The pharma wonderkid on a mission to make medicine affordable



uh i will ask you everyone one question

that how many of us have thought to

start a business

i think every one of us so

same like me at my age of 16 i

thought about a great innovative idea

what a real problem i saw in this


that the people were not getting the

affordable medicines

so at that time one as a young kid i i

done a survey research that how can i


affordable and accessible medicines to

each and every

individual so that was a time i had an


but i immediately execute on that so

everyone have a great idea every now and


but the main thing is when you start it

so i believe to start early is the best

thing of your life

that will help you to build a great


throughout your life so i believe youth

have the

ability to do something out of the box


i meet various uh young kid who

who have different ideas in each field

and they try to solve a burning problem

but the main thing they are worried that

how people will think about the idea or

how people will react about the idea so

i believe

that your if your idea is with

you and if you are willing and you have

the self-confidence to execute it

that will be a really wonderful thing

that you are doing on

because in future uh people will judge


with your success and your product not


your starting stage everyone have to do

a hard work

but with hard work your strategical

plans are most

important so i believe that every

one of us should do a hard work and

deep research in his or her industry

before starting a venture

because a startup and the startup


is to solve a burning problem for many


so in my part when i used to travel in

various countries during my school

vacations with my mother

so that was around 14 and 15 of my age

so that time during my vacations i found

out that

the people in other countries apart from

india are really getting medicines

at very affordable rates as compared to

india and when we

refer india as a pharmacy for entire


so i as a young kid thought why our

indian people

are not getting the medicines at

affordable rates

so i done a research and i found out

the medicines in india 90 percent of


are generic but due to the branding and

high promotion of the medicines

the companies are providing medicines to

the individual

at very high price so i thought that how


i have to solve this planning problem

because the pensioners and the senior

citizens was

really facing the hard times to take the

branded medicines so that was a time

when i come out with an innovative idea

so as a youth we should be a hand

holding support for our

uh senior generation because we should

not be a liability we should be our

asset for our

uh senior people in our society so seem

like me i

started the venture and with the great


if we start a venture definitely people

will support you and people will be

there with you

so uh it’s only thing that you have to

think and

we have to uh give the result uh so

you should focus on their dreams uh if

you have the great idea and if you have

the dream

to get that idea done so you can

definitely go with it

uh we as a youth are the future when we

say we are the future of the country and

the economy

so they should we should be motivated we

should not be

uh there uh someone will come or to help

me or

to give me a moral support so people

will come but at the later stage when


first prove yourself so young mind

they have the innovative ideas and i

believe a

should not come between uh in your

innovative ideas the age should not be a


to your innovative ideas if you risk it

it would definitely fruitful by your

hard work

and your strategical plans so these two

things are really important for the


if you think uh out of the box idea

you will get definitely get noticed

because something

uh innovative and out of the box idea

has been noticed by each on

every one of uh everyone out the world

so everyone has a story but how you

narrate and look

to it is a whole next level of our


so everyone have i i believe that a

startup who starts early

will definitely get the fruits in the

future so youth

uh i believe that you can be a game

changer in future

so today also many you that really

working on various

innovative solutions and this innovative

solutions will be

next game changing for the industry in

our case

i started two years back and today uh in

the pharma industry

across india it is a game changer for

the benefit of the common man

across the nation because what we are

doing it’s for the

common man of uh of the country so you

have to think

with business this that it will be a

social cause attached to the business


profit and the money will be there but


first primary thing what i believe is

the social

work what we have to do on uh as a


youth can lead youth can be a leader it

just they should believe

their will so if they have the

self-confidence and the

confidence on themself definitely they


uh get to the new heights in the uh in

their life

so social media ii uh when you

refer the social media and all the

things so today’s generation

is around 70 to 80 on the social media

and uh 30 percent on other activities so

social media is one of the key point

where youth can get the knowledge of the

entire world and the

entire knowledge of the ecosystem but

the main thing

is we have to get the social media

attached to our life

as a positive way because when i say you

should be a

uh uh the capacity and asset for the

country not a liability

so you should get the new knowledge from

reading the books or

uh suffering the social media or the

internet from different industries i i

believe that we should learn uh the

lessons uh from the uh great

entrepreneurs like uh

elon musk jeff bezos uh mr ratan

so likewise if you have to learn the

lessons from the great industrialist and

we have to go ahead in the

in the future yeah so

uh follow the icons follow your dreams


uh follow your dreams to get success in

the life

uh and one i always believe that we

should our indian youth

uh or entire world you should be a

a job creator rather than taking a job

last but not the least because the uh if

the youth is a job creator no

one will be unemployed because

they are the future and they have the

capacity to create the employment

for many people across the world
