Kids Revealing Joy

Transcriber: Maurício Kakuei Tanaka
Reviewer: Carol Wang

Pierce Kruse: Hi, my name
is Pierce Kruse, from TEDxWrigleyville.

Today I’ll be interviewing
some of my favorite kids

about what got them through the pandemic

to keep them occupied.

Kids can look into happy spaces
when there’s darkness.

So some of my favorite kids will tell me

what they did over the pandemic
to make sure that they’re occupied.

Let’s get started.

You seem like a really happy person.

So you have to have something
that got you through the pandemic.

Amelia: Something that got me
through the pandemic was reading.

Amara: Well, I’ve learned
how to do cartwheels.

PK: Why did you want to learn
how to do cartwheels?

Amara: Look like fun.

PK: What got you through the pandemic?

Timothy: I play the cello a lot.

Simone: Yes, so I made it
on this one in school.

So it’s basically a self-portrait of me,

but, like, with the kind
of everything I love

on top of my head.

So it was like a flower donut,

pencil heart,

peace sign, my puppy,

a paintbrush, trees, sushi, and the fairy.

PK: Sophia, what got you
through the pandemic?

Sophia: Well, I had a lot of creativity.

I did music, I had art,
and I had my jewelry-making kit.

Amelia: Kids are watching us.

They’re influenced
by the people they look up to,

but it makes us want to live right
and be right and do right.

PK: Can you do
a little puppet show for us?

Sienna: Yes! Do you know
what will make my day?

An ice cream cone.

(Timothy plays the cello)

PK: Taekwondo? That’s really cool.
Can you demonstrate?

Instructor: Yes.

(Rosie shouts)

PK: Oh my god, you are so cute!

And I have it under great authority
that you meet me, Caspian.

Is that right, Caspian?

Yes, you’re very cute.

So what got you through the pandemic?

Cole: I did chess.

Sophia: These two right here
are the earrings,

and this is a necklace
because it’s the whole set.

And this is a ring.

(Timothy plays the cello)

PK: That was amazing, mind-blowing.

Well, Amelia, I was
really inspired by that.

Thanks for coming.

How does this knight move?

Cole: The knight?

The knight can jump
through people like this.

Jump, jump.

PK: I’m just going to stand back here,

six feet away, you know,
because of Cobin,

not because I’m afraid you’re going
to beat me up or anything like that.

(Rosie laughs)

(Sienna cackles)

PK: So Caspian, what did you learn
during the pandemic?

Look, he’s going to crawl.

He learned to crawl, everyone.

Cole: Now, shall we play the game?

PK: Well, there you have it.

In the darkest of times, kids found light.

Hope you have a chance
to be like a kid today.