

the whole year just to allocate the

booking on that day

you’re getting it see so ai has saved us

50 years every day so imagine this it


lasts for 20 days it’s been thousand

years it’s amazing right

another one example is uh they use ai

to make the platform safe for everyone

so they use the data basically to

look into the human behavior one of the

examples is

the human movement so you collect from

the gps data points

there’s about billions of data points

every day right

so let me give you an example does it

make sense if

one day there is a user in command and

then on the next minute

suddenly it jumped to anchor just in one

minute they jump about 20 kilometers


it doesn’t make sense right uh

definitely it’s not

uh honest it’s not an honest user uh

they may be trying to try

to uh scam or they’re trying to do bad

things to

uh or the users on the platform and

so here we have to tackle all of these

kind of things right

but imagine that this kind of data

points have to be eyeballed by

human validator one by one can you

imagine how many years will it take

right and with an ai it actually saves

us about

19 years every day to protect millions

of users

it’s amazing right so if you combine it


how ai has allocated drivers

it saved about 70 years one day for one

single day

so it’s amazing right i i actually saved


uh more times than you can ever imagine

actually and

and not just saving time it’s also saved


so recently there is a news from mit


they tried to collect about 70 000 of

audio recordings

these every audio recordings have the

audio of people caffeine yeah

your hair correctly so caffeine so from

the 70 000 recordings

actually there was about 200 thousands


caffeine sampled audio from this data

they tried to

create an ai that is able to predict

whether someone

is uh coffee positive or not

and guess what their ai is even able to

predict what 98.5

whether someone has coveted or not just

by the cough ideology

it’s amazing right so imagine that

including asymptomatic

so it’s not just a symptom as a guy that

already has shown symptoms but also this


people so imagine that this kind of ai

has been implemented in your device

imagine how uh it can detect the covet

this earlier than than we possibly think


so if if someone can be detected much

earlier they can be

make a self-isolation hence uh they

don’t need

they can prevent to spread the disease


more wider so it’s pretty amazing

another example is the heart attack uh

detection so one company

in copenhagen called corti they analyzed

about 161 thousand

of emergency calls so those are the

audio the call to the ambulance hey i’m

actually for ambulance

and based on that call they’re able to

create an ai

and reduce about 42 percent of

undetected out of hospital

cardiac arrest it’s so amazing right it

already saved thousands of lives

but given all of the achievement by ai

so what do you think that we should

really be aware of do you think that we

still need to worry about the human

killing machines

that still in our image that’s actually

it’s on in our imaginary

no if i can tell you one thing it should

be something like this

yep uh you look it correctly it’s a

social media news feed

like what i said before on instagram

social media our social media nisbet

is actually telling your preference no

matter what

if it’s a fun things like you like

puppies or not okay so maybe your


filled with puppies i like to scuba dive

so my newsfeed will be filled with

scuba diving pictures so it’s it’s

pretty awesome

but imagine that that is something

sensitive like

politics or something else

it’s quite more sensitive and

if i look into the research in 2014 by

peer research center

we are actually today we are more

divided than ever than what happened in

the past

so this look let’s take a look at this

chart right

uh in 2014 there is a graph about the

uh they surveyed about the democrats

supporters and also republican


and somehow compared to the 10 years ago

or 20 20 years ago

it’s become more polarized so

we’re more polarized on this kind of

views because

someone who supports democrat on their

newsfeed will be

they will see many things about the


and vice versa and another survey told

us that

these people uh these supporters in


uh many more people that think badly

about people that support republican

and and vice versa as well can you

imagine that

if uh if you do you remember that what

happens in

indonesia political situation a couple

of uh a couple of months couple of years


it’s quite similar isn’t it if you even

imagine that

someone who supports candidate a they

think very badly about

people who support candidate b and vice


so let me ask you one thing

who whoever watched this that

has left the our chat group

of families or long friends because have

a different views of this

right can you imagine so actually where


is way more polarized than ever we’re

divided more than ever

because because of our social media is

territory our preferences

if i support candidate a my newspaper

will be filled with

news from candidate a and i will think

that all supports from negative b is

very bad they’re wrong right and vice


that makes us uh more divided

and so my message to you is

if you look into your news feed in our

social media or in

any news you might want to want to think

or want to double check

hey is this correct does it does it

makes sense

so uh you cannot think that

your site is the one that is true you

have to think that

you could be wrong right or maybe the

other side couldn’t be right

or vice versa so this kind of things

that uh

hopefully you can be more open-minded

that everything that you see in your

social media

is actually tailored by ai according to

your preferences

so please be careful please be


about whatever you see on the social

media and

there is one thing that ai still don’t

have we just miss them

lastly if i have to quote from stephen

hawking he said that

we all have potential to boost our

boundaries through technology

and to think big even we are now at a

very exciting times and place

because we see all of this kind of power


and actually our generation are the

future are the pioneers of that

technologies like what i mentioned

before the neural network

uh the system to detect uh

heart attack is them to predict a covet

everything is

a system that is able to

beat the human world champion it’s all

made in our generation

it’s so exciting right but there’s one

thing if we see

our future our features actually are

raised between the growing power of this


and the wisdom with which we use it

let us all hope that the wisdom wins in

this race

thank you very much