Liberal A Badge of Pride

thank you very much

sibm bangaluru for inviting me to talk

to you

at your tedx 2020 talk i’m very

privileged and grateful to be here and

particularly to talk

on a theme which is so very relevant

today winds of change

the sub-topic of my lecture to you today

is why the word liberal should not be a

term of abuse

but should be a badge of pride that’s

because i feel that

liberal freedoms are a catalyst for


liberal freedoms bring the wins of


liberal freedoms are what society moves


with where does the word liberal come


the word liberal comes from the word

liberty india is the land of liberty

the preamble of our constitution says we

the people of india

solemnly resolve to secure for every


liberty liberty of thought

liberty of expression liberty of faith

liberty of belief liberty of worship

india is the land of liberty america too

is the land of liberty you’ve all seen

the statue of liberty

holding aloft the torch

of freedom liberal means

the idea that protects individual


the idea that protects individual


the innovative thinker the innovative


the bold poet the creative painter

the writer who is not afraid the


who goes against popular belief the

teacher who dares to teach what is

against the conventional wisdom

the freedom to say the right thing but

the freedom also

to say the wrong thing the freedom to


and the freedom to fail the freedom

to achieve what you want to achieve and

the freedom to see your ideas dashed

the freedom to be wrong is the most


driver of change what is happening

to individual freedom in today’s world

we have the colonial

section sedition section 124

a which is a colonial era law with a

british raj

used to clamp down on indian freedom


that law is being clamped on students

for raising slogans i submit to you

a student may be right a student may be


but it is the freedom to make mistakes

which is what gives us education

it is the freedom to be wrong which


us forward it is the freedom to say the

right thing but the freedom to also say

the wrong thing

which helps us to achieve what liberty


so clamping sedition on a student

terribly damaging for liberty sedition

is being clamped on writers

sedition is being clamped on thinkers

the freedom to think

is increasingly being questioned the

freedom to think is being

muzzled the freedom to express is being


the freedom to argue is being muzzled

uh thinkers such as narendra dubholkar

the great intellectual of karnataka what

happened to them

their lives were snuffed out

the journalist and colleague my

colleague gauri lankesh

boldly outspoken you could agree with

her you could disagree with her

but what happened to her her life ended

with a gunshot so individual freedoms

today or those who pursue their

individual freedoms

are being severely curtailed individual

liberties are being curtailed and i put

to you

that if you don’t have liberty of

thought and if you don’t have freedom of

expression how can you have

a liberal innovative diverse economy

how can you have an economy of

entrepreneurs if we are stifled by fear

how can you have an economy of

innovation if we are worried

about the state how can we have

an economy which celebrates


boldness if we are worried constantly

about government power who is the


of indian liberalism to me the father of

the indian nation

is also the father of indian liberalism

mahatma gandhi

was perhaps the world’s greatest liberal

mahatma gandhi believed in the power of

the individual

to prevail over her circumstances

personal transformation would lead to

political transformation

gandhi said i look upon the increase in

the power of the state

with the greatest fear because in the

guise of minimizing

exploitation or in an apparent bid to do


the state destroys individuality

which is the catalyst of civilization

for gandhi individuality was the

catalyst of change

the catalyst of growth the catalyst of


yet that individuality is being


those who perceive liberal freedoms to

be important who campaign for liberal

freedoms who are liberal

today are called anti-national they’re

called traitors

they’re called urban knuxels an


law professor honored by harvard law


who has worked all her life in the study

of adivasi communities

today languishes in prison for more than

a year

so individual freedoms those who

pursue individual freedoms are being

called all kinds of names

but i submit to you let’s not call the


names let us instead understand that the

liberal is protecting

that vital catalyst of change which is

individual freedom why is the state

crushing individual freedom

because the indian state started off in

its conception

and its founding as a welfare state in

the neheruvian era the indian state was

supposed to provide the

facilities for individual enterprise and

for individual growth

education health these were the

priorities of the state but today we

find and i submit to you

that the indian state has ceased to be

a welfare state and it is becoming a

police state

enormously powerful laws are being used


clamp down on the individual are you

saying something the government doesn’t


sedition are you holding some kind of


unlawful activities prevention act

are you asking questions the govern

government doesn’t need to be asked

you’ll be in jail are you writing a play

that the government doesn’t like

you’ll be in jail are you drawing a


that some state government doesn’t like

you will be asked to leave your job

are you trying to write a poem that some

government doesn’t like or some

politicians don’t like

you will be persecuted in many ways so

the indian state is refusing to dialogue

with its detractors and with its critics

and i don’t mean the indian state only

of one political

persuasion indian states of all

political persuasions

every political party today is trying to

capture state power

and push partisan ideological agendas

through state power this is where we

need to learn from gandhi

gandhi held very strongly to his beliefs

to his beliefs of vegetarianism to his

belief in

the charcot to his belief in khadi to

his belief

in celibacy to his belief in cow


but gandhi repeatedly emphasized

that we will not use

the power of the state to push

partisan ideological agendas

i may not approve that you are

non-vegetarian i may not approve that

you like to watch certain films

i may not approve of the kind of books

you read or the kind of poetry you write

or the kind of

person you want to marry or the person

you want to fall in love with but i

cannot use state power

to curb your individual liberties

an individual liberty i hasten to add is

not nihilism

or anarchism it is a constitutional


enshrined in our constitution therefore


lawful legal liberty is our right

within the framework of the law within

the framework of the constitution

