



and what my bio data didn’t tell you

that in 1972 i tried

to act in two bollywood films

both were super flops so if you give me

the next

10 minutes 15 minutes of your time

we’ll take a look at where our planet is


in the next 10 years

so we are going to take a look at what

our work

thank you very much now very quickly

ladies and gentlemen take a look at this

quiz and answer my questions how many

people in the world have visually 20 50

or 90 percent

quickly quickly quickly including the

poor countries

but uh all right how many children have

been vaccinated against disease 20 50 or

90 percent

very good how many children born after

2011 will reach their 100th birthday

215 or 33 right and worldwide

someone who is a male who’s 30 years

like me

would have would have done 10 years in

school and a woman whose 30 years would

have done three six or nine quickly

all right we did this quiz in devos we

had 15 questions 22 000 of the world’s

biggest leaders

their success rate was 7 we gave this on

a random basis to chimpanzees in the zoo


their success rate was 33 percent yours

is about 5

correct answer is 90 percent people have

electricity 90

have been vaccinated children 33 percent

of one after 2011 will reach their 100th


and a woman would have spent nine years

in school you gave wrong answers because

your information is based on what you

read see and here

beta ham sub those genes or they are

negative and positive

we have killed the positive genes we

only believe in our negative genes if a

newspaper says ambassador deepak porter

is a very nice guy

you’ll say snake who’s the ogi if a


we are prepared to believe the worst the

world is much better than you can


all right here we are now let’s go to

the next slide here’s a very quick look

the first mega trend is demographics are


the window of opportunity comes when a


for people who are between 15 and 64

when you produce more than you consume

the median age in india half the

population below half the population


the median age in india today is 28

years half of india is less than 28

years like you kids and like me

and half is more than 28 like ma’am

sitting over here

in russia the median age is 40 the

window of opportunity has closed in

japan it is 47.

they’ve forgotten how to make babies we

can teach them we have the technology

we may not be a productive society we’re

a reproductive society

western europe is 44 one out of four

europeans is above 60. one out of three

japanese is 61 out of 12 indians is

above 60.

