Imagination will take you everywhere


very very happy very very honored to be

here with you really

uh it’s been a dream come true for me

it’s been a long time coming

i’ve wanted to come to egypt forever for

a long long time

and here i am and i wanted to speak

on an african stage for three years

so i’m in egypt and speaking on an

african stage

so dreams do come true

okay so as

as many of you know we’ve been living in

a very different world

in a post-covied world everything

has been different um

traveling has been different

uh okay okay uh can you hear me better


okay i’m sorry so i was saying we we’ve

been living in a different world

with kovin 19 and quarantine traveling

has been different

uh you need to do a covet testing to be

able to travel

relationships have been different uh

there’s social

distancing and working has been


i personally have been working from home

since february

so homeworking so the world is really

really different since

kobe 19 and one of the things i decided

at the beginning of

of the kobe 19 outbreak is that it was

going to be something positive for me

i made that decision and i decided in my

mind that this is going to be good for


and i remember what einstein said in the

middle of difficulty

there’s an opportunity there’s an

opportunity in every situation

so i decided that during the quarantine

i was going to read

i was going to learn and i was going to


a better version of myself and that’s

what i did

i did a lot of reading i did a lot of


and i worked on myself and

i love philosophy and i love psychology

i don’t have a degree in those areas but

i’m very interesting i’m someone very


i love to learn my philosophy is trying

to learn something every day

and this is what elon eleanor roosevelt


try to learn something every day to be

better every day

and one of the things i stumbled upon

was something that einstein said

okay einstein said logic

will take you from a to b

but imagination will take you everywhere

and i said wow this is awesome

i know nothing about science so i was

never very

interested in einstein but once i read

that i’d said

you know what try to learn more so i

i started to study einstein’s life and

what he said

not about science because i already said

i know nothing about science but

what was einstein’s philosophy about

life about dreaming about imagination

about relationships with people

and i discovered very very interesting


and there are three things that i came

to share with you

who wants to know what i learned from

anton the three things raise your hand

if you don’t raise your hand i’m not

going to tell you so i see a couple of

hands more hands

more more okay

so the first thing the first thing i

learned from

from einstein is that imagination

is more important than knowledge

i said wow more important than knowledge

more important than a high school


more important than an mba more

important than a phd

and he said yes i was

wow from einstein einstein

all of you know that einstein was the

genius of the century

he is considered and rightfully so as

one of the most

brilliant mind to have ever lived in the

history of humanity

so for einstein to say that it was very

very profound

so the second thing einstein shared with

me he said

imagination is everything

it is the preview to life’s coming


in other words your imagination is

an anticipation of what is going to come

in your future in other words


rules the world and i started to think

about that and i said

and i think about the wright brothers

they were in ohio they had

a bicycle store and they were talking to

each other like brothers do and they

and they were saying bro it would be

very interesting

if we could go from point a to point b

but flying like birds and the other one

said you know what bro

that’s a great idea and there were two

bicycle owners they sold

bicycles and they invented the first

airplane with an engine the wright


knew nothing about science but they

created what we know now as the aviation

industry that’s the power of imagination

and i was thinking also about the two


the lumiere brothers left they were in


also talking to each other and saying

you know what bro

it would be very interesting if we could

capture a moment in time a moment in


and be able to show it to our kids our


and they were the pioneers of the

photography industry

and they also said it was funny if we

could make

pictures who move what we call now


they were the first ones to do the first


in france in 1990 and 1895.

i know some of you are looking at me did

they post the video on facebook there

were no facebook in 1995.