we have the right to personal liberty

but it is this personal liberty that we

are now enjoined

to protect because it is this personal


which is in deep danger what is

happening to democracy

all over the world democracy is being

taken over by what has been called the

elected authoritarians

in the 1930s it was supposed to be that

democracy’s enemy was

communism in the 1940s

democracy’s enemy was supposed to be

fascism what is democracy’s enemy today

democracy there are leaders who are

coming through the democratic process

who are turning their backs on

democracy’s norms and processes

and erecting a kind of authoritarianism

which democracy is not about democracy

moves to protect the individual

democracy moves to protect the minority


the individual is the

most important minority why does

democracy protect

the individual why does democracy

protect the minority

because today’s minority view could be

tomorrow’s majority view

electoral majorities are not permanent

electoral majorities are temporary

they’re transient what is a majority

opinion today

could be a minority opinion tomorrow

today’s minority opinion

could be tomorrow’s majority opinion


democratic processes the rule of law

protect the minority protect the


and they protect the sanctity of the


it’s very important therefore for us to


these rules of democracy it is very

important for us to understand

that the cult of the strong man is

blinding us

to our own freedoms when we give our

blind adoration to the strong man

when we give our blind obedience to a

strong man leader

when we worship power power in the form

of a superman

batman baahubali mahabali bajarangbali

he will come into a

place and with this power of his


magic he will change everything but when

we give this power to the superman

when we give this power to the dabang

when we give this power to the strong


we surrender our own liberty we

surrender our own

individual freedom and it is this

individual freedom

that is actually going to help us grow

and is going to help us grow our economy

and grow our society

but if we surrender this individual

freedom to the quest for power of

somebody else

to the quest of a cult of personality to

the quest for

a personality cult of a strong man that

we take away that vital

resource that is necessary

to move society forward and it is these

elected authoritarians at every level

that i believe are crushing individual


today look at the power of the


for example the uh south korean film

parasite as you know has just won

the academy award for best picture now

we must ask the question

why has an indian film never won for

best picture when we have such a long

developed film industry

after we asked that question we also

have to ask the question

why are we the only democracy where the

central board of film certification

is manned by political appointees

does this happen in any other democracy

is any other democracy

giving the power to politicians to

censor movies

where political appointees will decide

what is a cuss word and what is the

right word and what is the wrong word

when an industry is subject to this kind

of control

how can it shatter the boundaries that

will lead us to excellence

when an industry is subject to this kind

of censorship

how can it achieve the levels of

creativity that will meet international


the british board of film classification

is made up of industry

professionals who classify films the


american motion picture association

again an industry body

which is made up of people who simply

classify films it is only in india

that the central board of film


is manned by politicians let us push

back the power of the politician

and let us push back the power of the

state and let us allow individual


to take greater control of our society i

believe that is

a catalyst for change why should we have

an anomaly like something called the

ministry of information and broadcasting

should a mature democracy have a


of information india is a country with

the largest number of internet shutdowns

in 2018 67 percent of the world’s

internet shutdowns were in india

since 2014 37 percent

uh of the world’s uh sorry the internet

has been shut down 37 times

internet shutdowns censorship banning


which was the first country to ban

salman rushdie’s the satanic verses

india which was a country to exile

its most foremost painter mf hussein

india which was a film that has the

the country that has the worst record in

banning films and banning books

why can’t we see the bbc documentary

india’s daughter on the nirbhaya rape


in india it’s banned why can’t we read

javier morrow’s the red

sari in india that’s banned why can’t we

read the great soul by joseph leliweld

on mahatma gandhi

it’s banned why can’t people in gujarat

see the film fana

that’s banned how many bands how many

sensors how many times is our individual


going to be curtailed by the state

and by so-called politicians who believe

that they are the arbiters

of what is acceptable and what is not

acceptable i submit to you

that this is a time we need to

appreciate what liberty is

and we need to appreciate what our own

individual liberty is

now i’m not making a case for zealous


i’m not making a case for abolishing the

government i’m not about making a case


waging a a argument against the

existence of the state completely

i believe governments can be smart

governments in delhi

i must say that the party government

there has a

localized model of service delivery

which is working for the people

this was again the gandhian vision that

when you have

a localized government structure which

delivers services to the people

this is the best government the best

government is local government

the best government is where you can

demand services

from your elected representatives the

best government

is where citizen rules and where

citizens rights

are paramount but when you have a vastly


centralized government

you then have an oppression of the


so i submit to you that let’s be


let’s embrace liberty let’s embrace


pursuit of individual freedom and let’s

make the most of liberty

to create change in society because when

we have liberty for ourselves

we have the liberty to change society

and to make society better

where did the great american tech

companies grow

did they grow in washington or did

facebook and twitter and

amazon take life in california far away

from government power far away from the


of political power it is in california

known for free speech known for

innovativeness that you

had the rise of the great

entrepreneurial innovator so let us


individual liberty for ourselves and for

society as a whole

and enhance liberty in society

to become catalysts and agents of change

because liberty is good for me

it’s good for you and it’s a vital need

at the moment