Let Your Imagination Fly

the weather is beautiful today

it is lovely outside with the sun

shining the sky is clear

and on the way to school i saw a

beautiful and

richly colored pine tree right now i

have an image displayed in my mind i can

see the scene

i just described hear the birds singing

smell the freshness of the air and feel

the texture

of the wood and this is imagination

good morning everyone my name is yuyu

and today

i’m here to talk about imagination but

before i start

i would like to ask one question on a

scale of 1 to 10

how important is imagination

now if someone were to ask me about this

i would probably ask back

do you mean how important imagination is

to me

or to you to human in general

or to our society for our society

as a whole it is very clearly seen that

imagination is extremely important

without imagination scientists won’t be

able to come up with all those amazing


there won’t be any technological

advancement and there will be

no amazing fiction novels in story

but for each individuals like you and i

the answer might be different i’m pretty

sure many people

here and out there probably consider


as a not so important skill and

may be rated as a one however

imagination is an extremely part of

everyone’s life

and being able to use it can help us in

many many ways

i did some research and found three key

evidence that

imagination is extremely important it

helps you overcome

fear and anxiety it gives you strength

to your brain

and it gives you inspiration for your

work in your life

but before i really get into detail on

those evidence let’s

first identify what is imagination

in psychology imagination is the ability

to generate sensations

that are not physically present so


it is ability to smell see hear

feel and taste without having those

physical sensations

so what are some benefits of these

first let’s start by taking a look at

how imagination

can help you overcome fear and anxiety

according to your research brought down

by the university of colorado

in 2018 imagination is a neurological


that can impact her well-being the same

as reality

so basically when you’re imagining

threats without negative consequences

your brain will be tricked into thinking

that in reality

there’s no negative emotion connected to

the fear you have as well let’s see

let’s take an example

let’s say that you’re afraid of a ghost

a lot of people are afraid of the ghost

they may use imagination to imagine

seeing a ghost and chatting with it


being negatively affected and this

will trick into their brain and will

help them thinking

that ghosts are not the same as

uh the negative emotion they used to

have and when they imagine this multiple


and every time the eddy is positive

it is likely that after a while their

fear of the ghost

will as well disappear another evidence

how imagination can be extremely helpful

is that it can give you inspiration for

your work in your life

so this may be really really hard to


so let’s do an experiment right now

close your eyes and imagine that you’re

on a deserted island there’s only you

and there’s ocean all around you

for as far as you can see in the middle

of the island

there’s a palm tree you walk up to the

palm tree

and what does a palm tree look like now

you may open your eyes

see you automatically visualizes the

look of the palm tree

mainly its size and this shape

maybe even its color and texture


the instructions i give you are not

directing you

to imagining palm tree but your

knowledge have connected your past


with the instruction i give you and this

is how your imagination will work

your imagination can make your brains

brainstorm with a wider perspective in a

more creative way

and will help you make those connections

when you use them in your work in your


so when you’re doing something and

you’re realizing you don’t have more

inspirations and you cannot think of

something creative

for your work in your life it’s actually

not a bad idea

to just let your imagination run wild

let your imagination fly

and sometimes new ideas and connections

will be made

and your problems is solved

but what if we don’t need any

inspiration for your work in your life

and we don’t have any fear or anxiety

is imagination really that helpful well


imagination can help you strengthen your


remember the definition of imagination

the ability to generate sensations

that are not physically present so as

research have shown that each sense is

connected to a different region of our


your imagination can help you to realize


are reality and connected to the regions

of her brain without you actually

physically have to do this

for instance imagining playing piano can


boost your neuronal connections that are

related to the fingers

so as we can see everyone can be

benefited from imagination

but is it possible to be better at


is it possible to be able to achieve

those benefits i mentioned before

by doing something and improving your


and the answer is yes as always

it is always possible to improve and be

better at imagination

and today i really want to talk about

how by practicing imagination

you’re able to cultivating imagination

and be better at imagining things and

the three methods i want to talk about

today are daydreaming

divergent thinking based on an object

and situational imagination

daydreaming it’s easy and fun

all you have to do is to think you

your brain will just take you to

somewhere you know or it would take you

to somewhere you might not

know and it is always a good idea

to just start right now close your eyes

and just think about something you you

do something you may want to go

somewhere you may not want to go and you

don’t have to

direct your brain into some direction

just let it go

the second very very interesting way to

help you practicing imagination

is actually divergent thinking based on

an object

this is a little bit harder than

daydreaming but you can also do this

very easily now i want you to look at


and just pick an object and think about

everything that you can do connected

with it

you can visualize the visuals you can

think about the smell the here all these

sensations that are connected to the


and as you think about this way you’re

actually connecting different regions of

your brain

you’re actually practicing and improving

the brain

that is actually helping you improving


the third way is a little bit hard but

it’s not that hard as well

all you have to do is to think about a

place rather than an

object think about a situation that you

have experience

or a situation you want to experience

for example pick your classroom think

about everything that could happen there

think about your actions and your

reactions think about

all the things that is connected to

classroom and

you don’t have to limit your thoughts

you can picture a dinosaur in your


or you can picture a media shower it

doesn’t really have to be something that

can happen

just let your imagination fly and use

your creativity

to this point our world treasures


our society relies on the imagination of

the scientists

artists authors but this doesn’t mean

those of

us whose life doesn’t revolve around

imagination cannot

learn to train and use imagination

anyone can use imagination to overcome

fear and anxiety

anyone can use imagination to help you

gain new inspirations for your work in

your life

and everyone can use your imagination to

strengthen your brain

after all albert einstein has said

imagination is more important than

knowledge knowledge is limited

imagination encircles the world thank