do you see the window of opportunity

when you can produce

much more than you consume so the first

thing we are seeing better

is the youthification of india we are

already the youngest country in the


two-thirds of my population 100 crore

one billion

are in the productive age group

some of you are familiar with the

mahabharata the four pander brothers

fall dead they refuse to answer the

question of the yaksh

and then yudhisthira dharmaputra is

asked what is man’s most

valuable possession he says education

thank you very much for the schools

that you are running man so 10 000 years


we were talking of education when these

guys from the west were running around

in jungles without clothes

that’s what india was 50 000

universities and colleges how many

50 000 today 50 000 from 500 in 1950 we

have 1.5 million schools

and ma’am we have 320 million students

320 million 50.2 percent

are our daughters 50.2 percent are our


first time in human history that we have

so many people

hungry for education best time to be an

educated young person in india you can

scream and shout and complain all you

want the numbers speak for themselves


so who adopts new technologies more

easily young people are old people

and then as the new technologies

coincide with the youngest educated

population in the world


he’s not born who can stop us because

this is a historical trend

no one can change this here’s a lovely


you see the title this book has been

written by an american

diplomat it’s called india our time has


how india is making its place in the

world by the way this book is a


in pakistan

barack obama comes to india thrice twice

as president and once when he was no

longer prayer why does he come

he goes back and tells americans i’ve

seen billions of kids in india in


working to out-educate and out-compete

you he doesn’t come three times because

he has a girlfriend here

he comes because he wants to see the

revolution taking place in india

economic power shifting

we are already the world’s third largest

economy as you know

new world wealth report 2019 says


private wealth ma’am that’s the money

that you have hidden in your locker

india’s private wealth is 8.2 trillion


trillion has 12 zeros how many 12 zeros

and according to the same report

in eight years not my figures ma’am

these are international figures u.n


in eight years the average indian will

have twice as much

private wealth as the average british

citizen or the average german

so now twice as much in india

where are we spending our money this is

last year

number one item looking better wearing

clothes like me and going to

ma’am you can and going to beauty palace

650 000 school villages and towns in


and 15 million beauty parlors

amazing how how much we spend then of

course on

eating better we all i’m sure there’s a

mcdonald’s over here in jaipur isn’t


that’s not eating better that’s eating

rubbish but there’s also a zomato

tomatoes wiki piggy

dominoes everybody’s there we are

spending money traveling better

communicating better

1.6 billion mobile connections for 1.3

billion people

and out of this 1.6 billion

does anybody here like me have a dumb


everybody has a smartphone this is the

challenge that is taking place the


goldman sachs says that india’s success


will be shaped by the 450 million

gen next not millennials gen next born

after 1995

who are now coming of age it’ll be the

most compelling story in the world

ever i haven’t written this goldman


then of course we have these

life-changing technologies climate


engineered intelligence the result of

these changes ma’am

that 15 percent of the world’s


for 200 years they determined the

destiny of the other 85 percent

what is happening to them when these

changes take place number one disease in

the developed world depression

britain even has a ministry of

loneliness they have a minister for


who’s 600 years old a very lonely child

himself but they have him

finally the deloitte survey of

millennial attitudes ma’am is called

deloitte does an annual survey of

millennial attitudes 2019

16 000 kids millennials post millennials

gen zed interviewed in 42 countries

the result from the bottom in terms of

optimism all the developed countries

sweden norway finland france germany all

at the bottom united states

do you know the country number one out

of 42 for optimism

your country india

and these kids were asked what’s your

top priority you kids were asked

a job a house a good wife a good life


they said none of the above our first

priority is to give back to india

what india has given to us

look at what is happening to us

fourth most powerful military in the

world united states number one russia

number two china number three india

number four

our self-confidence ma’am here it is

2015 yoga resolution do you do yoga

i’m sitting in the u.n listening to

people discussing whether we should have

an international day of yoga

one european ambassador says my country

supports this resolution

because india is the spiritual mother of

all mankind

listen to that 177 out of 193 members

co-sponsor the resolution the largest in

the history of the united

nations we don’t need to vote

july 2015 india is the only country

allowed to take people out of yemen

yemen is stuck in civil war

the chinese the british the russians the

americans they all told no

only the indian military will come in we

go out we go in there 20

000 people we bring out from 40

countries six months later i’m in paris

the immigration officer at charles de

gaulle airport looks at me

i’ve studied at the sorbonne says

ambassador of india i said yes he said

you brought so many hundred frenchmen

out of yemen i said buddy if we made a

mistake we’ll take them back

he said no sir i just want to say

something to you thank you

inda thank you india

1969 kids i want to tell you there was

the founding of the international

um the organization of international of

islamic cooperation oic

1969 in morocco we were invited to the

founding conference

but on the morning of the conference we

were told to go home the pakistanis

protested vehemently we were not allowed

we were humiliated

we came back 50 years later at the 50th


of the oic founding they invite a chief


a country called india they call us now

because they recognize our strength they

know who we are

no foreign aid tsunami 2004

we didn’t do this and ask for help

kashmir earthquake kedarnal floods

kerala floods last year

cyclone value bengal floods nobody we

want no one

india will do it itself our growing


no one my dear children is above the law

two former chief ministers in jail so

many god men in jail one actor

who killed a sacred animal of the vishnu


take my word he will serve time in jail

this country is nobody’s

let me show you something sikkim was

devastated by an earthquake in 2011

300 landslides the road was blocked from

siliguri to gangtok

we asked international companies the

austrians are very good in this we said

how long will it take to open the road

they said six weeks prime minister said

we can’t wait six weeks

we asked the border roads part of the

indian army can you do it take a look

they said we’ll call you back ma’am i

know i was making a film there for dude

19 hours later we get a call the road is


19 hours as against six weeks

now what let’s get this picture do you

see this boy can you see him drilling

how he’s perched on a little stone this

is an indian boy working to reopen the

road we lost

nine kids from border roads i went to

one home

i met the woman and i said ma’am i’m

very sorry i’ve come to your house

bringing your child’s body or when your

child is dead

can i do anything for you apart from the

compensation government will give you

sikkim government border roads

i said ma’am i’ll get him a job in one

of the private companies i have lots of

friends i’m special adviser i’ll be able

to help

she turns around and says ebola private



how can anybody fight with a country

where mothers

are ready to sacrifice their children

just one humiliation beta in 1965

we fought a war with pakistan the rains

failed you don’t know what hunger is i


mrs gandhi went to beg for wheat from

the united states

american newspaper prominent newspaper

wrote new indian leader comes

begging that was our humiliation she

came back and she said never again will

be begged for food

this country 66 we did not eat on


one whole year i have slept hungry our

hands were like this begging

this country in 2020 the largest

producer of wheat and rice in the world

your country india do you see the

changes that are coming

we are lifting one indian out of basic

poverty every second

under swachh bharath we built one toilet

for the first time in human history

every two seconds

under pradhan mantri jandanyojna we open

two bank accounts

every second 15 minutes every 15 minutes

we are building one kilometer of highway

and do you know in september last year

what happened a major milestone that

people will talk about 20 years from now

poor and starving india gives a soft

loan of 1 billion dollars to russia

to develop siberia your country your


curse and abuse as much as you want 2014

we made a pledge at the international

solar alliance that within

2015 that within seven years 2022 we’d

produce 20 gigawatts of solar

energy gigawatt has a billion watts we

made this pledge in 2015 we’ll do it in

seven years people laughed that you

can’t do it

we did it in three years four years

ahead of schedule

when we set our minds to do something

you are young indians have faith and


in yourselves to be born indian is a

lottery of birth

somebody once asked a fakie how do i

change the world the fakie replied begin

with yourself

be the change you want to see that

fakie’s name was mohandas karamchand


already someone has quoted me which i

love to say we’re not

indians because we are born or live in

india we are indians beta

because india lives here in our hearts

final thing at the height of the cargill

conflict ma’am 1999

i have a member of my family who sleeps


died for india at the height of the

cargill conflict this

young kid from a village came and said i

went to join the army both his legs were

cut off below the knees and people said

to him you can’t you are handicapped

you know what this kid says ma’am he

says gentlemen

i have come to fight the enemy not run

away from the enemy

so this is india for too long have

others written the destiny of

india now we will write it ourselves do

you promise me that you will write

india’s destiny yourselves do you young


do you promise me it is

when my time comes to leave my body

scattered in the dust

silent i’ll remain when india’s bugle


i will rise again thank you so much

wonderful people

it’s been so nice to talk to you swami

vivekananda said the future india will

be much greater than

ancient india because india is awakening

and all of you who were sleeping should

now wake up

thank you so much god bless you and

thank you ma’am for giving me this


thank you