so they didn’t post it um so

that’s the power of imagination so and

i’m sure

as sure as i am here today in front of

you and i could see your faces

i’m sure that the wright brothers and

the lumiere brothers

were called crazy those guys are crazy

it’s impossible to fly

on a machine like a bird it’s impossible

it has

never been done and i am sure that the

lumia brothers

were also called crazy what do you mean

a motion

picture what do you mean doing pictures

doing videos

it doesn’t exist but they still

do it they still did it that’s the power

of imagination

imagination can do everything and i’m so


that someone like steve jobs said that

only crazy people

can realize their dreams only someone

crazy enough

to think they can do something that

could change the world

can actually do it someone crazy

who say you know what it doesn’t exist

but let’s create that and nelson mandela


it is always impossible

until one person does it until one


believes that it’s possible

to do it so that’s the power

of imagination

that’s the power of imagination yes you

can clap yes you can clap

the third thing the third thing einstein

shared with me he said bruno

the person with a big dream or


is more powerful than the person

with all the facts all the knowledge

all the training all the information

as i said right now i gave you a couple

of examples people had imagination

and some of them had no degrees but they

changed the world

so that’s the power of imagination and

i’m i’m thinking about someone

like walter disney walt disney

is someone that i admire very very much

i have studied his life and it’s and

he’s someone who

inspired me in a profound way

and he said all

our dreams are possible if we have the

courage to pursue them the courage

not the knowledge not the degree

not the training if you have courage

you can accomplish amazing

things in your life and and i love what

for example someone

like osho also said courage

is taking a risk it’s risking the


in order for you to have a great future

you have to take a risk

you have to do something that makes you


in order for you to have a great future

it’s not going to be easy

it’s like if you want to have a great


muscles lose weight you’re going to have

to train

and you’re going to have to diet there’s

no miracle

pills there’s no miracle solutions do

you agree with me

yes i think i think you do

so so courage becomes something very

very important

and and i love what someone like dr

jordan peterson said he said

it’s delaying gratification

and bargaining with the future in other

words you’re going to do something now

that is painful

something now maybe that you don’t like

but tomorrow you’re going to have

something great

so that’s that’s how it works okay

success works like that yeah

you have to you have to suffer a little


okay and i’m sure that some of you are


okay bruno all of that dream stuff

it’s very very great the lumia brothers

yeah they did something extraordinary

it’s true

the lumia brothers they did something

extraordinary that’s true

but me you know i’m a little person you

know i can’t do that

no you’re not a little person you’re

like them and and you have the question

how can i do that bruno how can i

manifest my dream

how can i make this dream come true in

my life

and i’m glad you have the question

because me personally

i had the same question many years ago

i had the exact same question

the exact same one and

here’s here’s the answer mark twain said

the success success in life

this this is how it worked you have to

get started

if you want to be successful in life you


to get started that’s the secret

mark twain shared with me in order for

you to be successful in life

just start maybe you don’t have all the

information you don’t have

all the knowledge but you have to start

to do something you will never have

everything you will never have all the

diplomas you will never have all the

money to start your business your idea

you will never know everything have

friends helping you

people believing you supporting you

sometimes in life you will be the only


believing in you but a lot of people did

great things

starting by one because when you believe

in yourself you are convinced

you are determined people will look at

you and say you know what

i believe in him why because he believes

in himself

if you don’t believe in you i’m not

going to believe in you

i’m not it’s the same thing in life

you have to believe in yourself and

people will say people will be attracted

to you

they will be drawn to you because of

your fate because of your determination

because of your conversation oh this

person is different

these guys he doesn’t speak like

everybody else he has a different


this woman is different she’s really

serious she’s really driven

and people will see that and you and

people will follow you people will

believe in you

and that’s how people make great things


in order yes yes

yes and i know now you have the question

you have the other question and i had

that question okay


now i understand that but how do i get

started the secret

in life is to get started but how do i

get started

i’m glad you asked the question because

walt disney i told you

who was one of my my mentors a model i


he said the secret the secret in life if

you want to get started

you have to quit talking

and begin going in other words

you have to stop talking and start


that’s the secret to success that walt

disney shared

and i’m going to say it again stop


and start working

yeah that’s that’s how it works

that that is exactly how it works and i


uh as i as i come close to the closing

and i want to really all of you i’m

looking at all of you here and many

many people i’m so happy to see all of

you here

and i want to really encourage you

to find your purpose

to find your passion and to pursue it

relentlessly passionately and loudly

be persistent

and win angela bassett was

absolutely right when she said that

and i have many many mentors and one of

my mentors called

augmentino said many years ago

i will persist until

i succeed i will persist

until i succeed i made that my


i never give up i’m a pit bull i

never never never never give up

like winston chuntel said never give up


and if you have a dream don’t let

anybody steal your dream

don’t let anybody don’t let anybody tell

you it’s impossible

it’s not going to work you’re too young

you’re too old you’re women you’re this

your child no no no no no

you tell them no don’t steal my dream

all things are possible if what if you

believe it’s you you have to believe


uh the the wonderful poetess maya


she said nothing happens

in life unless what you do

you it’s you it’s you

nothing happens in life unless you do

it’s you it’s not anybody else it’s you

one of my favorite philosopher epictetus

he said

your future is determined by what you do

who you it’s you

i mean what can i say it’s you

and i’m going to give you uh a success


who here wants to have a success formula

raise your hand okay i’m going to ask

the question differently

who here wants to be successful raise

your hand okay i have more hands now


okay i’m going to give you my success


okay i’m going to close it’s

power courage

and perseverance okay einstein remember

einstein said the person with the big

dream is powerful

so if you have a dream you’re powerful

you have

courage and you have perseverance

you’re going to be successful thank you

very much thank you very much thank you