I am a female Indian and I advocate for consent


on january 10

2019 asifa obama

an eight-year-old dramatic girl living


after being tranquilized for four days

her body was later found in force on the

17th of january

she died she was eight

and and the reason it was apparently a

strategy to get rid of tribe from the


as they were a minority so what did you


they made it

i’m sorry

two years ago at age 15 i spoke about

being a proud female engineer who stands

for equality

two years later now it’s 17 hopefully a

bit wiser

i continue speaking about controversial

social issues

addressing the sensitive subject of rape

today why

because our 21st century world needs

models for change

the cambridge dictionary defines rape as

follows to force someone to have

sex when they are willing


non-consensual sex is rape i repeat

sex without consent is great

sex against a person’s will

but why does it happen

is it really because she was wearing

something reading

is it really because she was walking

home alone at night

i asked him harder she was probably

drunk right

or maybe flirting with someone being a

little provocative perhaps

no none of these are even the slightest

that causes the reasons for why reef

actually happens

so now i’ll ask you again why does it





the united nations defines

culture as the social environment which


which which allows sexual violence to be


this could be due to existing gender


victim blaming and toxic masculinity

why why should sexually assaulting

someone be normalized

for example in india girls are told how

to dress

to have more trouble so that they’re in


and so that they preserve their own

and what do they normalize predatory


a culture of misogyny aggressiveness

and normalize sexual abuse towards women

is a type of rape culture which exists

in india

rape is a crime it is a form of sexual


it is never the right spot to get raped

it is fistful and yet

many people don’t come forward and

report their case

sometimes the numbers when looking at

rape statistics

are increasing but no not because more

people are necessarily getting raped

but because more people are coming

forward to report their case

there are probably many people in this

world who feel like they cannot

or even worse should not report their


therefore it makes it really hard to


rape statistics as they don’t as they


genuinely represent the number of

victims present in the country

i would also like to take a moment to

talk about the men here

yes the proportion of female rape

victims is much higher than the

proportion of

male reporters but that doesn’t mean

that male rate victims should be


in fact according to the 2.78 million in

the usa are either our victims of either

completed or

attempted rape

it is equally as wrong and as disgusting

regardless of the gender

then again it’s also very hard to

analyze the statistics

as as

then again it is also very hard to

analyze these statistics

as not everybody comes forward and

reports their case

this could be due to social pressures

and disempowered after the incident

the world health organization states

that 35

more than 35 of women

face sexual violence throughout their


however something interesting to look at

here is the correlation between them

and some of some factors which could be

responsible for why circumstances have

more weight cases than others

for instance if somebody has been

educated about consent

then they’re familiar with the fact that

they must receive sexual consent in

order for it to happen

if you want it is unwilling and very


great education about consent is

extremely important

the more it is talked about the more the


the lesser abusive consequences people

will have to face

and even and even if they do the more

likely that they will record it

why because we are trying to create a


which makes that which makes them feel


in regards to talking about this crime

so we’re doing that

we as a society need to need to

support the survivors of rape and

encourage them

to report their crimes to the police


when dealing with someone that has been

sexually assaulted



even though there was no violence that

even if there is no violence in them

see to it that a victim is receiving all

the attention and support required

at your schools and workplaces

make sure there’s a counselor

if not bring it up to your principal or


you can donate to organizations such as

victim support in the united nations

starting the united kingdom

or rape crisis network in ireland

these donations could potentially aid in

the costs

of someone’s rehabilitation

it isn’t easy it never is

it might be extremely hard but is it but

it is a step towards

change and a healing process for the


educate yourself and others around you

about the rape culture

rather than keeping your girls in the

house which seems to be indirectly

punishing them for something that they

haven’t even done

educating your voice about consent would

be a more impactful way

of approaching the problem we as a


need to change the way we approach this


since boys and men are the major

perpetrators of this crime

educate educating them and changing

their aptitudes regarding bodies

sex consent and control

would be a much more effective way in

diminishing or like reducing this danger

as opposed to hiding your

girls away from the danger both genders

need to understand

the importance and the requirement of

caring and respecting one another

when it comes in regards to sexual


i i have been here for about a decade

spent a lot of time in uid and i’ve

picked up many different learner profile


one of them being a risk paper

so today i took my risk

talking about rape is extremely


it is a topic that is just

so negative and is just disregarded in

many households in indian culture

it is a crime that has brought enough

attention to

it is a form of assault that most that

most people get away with without being


which is why i’m talking about it

to be a model for change to educate

educate people about the importance of


it might seem really obvious here but

this is the reality of most women in

developing countries

there is a major issue of consent hence

there needs to be more education about

consent in order to improve those


countries as well i also want to instill

instill in people’s minds that rape is

sex without consent

and lastly to inspire

inspire someone to inspire people to

raise their voice for great victims and

to be someone a person can talk to

a small change is the starting point of

a long-stranded chain that people will

gradually join

for this voices must be raised

i waste mine and now i’m asking you to

raise yours too

if you’re part of the global youth you

have so many

years ahead of you you’re one of the

brightest futures this world has yet to


your voice is power so use that voice

why because let me tell you

no one and when i say nobody nobody on

this planet

regardless of their gender sexuality

nationality or race deserves to be

sexually assaulted

thank you